Downloading multiple apps from the app store - iphone

I'm new to iOS, and I'm looking for a creative solution to a simple problem.
Now, if I want to send a user to the app store in order to purchase one app, I know how to do so (
But, inside my app, I'd like to create a straightforward way to link to a collection of apps (not from the same seller). Or, better yet, I'd like to create a way for a user to download multiple apps with the fewest clicks possible.
I've contemplated some solutions, but I'm not sure which are feasible. I'm also not sure if I'm missing something obvious. The two options I've thought of thus far are (drum roll):
Create an app collection, and link to it. I know that Apple can create collections in this way ( but I'm not sure if a poor bloke like myself can do the same.
Create a bunch of links to individual apps. I don't like this solution, as the user has to toggle multiple times between my app and the app store.
Any creative or technical input would be greatly appreciated.

I haven't tried this, but try using a webview, and load the itunes web link for each app in a separate frame.

Theres no built in way to automatically download another app from within your app, except through iads, but thats not what you talking about. The only thing you can do is put multiple links. You would be able to search for all the apps by one account, except you said it’ll be from multiple accounts.
Sorry, but theres presently no built in way to do what your saying.


Embeding multiple apps in an app?

I am a newcomer to application development and I'm wondering if the concept I have can actually be created.
My concept involves creating an app that has the ability to embed another app within itself.
I'll do an example which is also a very bad one but you'll at least get the point.
Picture an app on the iphone that's called "Kwesi's app". Once you tap on it, it opens up a page with 3 icons. A facebook icon, a gmail icon and a hotmail icon. Now tap your finger on the gmail icon and instantly your gmail opens up withing "Kwesi's app" and you have full access. There is also a button in the top left corner that says "Main Menu". Once you tap the "Main Menu" icon, you go back to the three icons and can now rinse and repeat.
I hope this example is clear enough.
The question I seem to be coming back to is, would it be possible having an application that embeds or links you to other apps in that manner? I can only guess that it'd be really weird since they'd have to be installed seperately on your phone but I don't want that. I want one app that can handle an already set amount of apps within itself as the above example shows.
Thank you very much for reading and any thought would be very much appreciated.
No, that is not possible in iOS for security reasons. But you have the following choices to modify your idea:
Register a protocol for the app : This will allow you to send data between applications using protocols. However, if the app wasn't made by you and doesn't have a protocol, then you can't use it.
Using this idea, it is possible to open an application. For example, opening Facebook with "fb://" or evernote with "evernote://". I am sure there are other applications that have these protocols. Just be aware that you don't have control on the application in this case. You can only open it and send data to it.
Since your example was about Facebook, Gmail. Then I would suggest using their corresponding API and build everything in your application. Many famous applications provide APIs for a fee or free usage. You have to check with each one separately.

iOS give users default downloadable content

I'm facing this problem while designing my iOS app. Suppose that a user purchases an app and downloads it to the iPhone. I would like to provide him with a default consumable item the first time he runs the app to use whenever he wants , however I would also like to track if the user has already consumed the item. This way if he decides to reinstall the app we can restore the transactions (if he used the item) or we can avoid possible intents to download different kind of content by reinstalling app and consuming default items each time. (Guess NSUserDefaults is not an option here).
One approach that came to my mind was using UDID(or any iOS 6 alternatives) to keep a record on server of the user's device the moment he uses the default item. But this will limit items just to the device from which they consumed content.
It would be great to support all the user's devices (like inAppPurchases), but I can't figure out a way to implement this.
Any suggestions or help would be great.
Thanks a lot.
In order to tie information to a user (not just a device she used at one time), you'll need to ask the user to identify herself and save it someplace other than the device. In other words, a backend that implements registration and login.
From scratch, this can be a lot of effort that an iOS developer didn't count on. Fortunately, there are several services in the world that provide a substantial head start. Here's a nice round-up. I've had direct experience only with, and think it's excellent.

