How to select multiple items in a dropdown box in iPhone? - iphone

I am an iPhone developer. I am trying to select multiple items in a dropdown box in iPhone. I have tried all possibilities but unable to do it. Please suggest me. It's really very important to me.
Thanks in advance.

Is there a dropdown box in iPhone? I am quiet sur that those doesn't exists and are usually replaced by tableView or picker.
What i would do is a tableview with self made cell views that are combining text and a 2 states button that design is a box checked or not depending on the button state. That should work fine with a proper controller behind.

this is one of the best examples you are looking for


Need a noob guide on using the UIPickerView and UIActionSheet together(only show pickerview when a textfield is tap)

I have been searching for days on on how I can use a pickerview on my textfield... I am very new to Ios programming and I have been searching the web for snippets of code that I can use on my program..
Basically this is just what I want:
I have a one of my textfield that ask for which Equipment type.. there is only 4 items to select on.
I want the program to show the picker view when they tap the equiptextfield and fill it with the item that they selected from the picker view.. then the picker view should be dismissed or go to the next field.
I found out online that the best way to do this is to use UIActionSheet to show/hide the pickerview only when that textfield was selected.
I need to know what I have to add on these items:
-my nib file(currently it has 1 view with a scrollview under it and all the fields is on it)
-scroll View
-my textfields under it...
-my header file... im really a noob so I really need to ask for the code
-my implementation file.. same as the header, I need the code please
Please dont think I didnt do my search because I did and there is just so much stuff online that its hard to figure out which to use, and those that I tried gave me errors.
thank you so much for any help anyone can provide.
Apple provides a good example of UIKit's controls. UICatalog
This sample is a catalog exhibiting many views and controls in the
UIKit framework, along with their various properties and styles.
If you need code to create specific UI controls or views, refer to
this sample and it should give you a good head start in building your
user interface. In most cases you can simply copy and paste the code
snippets you need.
Try. Do not be afraid to fail. Errors are experience too.
Btw, why are you using UITextField for such tasks? I suppose, the better way to select the one option from four is to use UISegmentedControl with 4 segments.

Search Bar in Native Meassage App in iPhone

I need to know that what type of VIEW is used in the search bar of Create Message Screen. The bar searches , adds tabs as per the contacts selected and and also gives the option of selecting contacts form contact list througha button.
I am not able to understand whether it is a UITextView ot a UIView with variable size of UITextView.
Can Anyone please help me out in this regard.
Thsnks in advance!!
Since no one has yet answered my problem, and I have found the solution so will answer my own problem.
Yes, the search bar used in the native application is a UIScrollview with variable sized UITextView that converts the selected name into Number.

Tab Like Selection

Can anybody please tell me how they have implemented the below thing whick looks to me like a TabBar but has something different from a simple tabbar.
The thing having "Offer" and "Wall", when each one is clicked, presents a different view.
Any sample code will be appreciated
Its a custom UIButton.
EDIT: What UI element might this be? (Custom tab-bar?). I had asked the same question a few weeks ago. There are two good answers there.
And google up for custom UIButton. You can find a few samples on your search
Its a custom view. You can always implement this kind of thing by using images. Say you have 2 different images. In one image offer is selected, and in another wall is selected. And you are using an image view to show them. An invisible button is placed in proper place. After tapping the button you can set the right image. And also if the images are not overlapping then you can use custom button.

Reordering Cell Icon Customized

I have a table view in which i am reordering my cells
Now the issue is that the client doesn't like the icon of the reorder (i.e. 3 horizontal lines)
Is there any way you can help out.
First of all I want to know Is it possible at all?
You cannot change the standard icon. But you should be able to use a custom button and start/end editing mode programmatically (haven't tested this).
If it isn't a very custom UI at all, tell him that messing with standard icons/behavior is the best way to make users frustrated.

Mobile Safari iPhone Development - Multiple buttons in a row

I'm an iPhone developer, but new to web development. I've done some basic HTML websites and made one in iWeb as well. I'm trying to branch out to mobile web development now, so I checked out Dashcode.
Anyway, I'm trying to put a Call Button, Mail Button, and Map Button in horizontal alignment. I realize that I can add a Column Layout and have two buttons in a row, but that's the most I've gotten.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Edit: I still haven't figured this out yet. I was given advice about a fixed position button bar, but I am not sure how to implement it. I've been looking at code, but haven't gotten it yet. Still trying though. Any help is appreciated!
What i do usually is to select the element you can't align horizontally and then go to the inspector -> dimension tab and in disposition you select fixed absolute.
This should work but beware because if you've the intention to change element's place dynamically you may have some surprise...
I think you are looking for something like this.
A fixed position button bar is created with several buttons side by side.