Universal app splash screen errors - iphone

I have created a universal app in x code 4 and am attempting to use their "launch images". I am however running into an issue where once the iPad splash screen displays it will flash to the iPhone splash screen quickly before going into the application. Has anyone else run into this and is there a fix?

I experienced this on a universal app, but it was because I implemented a custom fade sequence that referenced the iPhone default.png during launch (even on an iPad). Once I figured that out, I just set a check for whether the device was an iPad, and if so, disabled the fade call. Do you reference the file in any way aside from the typical launch?


Launch images xcode issue, Iphone 6s launched app zoomed

When I launch the app through the Xcode in my Iphone 6s, the app is being launched zoomed. The specific app is already on the app store with all the assets and launch images set correctly and everything was working fine. All the resolutions were correct for all IOS devices. But now, after I launched it again through the xcode as I want to make an update the app is being launched zoomed. Any ideas why this is happening? I managed to test it only in Iphone 6s.
Happened to me when I gave a wrong resolution to the splash image (750x1134 instead of 750x1334). I guess Xcode assumes you want to use the app with that resolution overall and adapts accordingly. Was fixed when I gave the correct resolution splash image.
At least I didn't find a solution and what caused this issue, but I used the storyboard file as a launch screen which was much easier to develop.

Iphone resolution on an Ipad

We have an app that has been rejected in the review process by the Apple app review people. The cause for the rejection is that the app is not scaling properly when run on an Ipad.
The app was never meant to be run on an Ipad, but there seems to be no point in arguing with them about that.
Apple sent us a couple of screenshots that show our app being run on an Ipad with the top portion of the view cut off. Notice how the app is run in some mode where it looks like an Iphone app and does not fill out the entire display area. When we bring up the app on an Ipad, it fills out the screen and does so without any edges cut off.
Can anyone please tell me how to run the app on an Ipad the way the Apple guys have - Iphone-sized? We believe we have a fix for the issue but we need to reproduce the error and then be able to verify that the fix solves the issue.
(the logotypes in the images are intentionally blurred)
I just went through this myself and here is how I resolved it:
Go into info.plist and see if any of the supported interface orientations are set for iPad. Despite selecting iPhone only, I had iPad supported orientations for four (portrait, portrait upside down, landscape left, landscape right). I deleted those.
I also deleted any reference to the launch screen in the info.plist. My app is pretty simple and there's no preloading of data so I don't really need a launch screen. If you do, you could go old school and make your first VC the launch screen.
I then made these changes in Target-->General-->App Icons and Launch Images
That was the only way I could get it in the sim to run the app at iPhone resolution while running an iPad (iPad2, iPad Air).
If Apple is going to force developers to ensure an app runs on an iPad even if it is made just for iPhone, they should eliminate the iPhone Only and Universal options and just have iPad Only as an option.
To run an iPhone app on an iPad, you just need to:
Acquire an iPad (you can also use the simulator)
Set the target device family in Xcode (it's under your target) to iPhone
Connect your iPad, perform any necessary certificate dances
Run the app on the iPad.
As long as the target device family is set to iPhone, the iPad will show your app in this mode.
Apple is likely running your app on a simulator, not on a real device. Notice the "2X" on the top right. In XCode - you should run the app on iPad Retina Simulator. On the bottom right you will see a button that you can toggle from 1X to 2X.
If you place the simulator in "2X" mode, you will see what Apple is seeing.
What OS are you running on your iPad? Things have changed in iOS 8 - and that's likely why you're not seeing what Apple is seeing. My guess is that your are running an app that was initially developed for iOS 7 or earlier - which means that you need to upgrade from scaled resolution to native resolutions to resolve this issue. Here is how you do it:
How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

Corona SDK, build for iOS device works not correctly

I build my Corona app for iPhone Simulator, and it running well. But if I installed my app on my device(iPad), and i have many issues(no scrollview and tabbar working) buttons is visible only.
How to solve the problem?
Look at what happens when you run it in the iPad simulator- Do you get any errors in the console if you check it while running the app on your iPad? If so this could shed some light on the issue. One possibility is a corrupted image, or an incorrect image format.
If only the buttons are visible it sounds like you app has an error that is preventing all of the display objects from loading. (Just based on the fact you mention your buttons display but nothing else.)

How do I get rid of sticky iPad splash screens?

Initially I developed my app as Universal. Then I designed splash screens separately for iPad. Recently I decided to deploy my app in iPhone device mode only. My app has no fancy graphics and it just looks well and works perfect on iPad either in 1x or 2x mode.
To do so I set Devices to iPhone at TARGET/Summary/IOS Application Target pane. I dragged new splash images I created for iPhone into Launch images placeholders, one for non-Retina and one for Retina displays.
However when I launch my iPhone app on the iPad, either through debugger or stand alone, the old iPad splash screens I no longer use come up. They look bad because the image centre appears to be moved down-right as they were originally created for iPad.
I went back to XCode and momentarily changed the Device type to Universal or iPad. I deleted the images both from Launch images placeholders and physically from the file system.
Unfortunately the iPad splash images I created earlier still come back when I build my app in iPhone device mode and deploy it on my iPad. How can I get rid of them once and for all and get the app use the iPhone launch images I created and setup recently?
If you deleted the images from the disk, Clean all targets (in Xcode Product->Clean) and rebuild. There should be no way after doing this that the old image will appear (if it does it means it was not deleted properly from your project).
Clean your project (Command+Shift+Option+K)
Close Xcode, go to ~/yourCurrentUser/.Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Find the folder for your project, and delete it.
Delete the app in your simulator or test device.
Now build and run the app, and that must work; if not, delete the final images once more, and repeat the above steps.
Don't forget to check your info.plist file for Icon Files key. Sometiems splash screen images get added to the Icon Files key for no clear reason! You must remove them from there.

White blank screen in iPhone simulator and Black blank screen when loaded into iPhone

When I run my app on the simulator, every time a white blank screen would be generated. but after I black iPhone button on the bottom to exit the app, the views will then be visible after you re-enter the app. then the app run as usual.
But the situation is different when I load it into my iPhone.
Only BLACK blank screen can be seen into the app. after I exit the app and re-enter it, still nothing can be seen, and the app would automatically exit, too.
I dunno why it would be like that as simulator just simulate the real iPhone.
Here is some information:
iOS version of my iPhone: iOS 5
XCode version: XCode 4.2
Hope someone can help me. Thanks a lot.
Make sure that your Base SDK is as high or higher than your current version. Change it in your target settings and your project settings. Also change your compiler to Apple LLVM and your debugger (under edit scheme) to LLDB.