Instant messaging in coenameone - xmpp

I am developing codenameone application. It's working fine. but I need to implement Instant messagins system in my app.
Is this possible to do instant messaging system?
Is there any sdk in codenameone?

This sample is a bit flawed but it should provide you a base guideline on how to accomplish IM in Codename One:
There are a few apps that implemented IM in Codename One specifically


is it possible use telegram APIs in an ionic app?

can it possible use telegram APIs in ionic app?
i've just tried an instant really chat but i would use telegram for using bots for example.
if it is possible can someone help me?
Yes, you can easily use Ionic here, in fact the official web client is built on Angular itself! You can look at the source code here and there are several Core API libraries for JS such as
Yes, but you will be limited to a few functionalities. Basically your Ionic app will just be a mirror of the bot. In order to receive the message, you will have to cleverly extract the message sent to the bot and pass it to your Ionic framework, which isn't very hard. There is one Android app using a boosted bot API. There are several Web Apps and Progressive Apps using the bot API and even a java applet!

Xtify Integration For Dreamweaver Phone app

I am creating my first native phone application using dreamweaver and phonegap build service, one of the most important features I need is the ability to send push notifications. That being said I am having a hard time finding a tutorial on integrating xtify with an app built in dreamweaver. any suggestions? All the documentation on xtify assumes I am building the program in phonegap. First thing you need to understand is that I am not a programmer, I work for a non profirt organization and this is just part of my job here.
Dreamweaver uses Adobe PhoneGap Build which packages mobile apps in the cloud. They don't support custom phonegap plugins (like Xtify) yet but they are working on it. Details here.
From the website:
Right now, you cannot submit your own plugins to PhoneGap Build and
have them included on our system. We are working on the infrastructure
changes to allow this support.

How to integrate skype feature in my native app

I want to integrate Skype APIs in my native app. Is that possible? I have Googled around and couldn't find a way to start. I know there are APIs available for Mac OS X.
Can I make use of those APIs for my iPhone app? I know it is possible, as many apps like Nimbuzz have integrated Skype APIs in their iPhone apps.
Skype has a Public API which you can reference. This page has a wealth of information on how to use the API and the various commands. There is no public framework which abstracts it any further so you'll need to investigate how to make the actual commands by deconstructing the various wrappers.
I don't think Skype wants to particularly bring their API wrappers to the iPhone because you'd be competing directly with their own application. They do provide Cocoa wrappers but those are in the form of a framework and you can't have your own custom frameworks in an iPhone Application (only Apple approved ones). Also relevant: Skype bans Nimbuzz and fring while faking stats
SkypeKit sounds like what you want.
SkypeKit prohibits development on iOS devices. What may be of use to you is the URI scheme, This should let you open the skype App on your iPhone and place a call.
For additional help visit the Skype Developer Forum

Framework for creating IPhone chat application

I want to create chat application in IPhone. Is/Are there any framework(s) which support the same? Do I have to use a third party tool for creating it? If yes, which one?
If you can write it directly you can create from Objective-C.In there nearly everything explained.
But If you want to create in Javascript,HTML.There is a application Appcelerator Titanium Which you can develop the application in Javascript and HTML.You can look here to see a chat example with Titanium.Also Titanium converts code the objective C at the end.

How to create a mobile interface for Grails apps?

I'd like to have a mobile interface for my Grails app, and am wondering how to go about it, namely how to create the UI.
Google search quickly revealed iUI and the iUI Grails plugin. Both don't seem to be maintained any longer, last releases being in 2009. Despite their version numbers, are they in a usable state?
Are there any alternatives? I remember seeing another plugin for this, but now I cannot find it.
Right now, all we have are iphone clients. In the long run, does a web-app benefit from a vendor-neutral interface, or is it more prudent to create an interface per platform?
I can suggest that you look at Mobl-lang, JQuery Mobile or PhoneGap as your frontend and let your Grails app deliver data to the frontend as JSON
There is grails plugin for iphone like layout
Here is the reference to stack-overflow ticket which discusses the same issue.
iWebkit vs. JQTouch vs. iUI