Is there way to video chat (two way) using sip in iOS? - iphone

Any one please help me in video calling service (like Skype). I am basically using SIP for implementation.
So if there any link to related then please suggest me.
Thanks in advance.

You can find the project you are looking for on


How to collect leap motion hand information and sent it to iPhone?

I am trying to develop a Unity project with leapmotion and iPhone, and Currently I have came up with a problem which is how to collect leap motion hand information. Like the location of the hands. There is a link on the YouTube showing that it is possible to implement leapmotion with iPhone.
Can anyone help with that.
The current solution I try to implement is I use C++ API to collect all the hand information and send it to iPhone through Bluetooth. It is also possible to communicate iPhone with WIFI. Hope that helps.
Finally, I use C# socket communication to implement it. And I success. I post the solution in my blog. Hope can help.
If you have any other questions, leave a comment in my blog.

PhotoBucket Integration

could anyone assist in authenticating to photobucket and uploading an image from and iPhone app? I am currently configured with many networks but I can't really find good documentation for the photobucket process. What are the basic steps to integrate photo bucket ?
Any help here would be amazing! Thanks in advance!
Check this:,3
I think from all of those sample codes you can get some useful info for your app.
It will be useful to start from registering to

Implement HTTP POST method in iphone app

I want to retrieve data from server using HTTP POST method for my iphone app.I don't have any idea about implementing it.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
The simplest way to achieve this is to use the framework ASIHTTPRequest. Take a look in the tutorial:
start with NSURLRequest and related sample code.

Framework/Component for iOS

I would like create a plug and play component.(i.e)I like to create a small component/Framework which can be used in many iPhone apps.For example GPS location tracking ,Chat functionalities like that.Each and everyone should be separate component which can be integrated with any apps.
Can anyone guide me with things to be done for achieve this.Any tutorials or links.
check out below link
help guide to create lib
question help
Shyam Parmar
This can also maybe help:

how to create application which support video call?

i want to create application which support video call using Wi-Fi/3g network connection.
i don't have any idea from where i can start. please suggest me somethings.
thanks in advance
Record some video, package them into small tcp/ip packages and transfer them over the net.
basic question basic answer.