Giving users access to images located in an Iphone application

First of all just let me say that this is my very first attempt at making an ios app so if everyone would treat me as a complete noob I would appreciate it.
After searching here and Google for 2 hours I decided to just ask, I realise that I've probably missed it somewhere so please don't bite my head off if it's located elsewhere.
So I was asked to design a gallery app for an artist where users could preview his work and then buy packages of high resolution images if they wanted. what I did was created one "main" free app with thumbnails of all the art organised into galleries. Each gallery has a purchase button which will link to a seperate app containing the high res images of that gallery. My problem is thus, I want to give users full access to the images. I.E. I don't want them to just be able to view them in app, I want them to be able to use the jpg's for whatever they want (wallpaper, websites, etc, etc).
What would the best way to do this? Add them to the iphone / ipad's gallery app? Just an external folder containing the images? And also how would one go about doing it, remember I built this entire thing using just the interface builder and have no idea how to code in objective c at all so please take this into account when responding.
Thank you in advance for any help, I'm getting desperate and the artist is getting impatient.
You are going to have to write some code (or find a programmer). It doesn't hurt (too much...)
Try looking at this question and see how far you get

Website Forms to iphone app

I've been researching for ages and still cannot find an easy solution that perfectly. So i stopped and figured i was going about this project the wrong way. All i need is an easy solution.
My project requires me to make a website that has forms (fields include images, text, urls, colors). When the user submits this form, somehow (THIS IS THE KEY QUESTION), gets sent to Xcode so that it can be used in and iPhone app.
My questions: What is an easy to use program to make a website that can do what i said? How does my website connect to Xcode (supply it with the data)? Is it possible for my app to check for newly submitted info?
Keep in mind that i don't have much coding knowledge as far as websites and i only a little about making iPhone apps (Yes, i have made some but not as advanced as this)
Thank you in advance!
It sounds like you want to build an IOS app that can retrieve user submitted data from the server.
Your form will have to post the data to the server where it is stored in your database. Images will have to be uploaded to the server as well.
You can then build a server-side api that returns data to the IOS device upon request. You can have your IOS app regularly request data from the server, receive the response and store what you need on the device.
There is a lot more to it of course, but from what I can gather from your post, this is what you're looking to do.
The workflow you describe doesn't make any sense.
It starts out easily enough: you have a website that has a form with a submit button. No problem there. Hitting submit likely does a POST to a server somewhere. Again, no problem.
Then you say the form data has to ultimately end up in Xcode. This is where things are really muddled. Xcode is a programming IDE for Mac OS X. I'm not sure how or what it has to do with handling data from a Web form. The two things are, for all intents and purposes, completely independent technologies.
Please describe in much more detail exactly why you think you need to "send data to Xcode". Otherwise, your question, as written, is unanswerable.

iPhone :Can we add more than One application in a Single application

I do have an Idea to integrate with my application. I want to create multiple application within a single one application.
and application containing Weather application as well as image processing application + camera based application.
I want to know Is this thing possible with iphone application?
Please suggest me is this possible with iPhone app development and is it allowed by apple or not.
thanks for your suggestion in advance.
Consider these things as features. Weather information is a feature, image processing is another and camera in another. You can create any number of features in your app. If that is what you have meant by application then that is technically possible and seems also OK with Apple. This is not 3 different applications, rather it's one application with three different features. No matter how many features you have, iOS will treat that as a single application(a single app bundle with a single executable file).
But if are asking whether there is any way to combine separate applications(separate projects, separate app bundles with separate executables) then that is not possible.
Note: Personally I think adding completely different features in a single app is not a good idea.
Go to App Store and search for this app, App Tool Box - All in One. It's exactly the same structure as you mentioned in your post. And it only costs $0.99.
Sure, you can do it. I don't think Apple has anything against an app that does more than one thing. As long as none of those things breaks any of their rules.