Search Bar in Native Meassage App in iPhone - iphone

I need to know that what type of VIEW is used in the search bar of Create Message Screen. The bar searches , adds tabs as per the contacts selected and and also gives the option of selecting contacts form contact list througha button.
I am not able to understand whether it is a UITextView ot a UIView with variable size of UITextView.
Can Anyone please help me out in this regard.
Thsnks in advance!!

Since no one has yet answered my problem, and I have found the solution so will answer my own problem.
Yes, the search bar used in the native application is a UIScrollview with variable sized UITextView that converts the selected name into Number.


How to have suggestions come up when filling in TextField?

I am new to IOS development. I am trying to add simple TextField for entering Occupation. I would like to show the user some matching suggestions as they user type (from a set of occupations that I already have). This is a very common usecase. Is there a idiomatic ways of doing this? In Android there is an AutoCompleteTextView in the standard view library which takes in an array of suggestions during initalization. I could not find anything similar in IOS.
You can use some 3rd party libraries available for Auto complete text field
the best and easy approach from my perspective is to use UITextField and at bottom add UITableview. So the concept is when you type any character in textfield you need to filter some data from tableview and reload tableview
Check the below link you can get the suitable answer from here...
Getting autocomplete to work in swift

iPhone - Text field covers entire screen

A beginners question: I've added a Text Field to my application. In IB it looks fine, having its size set to 100 x 30. However when running the app on simulator, the Text Field covers the entire screen. How do I fix that?
I think you have to check your file owner's connection with that textfield may be by mistek you have done connection from file owner's to textfied as view so remove thatone.
Checkout Utility view on the right side
Go to first tab
Uncheck Use Autolayout
Go to forth tab
Check Autoresize subviews
Following these steps may solve your problem
Enjoy Programming!!
Check Property for Text field for 'AutoSizing'
Hope, it'll help you.

How to select multiple items in a dropdown box in iPhone?

I am an iPhone developer. I am trying to select multiple items in a dropdown box in iPhone. I have tried all possibilities but unable to do it. Please suggest me. It's really very important to me.
Thanks in advance.
Is there a dropdown box in iPhone? I am quiet sur that those doesn't exists and are usually replaced by tableView or picker.
What i would do is a tableview with self made cell views that are combining text and a 2 states button that design is a box checked or not depending on the button state. That should work fine with a proper controller behind.
this is one of the best examples you are looking for

UIWebview Localization

On a localized Iphone (Language set to Hebrew) when we view a webpage using safari and tap on an input field we get the keyboard up with the "Next/Previous/Done" buttons in Hebrew.
When we view the same webpage using a UIWebview embedded inside our application the "Next/Previous/Done" buttons are always in English.
We were thinking that we might need to add a translation file for those fields but we do not know the keys to use.
Any pointers on this?
Edit: Started a bounty to hopefully get some pointers.
Edit: Attaching two pictures
In your info.plist you can set a value called CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations, if you check that everything should be translated to the right localized language.
You seem to be knowledgable, but have you tried creating the UIWebView in Interface Builder, then create a localization on the .xib file?
It seems the right way to go, since the keyboard pops up without app intervention; Cocoa Touch is the one to handle that. I think those extra buttons are not part of the keyboard per se, but added by the WebView.

iPhone search bar design

I currently am implementing a search bar for one of my apps and I am having a problem with the indexed search overlapping it. I need to move the search field a little to the left so that way the index search is completely visible and not overlapping my search bar. I have tried a few things in interface builder but nothing is working. If anyone has a solution it would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Is your search bar parented to your table view? The screenshot below mirrors the Contacts app UI.Search bar view hierarchy in Interface Builder