Website Forms to iphone app - iphone

I've been researching for ages and still cannot find an easy solution that perfectly. So i stopped and figured i was going about this project the wrong way. All i need is an easy solution.
My project requires me to make a website that has forms (fields include images, text, urls, colors). When the user submits this form, somehow (THIS IS THE KEY QUESTION), gets sent to Xcode so that it can be used in and iPhone app.
My questions: What is an easy to use program to make a website that can do what i said? How does my website connect to Xcode (supply it with the data)? Is it possible for my app to check for newly submitted info?
Keep in mind that i don't have much coding knowledge as far as websites and i only a little about making iPhone apps (Yes, i have made some but not as advanced as this)
Thank you in advance!

It sounds like you want to build an IOS app that can retrieve user submitted data from the server.
Your form will have to post the data to the server where it is stored in your database. Images will have to be uploaded to the server as well.
You can then build a server-side api that returns data to the IOS device upon request. You can have your IOS app regularly request data from the server, receive the response and store what you need on the device.
There is a lot more to it of course, but from what I can gather from your post, this is what you're looking to do.

The workflow you describe doesn't make any sense.
It starts out easily enough: you have a website that has a form with a submit button. No problem there. Hitting submit likely does a POST to a server somewhere. Again, no problem.
Then you say the form data has to ultimately end up in Xcode. This is where things are really muddled. Xcode is a programming IDE for Mac OS X. I'm not sure how or what it has to do with handling data from a Web form. The two things are, for all intents and purposes, completely independent technologies.
Please describe in much more detail exactly why you think you need to "send data to Xcode". Otherwise, your question, as written, is unanswerable.


What are the pitfalls when implementing a web page like app?

I'm planning to implement some app that performs similar functions as some website does. An app should be able to post, get and view some data. Most viewing data is available only after login. Payments. The webservices are .NET asmx XML services.
So, I'm planning to use UIKit, drag and drop some text fiels. For posting the data, I will do some manual input validation, assemble input into a string, post it to the server. Also, some parsing will be done after getting info form a webserver. Now, I haven't done any website app before, so I'm just curious what are the potencial problems that I might run into.
I guess you are asking about potential technical issues. The ones I faced recently working on an app of this type and workarounds are:
Maintaining your session with the server if you are combining native UI screens together with UIWebView's of your website.
XML Parsing can be hairy at times, so JSON is the best option depending on your preference. The other solution is to output XML in the PLIST format which is easier to code against. On the server side PHP has some PLIST generating libraries. Am not aware of what is available on .NET.
On the iOS side the ASIHTTP library helps make it easier to post to websites, particularly when you are using binaries etc.
Depending on your use case you may also consider a pure web based UI version which resides inside a UI webview. If you are planning on going this route JQueryMobile is a pretty good solution for rendering iOS like UIs. This saves you quite a lot of effort on the communicating with the webservice and parsing etc.
Thats all I can think of for now.
Biggest problem might be getting it approved by Apple if they think it should be just a website and not an app. They might cite: "Limited Functionality". see :
I can also reccomend
Your UI will certainly not be as responsive as a native app.
Your users won't be able to use your app without an Internet connection/flaky connection
You'll have to rebuild all native controllers yourself if you wan't your app to look like a native iPhone app.
You'll have to rely on libraries like PhoneGap to use most of the hardware/non HTML supported functions (like geolocation, camera, etc.)

Downloading multiple apps from the app store

I'm new to iOS, and I'm looking for a creative solution to a simple problem.
Now, if I want to send a user to the app store in order to purchase one app, I know how to do so (
But, inside my app, I'd like to create a straightforward way to link to a collection of apps (not from the same seller). Or, better yet, I'd like to create a way for a user to download multiple apps with the fewest clicks possible.
I've contemplated some solutions, but I'm not sure which are feasible. I'm also not sure if I'm missing something obvious. The two options I've thought of thus far are (drum roll):
Create an app collection, and link to it. I know that Apple can create collections in this way ( but I'm not sure if a poor bloke like myself can do the same.
Create a bunch of links to individual apps. I don't like this solution, as the user has to toggle multiple times between my app and the app store.
Any creative or technical input would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't tried this, but try using a webview, and load the itunes web link for each app in a separate frame.
Theres no built in way to automatically download another app from within your app, except through iads, but thats not what you talking about. The only thing you can do is put multiple links. You would be able to search for all the apps by one account, except you said it’ll be from multiple accounts.
Sorry, but theres presently no built in way to do what your saying.

Logging into and communicating with a server from an iOS!

Hey everyone. I have a fair amount of experience developing iOS apps, but nothing much with web/server interacting apps. For a project at work, I am making an app that will let you login, and get pictures off from a server that will then be downloaded for display and review on the local device.
I need to get some pointers on the correct approach to take. Are there built-in classes that make doing something like this easy? Once the cogent is downloaded from the server, it will be viewed locally, so all I need is to get a point in the right direction for logging in and communicating with a server…from an iPhone.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
Me, I'm using ASIHTTPRequest Librayry to communicate / download with Internet.
For example, for an news app I download latest news in JSON (with a PHP script on a web server) and store datas with SQLite. If you need a little explanation of JSON with iPhone, check here (in french, but source codes are in english ^^)
When I need to download an image, I use ASIHTTPRequest and a queue to avoid downloading to much files at the same time.
If you want more information about a step, just say it.
Good Luck !
NURLConnection is your friend, along with its delegate methods.
Don't be lured by the temptation to use the -sendSynchronous method (which, now that I think about it, if you require authentication, you probably can't use anyway).

Plug In To Other Applications (iPhone SDK)

I'm pretty sure that due to the Application Sandbox, none of this is possible, but...
I am working on an application that operates on text that the user inputs. Aside from forcing the user to copy and paste from another application or type in text, what other options exist for getting text? To be more specific:
Is there any way to get the user to "pass" an email to my app? I can imagine a hacky solution where I have the user mail it to a server on the Net, and then I expose the mail from a server-side application, but I'd like something a bit more direct.
Is there any way to get to the user's mail inbox without asking them to put in their credentials?
Is there any way to plug-in to Safari, so that I can send web pages "over" to the app? I don't mean a full plugin, which I know is impossible.
I'm trying to think of creative ways to solve this problem of how to get text into my app, so any ideas would help.
From the Iphone SDK Forum: "Apps can't read each others files - but you could use a URL scheme to launch one app from another. Any parameters in the URL would be passed."
It's what my gut was telling me, but i wanted to go verify before saying..officially, no. The Sandbox isolates each program..
You can pass via URL text strings, but that's about it. I haven't seen any app which hacks around this limitation, but that just may be none of them surviving the app submission process.

how to play the 30 seconds sample itunes music

I'm trying to figure out if its possible for programmers to build an itunes client app for iphone or android where the user has the option to browse and listen to the song preview, something similar to this page: itunes link maker
I greatly appreciate any pointers or links in this direction
I would imagine your main problem is going to be legal rather than technical. The Apple Website's terms of use say:
Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Site and no Content may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed in any way (including “mirroring”) to any other computer, server, Web site or other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without Apple’s express prior written consent.
I'd be surprised if an iTunes Store Browser application passed Apple's approval process since the iPhone already has one and it's even more unlikely that Apple would let you use their content for an Android application.
Try this.
You'll notice that there is a field called "previewUrl". This gives the url to direct to for the preview of the song. It's not hard to play around with the link to generate content for whatever you're looking for. Make sure you've got an affiliate license first..... May as well make money out of any purchases.