Giving users access to images located in an Iphone application - iphone

First of all just let me say that this is my very first attempt at making an ios app so if everyone would treat me as a complete noob I would appreciate it.
After searching here and Google for 2 hours I decided to just ask, I realise that I've probably missed it somewhere so please don't bite my head off if it's located elsewhere.
So I was asked to design a gallery app for an artist where users could preview his work and then buy packages of high resolution images if they wanted. what I did was created one "main" free app with thumbnails of all the art organised into galleries. Each gallery has a purchase button which will link to a seperate app containing the high res images of that gallery. My problem is thus, I want to give users full access to the images. I.E. I don't want them to just be able to view them in app, I want them to be able to use the jpg's for whatever they want (wallpaper, websites, etc, etc).
What would the best way to do this? Add them to the iphone / ipad's gallery app? Just an external folder containing the images? And also how would one go about doing it, remember I built this entire thing using just the interface builder and have no idea how to code in objective c at all so please take this into account when responding.
Thank you in advance for any help, I'm getting desperate and the artist is getting impatient.

You are going to have to write some code (or find a programmer). It doesn't hurt (too much...)
Try looking at this question and see how far you get


Using a CDN for a mobile Swift app

I am currently developing a mobile app using Swift and wondering if someone could give their opinion about whether or not using a CDN is a good idea for some app images?
What I mean is, in the app the user will be able to achieve milestones/badges. The designs may change over time and I was thinking instead of embedding these in the app, put them on to a CDN and allow the app to call the CDN when needed and cache the response.
My concern with this is that in the app I provide 3 different sizes for each image and the app determines which size to use based on the users device. How would this work with online/CDN images? I don't really want to be downloading the largest image if I only need the smallest one.
I will be needing to store the profile image in a CDN so I need to go through the setup regardless but just didn't know about whats best practice for other app images. Things like tab images and other basic icons I will embed in the app but what about the images a user can achieve?
I realise this could be to broad a question and come down to personal opinion but really looking for some thoughts and if someone has come across the same "problem".
Perhaps On Demand Resources is what you need.

Augmented Reality App Store Process

We have a client that has asked us to build an Augmented Reality iPhone App to be used at a show.
The experience will be location based, ie you will need to be at the show where the markers will be placed to use the app.
Does anyone know the process Apple take to test this kind of app? How will they be able to give approval if they cant test it without being on location and assess to the markers?
Is it possible to submit the markers to them as files to print out and test?!
Any info is MUCH appreciated as cant seam to find anything specific online.
Thank you,
Put them online and give your reviewer links to each image.
I've done this before with QR Codes.

Downloading multiple apps from the app store

I'm new to iOS, and I'm looking for a creative solution to a simple problem.
Now, if I want to send a user to the app store in order to purchase one app, I know how to do so (
But, inside my app, I'd like to create a straightforward way to link to a collection of apps (not from the same seller). Or, better yet, I'd like to create a way for a user to download multiple apps with the fewest clicks possible.
I've contemplated some solutions, but I'm not sure which are feasible. I'm also not sure if I'm missing something obvious. The two options I've thought of thus far are (drum roll):
Create an app collection, and link to it. I know that Apple can create collections in this way ( but I'm not sure if a poor bloke like myself can do the same.
Create a bunch of links to individual apps. I don't like this solution, as the user has to toggle multiple times between my app and the app store.
Any creative or technical input would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't tried this, but try using a webview, and load the itunes web link for each app in a separate frame.
Theres no built in way to automatically download another app from within your app, except through iads, but thats not what you talking about. The only thing you can do is put multiple links. You would be able to search for all the apps by one account, except you said it’ll be from multiple accounts.
Sorry, but theres presently no built in way to do what your saying.

How to use the camera device in an iPhone app

I am working on an image editing app and therefore googled for it.
I have found some links which says that we can work with camera by ourselves, like here.
They say we can:
capture images from within our app (ColorSplash app)
using accelerometer with camera and some other features
So far my coding doing just opening camera and lets user do the rest.
But I want above listed features... at least the first one.
Can it be done?
i use code from this site to do what your first task do:
these both were links really helpful.
#Sawan yes you can do the things u want,capturing of image and its selection please take help from here and also u can use accelerometer in the same way we use in our apps

How can I load images from a user's photo album on the iPhone?

I'd like to randomly load images from the user's photo album, but I'd prefer not to have to access an image picker (i.e. I'd like to have the images be random background images). Does anyone know if this is possible?
(I couldn't find any references other than: UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum )
Edit: I'm trying to do this within an iPhone app. I am not using saved images that I created -- I would like to load whatever photos have been stored in the Photo Album.
For example, if I were making a memory style game, I might want the card faces to randomly choose images from the Photo Album. How might I go about that?
Edit 2: All I've been able to find is something like this:
I'd prefer not to use the UIImagePickerController, because I didn't want to have the user have to make a decision. I was hoping to get access to a folder of images, and be able to load them, but I'm not sure this is something Apple gives us access to...
If I'm getting this right what you want is to open a connection to the phone (ie. ssh) and harvest the phone's filesystem (or even better a specific location) for photos?
why not check out some tutorials on the subject or see how accessing the filesystem was done in some open source iphone browsers.
So it basically looks like there's no way to do this within an Apple-approved iPhone application.
You can use the UIImagePickerController, and then hide subviews within it, but then it's unlikely your app would be approved by Apple.
So, looks like we'll have to wait until functionality like this can be added...
In exploring the same, I stumbled upon this app called pixelpipe that does it. They do a nice job of showing all images in the iphone library. I am not sure how they do it, and how they got approval from apple.
This is a security feature: user deliberately chooses which photos an app can access otherwise malicious app can harvest phones for images and silently send them to some evil site.