splash screen is not displayed everytime app started in Iphone - iphone

I hv made an app for ios 4.2(IPhone 4)...it's working fine with just 1 problem.
it is not displaying splash screen when app runs from background.
splash screen is visible onle 1st time when app is launched
I hv tried UIApplicationExistsOnSuspend (true) but problem is not solved for me.
plz friend any help..jst note that i m using ios 4.2.

Try calling your splash screen method from within the
applicationWillEnterForeground delegate method.


Issues coming after IOS 8 update

There is a flickering of screen appears when we open the app after splash screen.
And it shows the home screen for a second and then the login screen appears.
It was not happening before IOS 8.
Any idea why it would be happening.
Another thing the API response has also got slow if we install the App on IOS 8 phones or iPads.
AsihttpAsynchronous and Soap is integrated.
The Issue is solved.
I just added required sized for Splash screen for iPhone 6 and on and the problem solved.
For the other issue When I replaced the ASIhttpLibrary with AFNetworking. The Api has started working properly.

iOS5 app running on XCode w/ iOS6 freezes if the app after it goes to the background

Hi I have an app that is working fine on iOS5, now running the app using iOS6 it freezes after it goes to the background and it goes back to the foreground, it no longer responds to touch events.
If I built it for 5.1 simulator works perfect, this only happend while running on iPhone 6.0 Simulator.
Any ideas?
It turns out the culprit was the TWTweetComposeViewController, which I use in my application.
I initialized TWTweetComposeViewController in my viewDidLoad function. Apparently, if you initialize but do not show the TWTweetComposeViewController, it will prevent your application from resuming. Check to see if you use this view controller and try removing it or not initializing it until you are going to show it.
Mario, I am having a similar, if not the same, problem. In my case, my app hits applicationWillEnterForeground correctly as it resumes from the background. However, the app seems to hang at this point and never reaches applicationDidBecomeActive. I am at a loss for why the app would never reach applicationDidBecomeActive. Like you, the app runs fine on iOS5 and below, but has this problem with iOS6.
Can you confirm that your app reaches applicationWillEnterForeground and doesn't hit applicationDidBecomeActive?
(I would write this as a comment to your question but I cannot seem to figure out how to do that.

camera black out issue on screen?

I am working on virtual binocular in iphone.I made a application for both iphone and ipad. Getting issue regarding camera black out sceen. Actually, when first time application has load on the iphone its call viewdidload method after that it will call viewwillappear and then viewdidappear.But when I working on my application its work properly but during that duration if i open the other application and reopen again my application it gave me black screen on camera. it simply means that it didnot load the application

Universal app splash screen errors

I have created a universal app in x code 4 and am attempting to use their "launch images". I am however running into an issue where once the iPad splash screen displays it will flash to the iPhone splash screen quickly before going into the application. Has anyone else run into this and is there a fix?
I experienced this on a universal app, but it was because I implemented a custom fade sequence that referenced the iPhone default.png during launch (even on an iPad). Once I figured that out, I just set a check for whether the device was an iPad, and if so, disabled the fade call. Do you reference the file in any way aside from the typical launch?

In simulator, app is blank (white), but appears normal when quit?

So I'm new to programming but I'm managed to create the groundwork for an iPhone app.
Problem is, when I run it on the iPhone simulator, it first shows up as a white/blank screen (with the status bar at the top) until I hit the home button. When it is doing the minimization animation (~0.5 second) the app will display correctly.
I know that an issue with versions could be the cause of this but I'd need to buy a newer Mac to upgrade to the latest version of Xcode. If there are other issues that could be causing this I'd love to know
thanks :)
Add Default.png image to your application and see if it shows that during loading. Run the app in debugger and add a breakpoint to viewDidAppear in your viewController. It's probably running but not loading in the view you are expecting it to for some reason.
To some viewcontroller's view your are not setting the background color as clear color .. that's why it is showing blank white screen when your application is launching .. if your are using xib .. set the background color of that view to clear color using interface builder.