How to add "in app purchase" code in iPhone SDK? - iphone

I want to use "in app purchase" for trial version of my application. But I don't have a clear idea about "in app purchase". My problem is how to implement "in app purchase" in my application and uploading process. I have already uploaded a full version of the application. Please help me.

Well, the best way to understand the InApp process is to read the Apple rules about it at Everything about how to implement it in your application is described over there. See for example:

I have successfully implemented In App purchase and i would strongly recommend this excellent blog.
It really helped me to go ahead with successful implementation and submission.


In App Purchase Tab Cannot possible to access

I have developed iphone app with working In App Purchase. Now I want to release new version of the app with new price for in App Purchase. But, Whenever I tapped on iTunesConnect -> Manage Your Applications-> My App -> Manage In App Purchase, I found this ------"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Seventeen".
Can anybody tell me, how to tackle with this issue?
The solution is that there's no solution for that. It is a bug on Apple's side. This iTunesConnect site stinks in all possible ways. I recommend you to fill a feature request asking Apple to provide a software application we can use to manage our apps and in-apps that are already created. Do it at I already did that and the bigger the number of people asking for it, more likely Apple will create that.

iPhone app code signing

I recently finished my first app for iPhone, I'm really new in programming and Xcode has lots of options that I can't understand. :(
I want to send my app to beta testers. When I archive my app and try to intall it with iTunes, I get a message like this: "The application has not been installen because the authorizations are not valid." (I get the message in spanish and I just translated it)
I think it's because of the code sign but I don't really understand what are the differences are among the options:
I just submitted my first app last night as well. I had NO clue how to do it other than it "was going to be a pain".
The good news, I have an account with and they have a chapter that is all video tutorials on how to submit the app. It collectively is about a 30 minute chapter with video demos of EXACTLY what to do. Step by step. They offer a free 7 day trial. I cannot recommend you watch this chapter highly enough. Its a MUST see for a first time submission. And no, I do not work for them or associated to them what so ever. They just have a great product and I do not hesitate to recommend them.
After you submit you can cancel your account before being charged.
You can see an example of how they teach w/videos by clicking the link below.
They will allow you to watch 1 or two videos, but must sign up on the trial version to see the rest of them.
Trial version link:
Happy coding! :)
Congrats on getting your first app up and running. Here are some links that may help:
And, of course, this post on SO: How do you beta test an iphone app?
Good luck!
Check this, it is a step by step guide into the process. If you have never done it, be prepared, it's not a 5 minutes thing...

inmyapp purchase

i have application first this application is used by customer in demo mode and if he/she want to buy it then how i can make this type application or how can i use inmyapp purchase in my application or please explain in detail what is inapp purchasse...please help me....
You can use this tutorial for InappPurchase
At first you should check Getting Started with In App Purchase on iPhone OS
And for more details: In App Purchase Programming Guide
This should answer most of your questions
and after you are done with the apple provided documentation you should have a look at In App Purchases: A full Walkthrough by Troy Brant.

how to apply DRM for iPhone Applications

Sir i had developed an iphone application and released on cydia, which i seen it to be cracked in with in a day, later i came to know about the DRM , can any one please help me how to intehgrate DRM with my application
Thanks in advance
I agree with BoltClock, its semi-pointless to have app protection in your app, I have several in Cydia. With my largest app, I do have my own implementation of "security". I wont give away my secret, but there's a way you can check against the Cydia Store API to see if your app has been legitimately purchased. Get with Jay Freeman (saurik) on how to obtain the API for this. He has written up a few guides on his backend API for Developers to check if the app has been purchased.
Alternatively, you can provide a "Free" version of your app, or a "Trial" to allow users to try your app, and if they like it, they can buy it.
A time-sensitive feature may be useful too, that is something you can look into.

InApp Purchase rejected in App Store

I just got rejected on my Free app from app store. I uploaded 3 apps, HD(iPad), PayedIphone and freeiphone. In the free-version I had a link to the fullversion.
Apparently I need inAppPurchase in the free-version rather than linking to the fullversion.
How should I implement this in the easiest way? All I want is a button that says Buy full version and then the free-version becomes the full version. Is it possible to use just those two or do i need to create another full version for this purpose.
I have no idea how to make the inAppPurchase except the tutorials Google give me, any recommendations or example code I can use?
I found this site very helpful in setting up an in-App purchase:
I got it working after watching this tutorial on u-tube. I can really recommend it.
All you need is this:
By far the easiest In-App storekit to implement... He walks you through the whole thing and then there is a link at the bottom with the source code zip file. Make sure you read it and get a good understanding. Rule of thumb: Never implement any one else's source code without understanding it first. You will save yourself a lot of headaches with debugging later.
Remember though: Now you have to build in a network check to see if a network exists prior to them clicking the "upgrade" button or else your app will get rejected once again. Luckily, I have just the thing for you: How to check for an active Internet connection on iOS or OSX?
Also, I agree that NSUserDefaults are the best way to go, and luckily that source code link above does all of that for you! It seriously doesn't get any easier. Props to this guy
No way. The proper way to do that is to include all the functionality of the fill version in the free version and only unlock those functionalities whenever the user buy your inApp purchase item.
start by attentively (details really matters when inApp purchase is concerned) reading the inApp purchase developer guide at
There is a sample project here..