PhoneGap mobile irc client app using native tcp sockets, websockets? - sockets

Hi I would like to know if it possible to realize an iOS/Android irc client app using PhoneGap.
I think I am going to need to use native tcp sockets: does anybody know if PhoneGap allow me to make use of them? I checked the api doc but for some reason couldn't find the part dealing with it?
Also, if PhoneGap supports websockets, is it a feasible option to use that for this kind of app?
I'd like to have some kind of basic advice on wheter or not I am on a good path.
I'm also thinking of using Rhomobile, (for which I have the same doubts I said above, though I did not investigate enough) but for now I would like to go with PhoneGap because it also says to support Symbian devices, while Rhomobile discontinued support for it.


GWTMobile v/s MGWT

I need to build a mobile app which should run on both iOs and android.I'm not interested to make my app as native app rather a hybrid one(my app may/maynot includes native code of iOs & android in few areas).Please help me on these queries.
which one should be the best technology to initiate my project.
Can I use MVP pattern in GWTMobile?
Which one requires less developing cost(factors: time,manpower) and less developing overhead(factor:less boilerplate code).
Which one have great look and feel in their widgets.
my app requires some of the features of phoneGap too, which one is gives great support to GWTPhoneGap. I'm prefering GWT-RPC for server communication and HTML5-Database support for local storage and offline service. Please give me answer with explanation to each point. Thanks in advance
don't know
in mgwt: yes
features requires cost. Both are more or less widget and framework components. I don' think they wil be really different.
compare them:
gwt-rpc isa bad idea for phonegap apps. It will work, but you must ensure, that clientcode (packaged inside the app) and the server must be in the exact same version, because of th serialization-policies.

Phonegap for iphone development on Windows questino re native api

I've spent the day googling all the leads on developing iphone apps on Windows and apart from buying a mac the most suitable route seems to be Phonegap. I cannot find out whether Phonegap gives access to all the native functionality. For example I want to access and manipulate the address book contents. I also want to be able to send text messages programatically and intercept and examine incoming text messages. It would be helpful if someone could confirm whether this can be done with Phonegap.
My understanding is that Phonegap is based on webapps but I am assuming that an app developed with it can run offline for operations that dont require internet access.
Even using Phonegap you will still need access to a mac to actually build your iOS application. This is a restriction that Apple has in place, and to my knowledge there is no way around it.
Phonegap uses a UIWebView to display your application built using HTML, CSS, Javascript etc, but this does not mean that an Internet connection is required for the app to run (so offline apps are definitely possible).
With regards to Phonegap's functionality, details of the Phonegap API can be found on their website. Specific to your needs, I believe phonegap provides access to the device's address book through the contacts API:
I don't think Phonegap provides the ability to send SMS messages itself, but many people have developed extensions to add extra functionality to their applications through plugins. The majority of Phonegap iOS plugins can found at the following GitHub repo. The plugin I think you require is the SMSComposer:

WebSockets client for Objective-C (preferably iOS compatible)

Closest thing I've found is How to incorporate WebSockets into a Cocoa application, but the answers only pointed to an outdated library.
Does anyone know about a WebSockets library compatible with iOS 4.x?
I've also read about Pusherapp, and, as good as the service could be, I would prefer to use my own WebSockets server.
You can check out the UnitT Web Socket Client. It is intended for use in iOS apps using Objective-C. It works with both ws & wss.
I am the author and have been using it in some of my projects with success. Let me know if you run into any trouble and I will do what I can to help.
Found this post in a google search for iOS WebSockets and wanted to put an updated answer.
Anyways, Zimt and Unitt's client don't support the latest standard (at the time of writing this).
(disclaimer: author of SocketRocket)
We just released a new library that has no external dependencies, supports RFC 6455 completely, and works with iOS 4.x+.
It's called SocketRocket and can be found here
You could make a web application using one of several Cocoa-like libraries and then convert it to a native app using something like PhoneGap/Apache Cordova.
Cappuccino - Make webapps using Objective-J and Cocoa-like API.
WebSockets for Cappuccino
SproutCore - Apple's Cocoa for the web
Toth - a multi-user SproutCore library that uses WebSockets.
For the server side there are lots of options. Just search for "websockets server" on
I created a package for iOS/Objective-C and TLS taking into account the new iOS13 TLS restrictions. It works with a NodeJS TLS server how I use it. Hope it helps, feel free to contribute.

Any idea how to write code that can be easily ported to iphone, android and blackberry?

I'm looking for a way to easily port content driven applications from one mobile platform to another. Currently HTML5+js seems to be the only language that can be easily reused.
Can you share your experience? I'm looking for a way to go forward.
Have you taken a look at Titanium Mobile?
You can build apps for iPhone/iPad & Android using JavaScript - doesn't support blackberry (yet), though.
You are right. HTML5+CSS+JavaScript is a viable and recommended solution for cross-platform mobile apps. If you're already familiar with these technologies there is no reason for you to learn a new one (such as Titanium Mobile as was suggested by someone else).

iPhone apps and state aware web connections

I'm working on an interface for an existing web application that will allow iPhone and other mobile clients.
I have started implement a JSON API and I need to give some detailed specificaitions for the App to an iPhone developer.
What I am curious about is whether other developers are using session data in their JSON / mobile client communications.
Do the common url grabbing libraries of iPhones (and other mobile devices) mimic a browser's cookie handling?
Can someone suggest what libraries might be used to achieve this? Are there any online tutorials or blog entries that outline state based web connectivity in an iPhone app?
I've used ASIHTTP ( and JSONFramework ( to achieve this.
Both very good libraries that are easy to work with.