How to set audio Gain using fraunhofer decoder on iphone - iphone

I am new to iphone and currently struck.
Could anyone tell me as how to set the Gain of a audio buffer by using the fraunhofer decoder.
Thanks in advance.

Although is a popular place for such questions, I think something this specific is best asked on the official Cocos2D-iPhone forums.


How to stream out video from iphone?

I want to make an application to stream out a UIVIEW. So it can be watch from a webplayer for example Flash or HTML 5. But I am really lost how to start. Any Idea would be appreciated.
I've also been working on such a project recently and I found the help of these websites very useful:,, or
It can be done via HTML5 and Javascript and it's relatively easy to do.
Hope they help!
EDIT: Maybe I misinterpreted your question. Do you want to stream the camera from the iPhone, or do you want to stream the screen of the iPhone?

CoreAudio tempo change (iOS)

I'm very new to audio programming, but I know this must be possible. (This is an iOS/iPhone related question).
How would I go about changing the tempo of a loaded audio file without changing the pitch, and then playing it back?
I think I need to delve into the CoreAudio framework, but I'm not sure where to begin.
If anyone could let me know what classes I need to look at, or the general process involved, that would help me get started and I'd really appreciate it!
This question is highly related: it relates to pitch shifting, rather than time shifting, but I'd check out the comments and links.
Real-time Pitch Shifting on the iPhone
What you are looking for is a time-pitch modification library. Core Audio on iOS currently does not contain such, but there appear to be some 3rd party libraries available (commercially). There are also time pitch tutorials on the web, such as at dspdimention, which require a large amount of DSP development to get working.

about upload iPhone video to Youtube

how to set the video format of the iPhone camera captured? I think that can be mov,mp4, h.2x , because iPhone can play it, but can not find API to set the video format to recording .....
also want upload the video to youtube, anyone know where can find a good open source code for this purpose, I think that this feature will be commonly and it must be done by other coder....just want save time for this purpose ..
thanks for your help
use gdata is enough
Using gdata is the way to go as Robin mentioned above. Here is a great article that outlines what you need to do and provides a great set of source code to get you started.
Hope this helps!!

Tutorial to record audio on the iphone?

could anyone explain how to record audio on the iphone. I already read the sampleProject of the developer-page. Moreover the documentation didn't quite answered my question.
It would be great to have a kind of checklist how to implement a simple audiorecorder.
There is already one as a sample app.
Check "Speak Here" that app records and play sounds. Is a low level sample for CoreAudio.Framework
But if you prefer something newer (and probably better for your needs) check for AVFoundation.framework I am sure there are new APIs in iOS 4.0 that allow to capture sounds like AVCapture, AVInputDevice, etc.

Getting duration of video taken by camera iphone sdk

I am trying to get the duration of a video taken with the camera using UIImagePickerController on the iphone, has anyone found a solution to this?
You can now do this using AVFoundation you can make your movie into an AVAsset and then check the duration property
Oh, why, hello hopelessly obsolete answer. I'm afraid you're only left here as historical evidence that yes, before iOS 4 if you wanted to do anything remotely interesting on a recorded video (besides playing it) you had to implement the processing yourself.
I don't know of any framework function to do so, so I'm afraid you'll have to parse the video container yourself (which by the way, is QuickTime/.mov) to extract this info. It's not like it's not documented. Luckily since the provider is known, you can trust all info to be truthful, which you can't assume of random videos found on the web.