Issues coming after IOS 8 update - iphone

There is a flickering of screen appears when we open the app after splash screen.
And it shows the home screen for a second and then the login screen appears.
It was not happening before IOS 8.
Any idea why it would be happening.
Another thing the API response has also got slow if we install the App on IOS 8 phones or iPads.
AsihttpAsynchronous and Soap is integrated.

The Issue is solved.
I just added required sized for Splash screen for iPhone 6 and on and the problem solved.
For the other issue When I replaced the ASIhttpLibrary with AFNetworking. The Api has started working properly.


Images on Launch Screen doesn't appear on device

I'm building an iOS app in xcode 7. I have the standart launch screen that was autogenerated with the project, with an image view in it. I has been working fine for a while, but suddenly when I run the app, the image appears in completely black. See screen show of problem:
This only happens when I run the app on my device (iPhone 6), when I run the app on the simulator, the launche screen is as it is suppose to.
The problem occured after i edited som constraints in my storyboard, complete unrelated.
The image that is loaded is added to the project as a regular file, not in xcassets.
When i put a new, identical, image into the project the same way as the old image, it fixes the problem, but only for a couple of hours, then it happends again.
Any suggestions? I'm puzzled.!
Experienced this problem again 1.5 years after question was asked.
I was able to solve the problem by rebooting the iPhone :S
I'm using the same iPhone 6 as when the question was asked, now on Xcode 8.3.1

The screen of ios phonegap application dont show completly in iphone 5 device

I have an application made ​​with ios phonegap in itunnes connect. When making a new version of the application I had to adjust it to iphone5. For this, I updated the version of phonegap to 2.8.0 and I have introduced the splash required for the application was validated to iphone5. Once in the itunnes connect the version 2 of the application I noticed that it looks bad on iphone 5 devices .The app is cut off at the bottom as shown in the image (white rectangle). In iphone 4 works perfectly as shown in the picture.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? thanks!!
I finally found the solution to this problem. The HTML5 framework I was using (DHTMLX), has a problem that the new iphone5.
In this forum it is solved:

One screen is missing from app in iPhone 5

recently I uploaded an app to app store after checking all issues in simulator, all were working well. When I downloaded the app in iphone 5 one of the screen is missing and instead of that a black screen is getting appeared. I checked the simulator to ensure if its there or not but the simulator for iphone 4 retina is doing good, what could be the issue.
P.S:- I have all screen in three sizes, 320X480, 640X960, 1136X640 and named them as the rules like x.png, x#2x.png and x-568h#2x.png. Only the background screen is missing, all other controls are getting appeared.

Sencha Touch 2 - Iphone app - blank white screen

I am building iphone app using sencha touch 2 command. App works fine except, when I open it on iphone it shows splash screen and then shows white blank screen for 1-2 seconds. I believe it could be the issue of gathering all sencha js files to execute. But is there any way, we can show temporary screen instead of white blank screen?
I am not using phone gap to build iphone app.
In phonegap based applications, there will be a provision for increasing the splash screen duration. Search for the same thing. You may find a solution for the way you are building your app(not phonegap)
Edit: Try lazyload.. i.e., while the content is loading use a throbber like thing. Because blank screen may seems to be like the application is not working properly

What could cause my app to show a blank screen on startup after upgrading to iOS 4.2.1?

My app works fine on iOS 3.3, but after I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 4.2.1, I started to see some weird behaviour.
When I start my app on the upgraded iPhone, it goes blank. I have to tap the Home button to close the app.
The problem is, the app did not crash. It just showed me a blank screen. So I don't have any crash report to track this issue down.
Has anyone seen this before? Is it an iOS 4.2-specific issue? What steps can I take to determine the cause so that I can fix my code?
The behaviour of iOS did change between iOS3 and iOS4. As a first step, try walking through your code with the debugger. Also check your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method in your main App Delegate class.
A quick search also turned up some useful info about a similar issue: App shows white screen on startup after upgrading to iOS 4.2
The link also has info on how they managed to find out what was happening.