Embeding multiple apps in an app? - iphone

I am a newcomer to application development and I'm wondering if the concept I have can actually be created.
My concept involves creating an app that has the ability to embed another app within itself.
I'll do an example which is also a very bad one but you'll at least get the point.
Picture an app on the iphone that's called "Kwesi's app". Once you tap on it, it opens up a page with 3 icons. A facebook icon, a gmail icon and a hotmail icon. Now tap your finger on the gmail icon and instantly your gmail opens up withing "Kwesi's app" and you have full access. There is also a button in the top left corner that says "Main Menu". Once you tap the "Main Menu" icon, you go back to the three icons and can now rinse and repeat.
I hope this example is clear enough.
The question I seem to be coming back to is, would it be possible having an application that embeds or links you to other apps in that manner? I can only guess that it'd be really weird since they'd have to be installed seperately on your phone but I don't want that. I want one app that can handle an already set amount of apps within itself as the above example shows.
Thank you very much for reading and any thought would be very much appreciated.

No, that is not possible in iOS for security reasons. But you have the following choices to modify your idea:
Register a protocol for the app : This will allow you to send data between applications using protocols. However, if the app wasn't made by you and doesn't have a protocol, then you can't use it.
Using this idea, it is possible to open an application. For example, opening Facebook with "fb://" or evernote with "evernote://". I am sure there are other applications that have these protocols. Just be aware that you don't have control on the application in this case. You can only open it and send data to it.
Since your example was about Facebook, Gmail. Then I would suggest using their corresponding API and build everything in your application. Many famous applications provide APIs for a fee or free usage. You have to check with each one separately.


Simulate actual button press on mobile-safari on iPod Touch / iPhone

I am building a web-based tool for internal purposes for my company that runs on an ipod touch. It's working fine, but there are a few quirks such as not being able to auto-focus on a text field when a page loads without the user actually tapping the screen (I can "focus" the field, but the keyboard is not active). Additionally, I cannot programmatically trigger sounds to play (I am using the jPlayer library). What it seems to come down to is this:
Is there some way I can trick the browser on an ipod touch 4 to thinking the user has actually tapped a specific div on the screen? If I can do that, I can solve every other issue. Since this is for internal purposes, I am free to make any modifications needed. However, I need to able to do keep the "app" code in HTML5 and JavaScript for a myriad of reasons. Perhaps an app with a modification to safari to allow this, then I can run my site in that app?
Perhaps an app with a modification to safari to allow this, then I can run my site in that app?
Yes, you could write a really simple app with just a UIWebView in which you display your HTML5 based app. If you need extra things such as back button etc. you would have to implement that (it's also not very difficult). The UIWebView should behave mostly exactly like Safari, so it should be a de facto "app with a modification to safari".
You could then give the right element focus and call
[webView becomeFirstResponder];
The sounds could also be played programmatically by simply requesting the appropriate URL.
I think with this setup the additional effort in terms of coding beyond your existing web based tool is minimal. However, this assumes you have Xcode, know some basic Objective-C and are familiar with the procedures of ad hoc or company distribution of "real" apps.
You can try to use a timed event

Wobble functionality etc. allowed in iPhone App Store?

I'm currently designing an app for the iPhone and I'm deciding on some features that imitate several native iPhone UI components and elements.
In my app, the user has to arrange several items on screen. Basically, they are free floating (not in a grid). In order to be able to move them, the user has to hold a finger on one of the items until all items start to "wobble". Just like on Springboard, when moving applications. Is it allowed to imitate this functionality?
Another function is the "split screen", as seen when adding an application to another application. The screen breaks open, showing a new group with the familiar textured background. In my app, some screens require a user decision by picking one out of four icons. I want to present this by using such a modal view over the main view, more or less like the "add to group" function of Springboard. Is this allowed?
I'm well aware that there are several programming questions related to my issue, but none of them covers whether apps are allowed if they include the functionality. Any help is greatly appreciated!
(On a side note, I read on HN today that Apple doesn't really answer questions to Support about app approval, therefore I ask here.)
I think the biggest problem you might have is the "free floating" functionality. There's a very big gray area as to what's accepted and, from my experience, you can't have an app with with seemingly floating windows like a desktop.
I can't see Apple having a problem with the Springboard functionality because the Facebook app has it. I would just try to make your own version and not try to reproduce the code.
Also, the Split Screen animation should be fine.
My 2 cents.
There is nothing in the guidelines about such functions not being allowed. I have submitted to apple an app recently with a wobble function like you mention and the reviewer did not mention anything about this being not allowed (The app was rejected for another reason which has to do with content licensing).

