To mix sounds using OpenAl - iphone

Anybody have any idea about how to mix sounds in iphone.We can use OpenAl that i know but need some sample application or code which would be easier for me to understand this concept As i have seen some apples demo application which uses openGl along with openAl and is too confusing for me to understand this as i am new to this openGl environment
Thanks All in advance.

I would suggest you visit here
and download the guide. There are plenty of code snippets in the guide that can help you build the code base that you need. Works on the iPhone too, I built a mixer once myself :)
Good luck!


Framework/Component for iOS

I would like create a plug and play component.(i.e)I like to create a small component/Framework which can be used in many iPhone apps.For example GPS location tracking ,Chat functionalities like that.Each and everyone should be separate component which can be integrated with any apps.
Can anyone guide me with things to be done for achieve this.Any tutorials or links.
check out below link
help guide to create lib
question help
Shyam Parmar
This can also maybe help:

Need a Sound Engine or Audio Engine for iOS

I want to play multiple tracks simuntanusly and mix them. Apply effects like flange, reverb, chorus any one know a sound engine working on iphone?
Take a look at The Amazing Audio Engine:
Check out Superpowered. Looks pretty powerful.
Have you heard about fmod?
Take a look at this website
Hope it helps.
OpenAL is pretty powerful. It can take multiple sources (upto 32 i believe) and play them at the same time. Check this link out. Hope it helps.
BASS audio library also has an iOS version with a shareware license that costs 125€.
Also there is this very nice cross platform Audio API for iOS and Android called Cricket Audio. You can refer to it from the below link:
Cricket Audio API for Games and Other apps
Hope this helps you.
You might also want to take a look at Novocaine, which is really straightforward to use. provide a nice framework that helps a lot while working with audio.
I'm using something like Cocos2D Simple Audio Engine:SoundMaster engine.
But it has better memory management, cross-fade effects and other features.

OpenGL Library 3dXML

Looking for a starting point on importing and displaying a 3DXML model on the iPad. Pretty sure that OpenGL is the way to go, but not seeing any ports that are able to read 3DXML models.
Does anyone have a starting point on this? (Have been looking at GLC_lib, but not seeing an objective C port)
Thanks in advance!
if it's an app you want, I recommend 3DVia Mobile

How to set audio Gain using fraunhofer decoder on iphone

I am new to iphone and currently struck.
Could anyone tell me as how to set the Gain of a audio buffer by using the fraunhofer decoder.
Thanks in advance.
Although is a popular place for such questions, I think something this specific is best asked on the official Cocos2D-iPhone forums.

iPhone game GUI

I think some of you have seen the "cartoon wars" game. does anybody know how to create GUI like that? Does it need OpenGL? or it can be done with iPhone sdk's libs?
thanx in advance
I believe Cartoon Wars was written using the Cocos2d game library.
Yes. The trick with the iPhone is, the more you program, the more cool GUI tricks you can come up with to make your app more exciting. I suggest you write a couple of apps to do simple things, using as many API's as you can cram in. Start with Apple's samples. Maybe combine a few of the samples into one, as a learning experience.