inmyapp purchase - iphone

i have application first this application is used by customer in demo mode and if he/she want to buy it then how i can make this type application or how can i use inmyapp purchase in my application or please explain in detail what is inapp purchasse...please help me....

You can use this tutorial for InappPurchase

At first you should check Getting Started with In App Purchase on iPhone OS
And for more details: In App Purchase Programming Guide
This should answer most of your questions

and after you are done with the apple provided documentation you should have a look at In App Purchases: A full Walkthrough by Troy Brant.


Detecting the state of an in app purchase

How can an app check the state of an in app purchase and see whether is has been purchased or not?
I want to do this in the viewWillAppear and set the icons of the in app purchases according to whether they are purchased or not.
Can this be done with the apple libraries?
This is a great tutorial which shows you all the steps in setting up in app purchases, including sample code on how to do it. Hope that Helps!

inApp Purchase in iPhone application to get book from iBook store

I am working in one iPhone application in which I need to add inApp Purchase functionality. Now in the inApp Purchase I need to add around 20 books which are already listed in iBook store. Now when I pay using inApp purchase, the purchased book from iBook store can be directly come in my application. Is it possible to do in iPhone application that can get the book from iBook store.
If anyone know this thing please help me out. I haven't seen any stuff related to this thing but really interesting thing to implement.
Thanks in advance.
No, that's not possible. In App Purchase is for creating your own store within your own application. It's not designed to add other people's stores in your apps.

How to add "in app purchase" code in iPhone SDK?

I want to use "in app purchase" for trial version of my application. But I don't have a clear idea about "in app purchase". My problem is how to implement "in app purchase" in my application and uploading process. I have already uploaded a full version of the application. Please help me.
Well, the best way to understand the InApp process is to read the Apple rules about it at Everything about how to implement it in your application is described over there. See for example:
I have successfully implemented In App purchase and i would strongly recommend this excellent blog.
It really helped me to go ahead with successful implementation and submission.

Help on Payment functionlity

I am new to iPhone development.
I have a application in which i need to charge .50 USD for each mail the user sends…i have googled for store-kit framework and found nothing useful since i am not sure how to proceed with…
Can you people explain me how can i accomplish that.
Any help can be much appreciated…( it can be link or references or please explain me bit more about how can i go with implementing the above things please)
Thanks for stopping by...
Here's the link to Apple's in-app purchasing system:
Specifically, the page on how to make a purchase:
Most applications which depend on using real money will do bulk buys of credits using the in-app purchase mechanism. For instance, have a $1 "2 mail" in application purchase.
The apple documentation covers how to use the in-app purchase mechanism.

register iphone application

Please guide summary me step by step to register iphone application in Apple store
I created an iphone sample application. I want to deploy it in real device.
but i dont know how to do.
Thank you~
Start by visiting Apple's developer site on the app submission process.