Alert for reminding the user to rate the app

As you may have seen in some apps an alert pops up asking the user to rate the app in itunes and usually the alternatives you get to choose from is something like: Sure which opens the rate page for the app. The second option is No Thanks which closes the alert and the third option usually is maybe later which displays the alert later.
I was wondering how to do this.
I want the alert to be displayed after say the app has launched 20 times if that would be possible.
And how can I create an maybe later alternative which displays the alert maybe 15 launches of the app later?
And a final question is there a special link for the apps rate page? So when you click the sure button or whatever it will take your directly to the rate page.
I've used this: https://github.com/arashpayan/appirater. You can look at my fork as well for a specific mod I needed.
[EDIT: comment re NSUserDefaults]
I suggested this link because it is a full, working implementation of what you describe that is easily integrated into existing apps. I've used (and modified) it myself. NSUserDefaults is a general purpose mechanism for persisting app state. I agree with the others that it's a very useful thing to learn and use, it's just not a full answer to your question. If you choose to roll your own implementation of a rating system (nothing wrong with that) you will most likely use NSUserDefaults to store the relevant info.
Check out my answer for this similar question. I provide two different links you can use for taking the user to the "rate this app" screen in the App Store.
Direct "rate in iTunes" link in my app?
You can use NSUserDefaults to save the launch count (increment it in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), then save the user's choice another preference key. If the user says later, you could reset the counter back to zero.
I don't think there is a special rating link, but you can link to your app's specific App Store page. This was incorrect, as TomSwift points out; see Direct "rate in iTunes" link in my app?
I wrote a library for doing this with minimal effort on your part:
I'd recommend using a library rather than rolling your own solution. It may seem like a simple problem but the library takes care of a whole bunch of extra stuff, like ensuring that the user is prompted for each new installed version, that they are reminded after a certain time if they decline, that they aren't prompted to go to the app store unless they have a network connection, etc.

Plug In To Other Applications (iPhone SDK)

I'm pretty sure that due to the Application Sandbox, none of this is possible, but...
I am working on an application that operates on text that the user inputs. Aside from forcing the user to copy and paste from another application or type in text, what other options exist for getting text? To be more specific:
Is there any way to get the user to "pass" an email to my app? I can imagine a hacky solution where I have the user mail it to a server on the Net, and then I expose the mail from a server-side application, but I'd like something a bit more direct.
Is there any way to get to the user's mail inbox without asking them to put in their credentials?
Is there any way to plug-in to Safari, so that I can send web pages "over" to the app? I don't mean a full plugin, which I know is impossible.
I'm trying to think of creative ways to solve this problem of how to get text into my app, so any ideas would help.
From the Iphone SDK Forum: "Apps can't read each others files - but you could use a URL scheme to launch one app from another. Any parameters in the URL would be passed."
It's what my gut was telling me, but i wanted to go verify before saying..officially, no. The Sandbox isolates each program..
You can pass via URL text strings, but that's about it. I haven't seen any app which hacks around this limitation, but that just may be none of them surviving the app submission process.

Opening one app from another app without closing the app

In the home page of my iphone app, there is a button added. When that button is clicked some other iphone app needs to be opened in a new viewcontroller (with out closing the parent app).There will be a back button on this view controller. When the back button is clicked, the new viewcontroller which is showing the another app needs to be closed and our parent app's home page needs to be shown.
Please give me some ideas on how to do this. I googled for this i didnt get any solutions.
-- the following applies to iOS versions previous than 4.0 :)
Actually, there can be only one iPhone application running at once (with exceptions of Safari, Phone and some other system applications). The iPhone Human Interface Guidelines say so:
Only one iPhone application can run at a time, and third-party applications never run in the background. This means that when users switch to another application, answer the phone, or check their email, the application they were using quits.
However, if you only need to e.g. show a webpage, you can do it using UIWebView
Also, if you need to open another application, you should use URLs as pointed by Steve Harrison. This will, however, close your application. The recommended behavior in this case is to remember your application state and restore it when the application is run again, as Nithin writes.
According to apples documentation, they are not allowing any applications to be run in the background, except system generated ones. So you will be unable to do the thing you are going to implement. However, there is one thing that can make the same result.
You told that you are calling other application to run on a button click. Before initiating that application, save the current state of your application, may be using sqlite3 or core-data, and then open the other one. While returning back, load the pre-saved data from the database or wherever you have stored it. Every time you start the application, you check for the persisted data, if exists, load it or otherwise load your basic view
I don't think that you can run other iPhone apps within your own one. It doesn't make sense. You can open another iPhone app via a URL (see here and here), but this will close your app.
Like it has been stated: running two apps is not allowed by apple. You can however implement this apps features into you're app and have both get and save data to the same server...
Or like Nithin said: this functionality is available on JB iphones. Look into "backgrounder" for implementing one solution for normal users and one for thouse that has jailbroken.