Chat Option for iphone - iphone

I have to implement chatting functionality for iphone (login basis).I dont have any clear cut idea most of the sample code will support macos supported framework

You can use XMPP / Jabber, IRC, SILC protocol to get chat functionality for your application.

If you're going to use XMPP as the previous answer suggested i would recommend trying out


Instant messaging in coenameone

I am developing codenameone application. It's working fine. but I need to implement Instant messagins system in my app.
Is this possible to do instant messaging system?
Is there any sdk in codenameone?
This sample is a bit flawed but it should provide you a base guideline on how to accomplish IM in Codename One:
There are a few apps that implemented IM in Codename One specifically

PhoneGap mobile irc client app using native tcp sockets, websockets?

Hi I would like to know if it possible to realize an iOS/Android irc client app using PhoneGap.
I think I am going to need to use native tcp sockets: does anybody know if PhoneGap allow me to make use of them? I checked the api doc but for some reason couldn't find the part dealing with it?
Also, if PhoneGap supports websockets, is it a feasible option to use that for this kind of app?
I'd like to have some kind of basic advice on wheter or not I am on a good path.
I'm also thinking of using Rhomobile, (for which I have the same doubts I said above, though I did not investigate enough) but for now I would like to go with PhoneGap because it also says to support Symbian devices, while Rhomobile discontinued support for it.

Is it ok to use Unoffical Airplay protocol?

I have come across this link while searching for ways to implement Airplay. I dont have an apple tv so I was testing using Airserver. I could achieve the image sharing via the unofficial protocol.
My question is that if I put up an application like this to iTunes, will it be accepted?
recently, lots of airplay hack apps have been removed from the AppStore:
IF it's an open-source project then should be fine, otherwise Apple doesn't allow private protocol - frameworks.

How to integrate skype feature in my native app

I want to integrate Skype APIs in my native app. Is that possible? I have Googled around and couldn't find a way to start. I know there are APIs available for Mac OS X.
Can I make use of those APIs for my iPhone app? I know it is possible, as many apps like Nimbuzz have integrated Skype APIs in their iPhone apps.
Skype has a Public API which you can reference. This page has a wealth of information on how to use the API and the various commands. There is no public framework which abstracts it any further so you'll need to investigate how to make the actual commands by deconstructing the various wrappers.
I don't think Skype wants to particularly bring their API wrappers to the iPhone because you'd be competing directly with their own application. They do provide Cocoa wrappers but those are in the form of a framework and you can't have your own custom frameworks in an iPhone Application (only Apple approved ones). Also relevant: Skype bans Nimbuzz and fring while faking stats
SkypeKit sounds like what you want.
SkypeKit prohibits development on iOS devices. What may be of use to you is the URI scheme, This should let you open the skype App on your iPhone and place a call.
For additional help visit the Skype Developer Forum

Framework for creating IPhone chat application

I want to create chat application in IPhone. Is/Are there any framework(s) which support the same? Do I have to use a third party tool for creating it? If yes, which one?
If you can write it directly you can create from Objective-C.In there nearly everything explained.
But If you want to create in Javascript,HTML.There is a application Appcelerator Titanium Which you can develop the application in Javascript and HTML.You can look here to see a chat example with Titanium.Also Titanium converts code the objective C at the end.