Framework for creating IPhone chat application - iphone

I want to create chat application in IPhone. Is/Are there any framework(s) which support the same? Do I have to use a third party tool for creating it? If yes, which one?

If you can write it directly you can create from Objective-C.In there nearly everything explained.
But If you want to create in Javascript,HTML.There is a application Appcelerator Titanium Which you can develop the application in Javascript and HTML.You can look here to see a chat example with Titanium.Also Titanium converts code the objective C at the end.


Instant messaging in coenameone

I am developing codenameone application. It's working fine. but I need to implement Instant messagins system in my app.
Is this possible to do instant messaging system?
Is there any sdk in codenameone?
This sample is a bit flawed but it should provide you a base guideline on how to accomplish IM in Codename One:
There are a few apps that implemented IM in Codename One specifically

Running iOS Apps on Flash

I wrote an app for iOS on iPhone and iPad. I would like to make the app (a children's game) I wrote available on my website through Flash. I don't know if this is possible...
Would I just have to write the application in another language? I can't find any tools that would help me make it available.
If you wrote your app in HTML5, then you can make it available to your website, but if written with obj C, I highly doubt there is any easy way out solution beside re-write the app in another language.
There are no tools to make an iOS application run through Flash Player.
Probably your best bet on writing an application that will run as a native app and within the web is to pursue writing a web application optimized for smartphones. This way you could use a UIWebView to run it within a native application (and thus still have it in the App Store) but also make it available via the web. You could even consider leveraging tools like Phonegap to help with this. But of course this means re-writing your application.

Calling another program

I'm working on monotouch framework, I'm writing an application for iPhone device, I want to call another program running on the iPhone from my own code...
Anyone can help me with this, usually in C# we just create a process for that exe file.
Is there anyway to do that with monotouch?????
You could of course use URL Schemes, but those suck. I have a blog post on super-duper-easy-peasy local cross-application communication using background tasks in iOS.
It's basically the same way that PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium work to communicate back to native platform specific APIs:
Blog Post:
In Objective C code you can go with URL Schemes, using that you can launch another application from your application.
The short answer is that this can only be done of a URL scheme catches it. The long answer has, well---already been answered :)

problem regarding iphone Web App

I need to create a web app on iphone. How to go about it?
there you are:
A search on Google for 'Webapp Tutorial' can do magical things.
This one for HTML5
Look at the Wink Toolkit. Very useful for developing Mobile WebApps.

phoneGap/Titanium developing

I was looking into PhoneGap and Titanium framework, and I did not clearly understand how to they work, let's suppose I have already developed an app for android or iphone, can I run this app on another mobile with a different OS with PhoneGap or Titanium help?
Or I have to develop again my app with PhoneGap/Titanium framwork?
In this case I have full support at all the features like thread, JSON or XML parsing and so on?
Thank you
PhoneGap basically takes a client-side web app (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and wraps the whole thing in a native device's web view control. You can hook to some of the device's native functions, but as you can guess, it's pretty limited compared to native development. But easy, and brings in a whole range of skills that a lot of people already have. That's really the appeal of PhoneGap.
Titanium is also html/javascript oriented, but it actually claims to compile to native code. Their sample "kitchen sink" app demos quite a lot of the native APIs, at least for the iPhone. I doubt you'd be able to deal directly with threading, but JSON for sure, and I'd think XML as well.
Titanium has full support for JSON or XML parsing.
You can see Titanium examples - Kitchen Sink - for more details.
The idea behind phone gap is that you can take a browser based client app that is written in html/css/javascript and use phonegap to gain access to some native mobile hardware like contacts, gps, accelerometer, etc. Phonegap allows you also to build this web app for different mobile devices all using the same web app code.
To answer the first part of your question, no, you would not be able to take a developed app and use PhoneGap or Titanium to run the app on another device.You would have to write the app in either the PhoneGap or Titanium Framework and then build the application to the devices you want to support through the tools that each give you.
For example, you would write your code in JavaScript(Titanium) or HTML/CSS/JavaScript(PhoneGap), then use the app's build tool to create the file that would be released onto the phone.