iPhone search bar design - iphone

I currently am implementing a search bar for one of my apps and I am having a problem with the indexed search overlapping it. I need to move the search field a little to the left so that way the index search is completely visible and not overlapping my search bar. I have tried a few things in interface builder but nothing is working. If anyone has a solution it would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Is your search bar parented to your table view? The screenshot below mirrors the Contacts app UI.Search bar view hierarchy in Interface Builder http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/6286/searchtableview.png


Swift UITextView size from NavBar to ToolBar?

So I'm working on an app but I'm pretty new to Xcode and swift itself, so thats what i have right now [textview color is just to show you its size]
But this is what I want:
i thought using top and bottom layout guides would help, but I'm totally lost. If anyone could help that'd be amazing! :)
I'm sorry, but i am new to this :/
One simple way to do this is to drag the text view between nav bar and tool bar, and then pin its top and bottom edges to nearest neighbors (in this case, nav bar and tool bar), like this:
NOTE: make sure its edges are in between bars, not overlapping them. Also uncheck the Constrain to margins -box.
I got it to look like this very quickly:
There are many other ways to do this, and this is just one of them. Search for storyboards tutorials and you'll find many good tutorials how to use Interface Builder. :)

UITabbar Customization with Colored Tab Icons

I am facing a problem with creating a custom UITabbar with colored icons for tabs. I have been trying to find any custom control for that but unfortunately cannot so far. I have already search the StackOverFlow DB and it has nothing that matches my criteria. The only thing closest to my requirement has been a view with a bunch of button on the bottom but I need to do it through UITabbar Customization. Need some directions fellows.
The sample code available here will help you https://github.com/aalittle/ALCustomTabBarController
i Hope this demo help you for what you need.

Is it possible to move the tab bar to left and right direction in iPhone

Im developing a tabbar application.
There are almost 7 tabs in this app.
Usuall when we add more than 5 tabs a "more button"will come and rest of options will come under that "More option".
But i found a very interesting app in app store and they are moving the tabbar to left and right(just like we do in scroll view) like in the image below.
How can i implement this.
Can anyone help me with this please.
Thanks in advance.
As far as I can see, it's 2 custom UIButtons placed over the tabBar that may programmatically rearrange the tab options on their IBActions. What makes me say that is that the highlighted area of the last tab is just normal, and the arrows does not seem as well placed as what Apple could have done by standard.
You can use custom tabBar, like InfiniTabBar, nice and functional.
Project on GitHub:

Search Bar in Native Meassage App in iPhone

I need to know that what type of VIEW is used in the search bar of Create Message Screen. The bar searches , adds tabs as per the contacts selected and and also gives the option of selecting contacts form contact list througha button.
I am not able to understand whether it is a UITextView ot a UIView with variable size of UITextView.
Can Anyone please help me out in this regard.
Thsnks in advance!!
Since no one has yet answered my problem, and I have found the solution so will answer my own problem.
Yes, the search bar used in the native application is a UIScrollview with variable sized UITextView that converts the selected name into Number.

Two UITableViewControllers and One UISearchDisplay

I'm new to iPhone programming and is faced with a task to show data on of Books where the first table view shows the books in my library using the title of the book to sort and another table view to show the authors. There is a need to have a search bar on both of the table views and when used to search will show results categorized as certain results is returned according to the author and the others returned according to the title. Something similar to the search results returned by the iPod App.
Thanks in advance to all who can shed light.
From what I gather, it sounds like you need to organize this somehow. I recommend you try a tabbed-based application. Create three tabs with the first two having navigation controllers for your tables. The first tab will have the tableView that sorts by book title. The second tab will have the tableView that sorts by the author. The third tab can do the search for either case. Hopefully, that points you in the right direction.