Framework/Component for iOS - iphone

I would like create a plug and play component.(i.e)I like to create a small component/Framework which can be used in many iPhone apps.For example GPS location tracking ,Chat functionalities like that.Each and everyone should be separate component which can be integrated with any apps.
Can anyone guide me with things to be done for achieve this.Any tutorials or links.

check out below link
help guide to create lib
question help
Shyam Parmar

This can also maybe help:


Is there way to video chat (two way) using sip in iOS?

Any one please help me in video calling service (like Skype). I am basically using SIP for implementation.
So if there any link to related then please suggest me.
Thanks in advance.
You can find the project you are looking for on

Scratching Audio

I was wondering where to start if I want to implement scratching features in my app. The user selects a sound file, and can see a LP spinning. I want the user to be able to scratch the song like a DJ.
Who can tell me where to start? Or has some example or something?
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
Check for some open source vinyl emulation software.

To mix sounds using OpenAl

Anybody have any idea about how to mix sounds in iphone.We can use OpenAl that i know but need some sample application or code which would be easier for me to understand this concept As i have seen some apples demo application which uses openGl along with openAl and is too confusing for me to understand this as i am new to this openGl environment
Thanks All in advance.
I would suggest you visit here
and download the guide. There are plenty of code snippets in the guide that can help you build the code base that you need. Works on the iPhone too, I built a mixer once myself :)
Good luck!

How to scan a thing from a iphone application

i want to know how to scan a paper from a iphone cam and i need to read the data on the paper later i want to store the data...
is it possible..?
please give me a thought...
Well, it it very much possible.
I am not sure really how do it, but you should definitly have a look at OCR.
Try to get a look at Google Googles in the official Google iPhone app, this can actually read text off a picture you take, even at an angle.
I've found this, i've not tried the example yet, but i'm going to do that, i hope will help you.

How do you create a carousel menu interface like in the iPhone using WPF?

I've seen a couple of tutorials, but not with dynamic animation. Could anyone please teach me at least a rough tutorial on it?
I'm a C# developer but have been doing flash animations a long time.
Thank you so much!
Easiest way by far is to buy a 3rd party component that does this from a vendor like Infragistics.
It would be possible and interesting to do in raw WPF but it would not be a quick time to market.