How do you create a carousel menu interface like in the iPhone using WPF? - iphone

I've seen a couple of tutorials, but not with dynamic animation. Could anyone please teach me at least a rough tutorial on it?
I'm a C# developer but have been doing flash animations a long time.
Thank you so much!

Easiest way by far is to buy a 3rd party component that does this from a vendor like Infragistics.
It would be possible and interesting to do in raw WPF but it would not be a quick time to market.


Best way to convert this flash application to iphone compatible?

I have an interactive flash animation which i need to be able to use on an iPhone, embedded within an iPhone app.
I'm not able to link the animation here but a screenshot of the interface (which is pretty self explanitory) can be found here -
It's a very simple interaction with just dragging answers into boxes and checking whether the answers are correct. My question is what would the easiest/best way to convert this to something that can be used on the iPhone?
My initial thoughts would be to use Canvas but i've not looked deeply into what it can do so I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction.
Thanks for your advice.
Flash embeds logic inside it via scripts. What you are referring to is not an "animation" but a working application.
You should check this link if you use Actionscript 3, I never did that myself.
If the scenario of the app is as you describe, then using your flash sources inside your iOS app shouldn't be too difficult to achieve IMHO.

iphone learn to design and create own GUI

I want to know what is good start point to work on creating own GUI on iphone/objective-c. I've never done this part before, and I know I'm kinda attracted to make my own slick GUI, something like convertbot, which I really love :)
Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thanks
You might want to check out the Design Then Code tutorials written by Mike Rundle. I've heard good things about them.
Also, Tapworthy is a good read for those wanting to learn about designing interfaces for iPhone.
Interface builder is quite powerful to build UI. However you could start creating custom views in objective-c and that would mean learing how to write code in objective-c.
To be a little more complete, you could have included Fireworks among the apps that can be used to design for iPhone. I hope you won’t mind me plugging it here :)
Adobe Fireworks ( is also an excellent application for designing and prototyping for the iPhone. With this vector toolkit from MetaSpark (, you can use the iPhone interface elements in Fireworks to quickly create prototypes. Fireworks has a nice feature called Pages, that allows designing each of the screens of your iPhone app. Then you can use the Hotspots feature to link buttons to the various Pages/screens in your app. Very quick and easy.
Luke Kilpatrick shows Robert Scoble how this is done in this video:
When your design is complete, you have several options for sharing it with clients and other stakeholders:
+ Export to PDF from Fireworks, which you can send to clients to review using the commenting features in the PDF
+ Export to HTML and Images from Fireworks to view your prototype in the Browser
+ Export to AIR from Fireworks to create an AIR prototype
+ Export to HTML and a Dreamweaver Library from Fireworks and use this jQuery trick ( to get the app running on your iPhone without learning Objective C. The jQuery hides the Safari Chrome so it looks and feels like a native app, but ti is running in the Safari browser on the iPhone.
+ Use jQTouch ( which uses a similar method to the above
I’m hearing of people using Fireworks to design and prototype for all kinds of mobile devices such as the ,iPhone 4, iPhone 4 Cases, Palm webOS (Pre and Pixi), BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile, etc. In fact, people use it for other screen design too, set-top boxes like the TiVo, PS3, Xbox, interactive kiosks, proprietary medical devices, in car interface screens – really any device with a screen.
Pat Siregar
Read Apple's Human Interface Guidelines:
There is a lot of useful information there about how to design good UI's.
Once you are familiar and have practiced the things mentioned there, then you can think about designing more complex UI elements.

Framework/Component for iOS

I would like create a plug and play component.(i.e)I like to create a small component/Framework which can be used in many iPhone apps.For example GPS location tracking ,Chat functionalities like that.Each and everyone should be separate component which can be integrated with any apps.
Can anyone guide me with things to be done for achieve this.Any tutorials or links.
check out below link
help guide to create lib
question help
Shyam Parmar
This can also maybe help:

want to develop iphone app alike Drinkspiration By absolut vodka

anyone knows how "Drinkspiration By Absolut" developed. I want to do something similar to the card flipping effects. any hints on what should i learn and where do i start to do that? many thanks...
You just need custom graphics and the help of Core Animation. I suggest you buy a book on iPhone animation, as it will teach a lot more than the internet will.

iPhone game GUI

I think some of you have seen the "cartoon wars" game. does anybody know how to create GUI like that? Does it need OpenGL? or it can be done with iPhone sdk's libs?
thanx in advance
I believe Cartoon Wars was written using the Cocos2d game library.
Yes. The trick with the iPhone is, the more you program, the more cool GUI tricks you can come up with to make your app more exciting. I suggest you write a couple of apps to do simple things, using as many API's as you can cram in. Start with Apple's samples. Maybe combine a few of the samples into one, as a learning experience.