camera black out issue on screen? - iphone

I am working on virtual binocular in iphone.I made a application for both iphone and ipad. Getting issue regarding camera black out sceen. Actually, when first time application has load on the iphone its call viewdidload method after that it will call viewwillappear and then viewdidappear.But when I working on my application its work properly but during that duration if i open the other application and reopen again my application it gave me black screen on camera. it simply means that it didnot load the application


Flutter IOS app crashing for sometime and some screen

I'm debuging app in xcode but any debug point find. also some time crashing app for memory related i added screen sort for same
I have using google map,background location,push notification so many functionality
note: Once background mode start then and then used background location after stop service

"AVCaptureDevice " Custom camera reopen issue in iPhone

I have problem while opening camera in my application from background mode. I used AVCaptureDevice controller and create custom camera in my application. It's work fine but when I close app from home button and again reopen app camera take longer time for reactivation. Can any body give some idea how can I reduce time for activation.
Thanks in Advance.

Universal app splash screen errors

I have created a universal app in x code 4 and am attempting to use their "launch images". I am however running into an issue where once the iPad splash screen displays it will flash to the iPhone splash screen quickly before going into the application. Has anyone else run into this and is there a fix?
I experienced this on a universal app, but it was because I implemented a custom fade sequence that referenced the iPhone default.png during launch (even on an iPad). Once I figured that out, I just set a check for whether the device was an iPad, and if so, disabled the fade call. Do you reference the file in any way aside from the typical launch?

splash screen is not displayed everytime app started in Iphone

I hv made an app for ios 4.2(IPhone 4)'s working fine with just 1 problem.
it is not displaying splash screen when app runs from background.
splash screen is visible onle 1st time when app is launched
I hv tried UIApplicationExistsOnSuspend (true) but problem is not solved for me.
plz friend any help..jst note that i m using ios 4.2.
Try calling your splash screen method from within the
applicationWillEnterForeground delegate method.

iPhone Launch Image zoom animation not working on physical device

I have developed an iPhone app with a launch image. When starting the app in the simulator, the image zooms in as expected. However, when the app is deployed to my physical device, the zoom animation is very short and sometimes completes instantaneously.
I'm sure it's nothing to do with my app start up as I put a sleep call in applicationDidFinishLoading to slow it down and this occurs after the zoom animation has completed.
Has nothing to do with your startup image. Has everything to do with the speed of your device and what you're loading on starting. If you're not loading much at startup the animation will be very fast, especially on a 3GS device.
I tracked this down to the fact I have a large number of resources. Either the number of files (2400) or the combined size of them is causing a pause before the start up image is shown.