How to make an app like VEVO? - iphone

The VEVO app on iPhone sets a great sample for video oriented apps. I'm working on something similar, and I want to now how to customize the video controller as VEVO does.
My current app is based on the built-in controller. It's OK, but I want to make it tremendous.
I've attached a screenshot. How to implement the progress bar?

you can add subviews to MPMoviePlayerController's view property such as custom buttons and everything.
Note: if there is something specific about the app you are talking about, i'd suggest posting a screenshot so others can see what you are talking about.


IPhone disable/hide scrubbar mpmovieplayercontroller in fullscreen mode

I'm creating an iphone app with video clips (among other things) where I need to play one or more ads before the actual video clip. Naturally my client doesn't want users to be able to fast forward during the ads but at the same time they must be able to exit the view so I cant set controlStyle to MPMovieControlStyleNone.
I would prefer not to hack the default view and remove the scrubbar so it seems my only option is to implement a custom bar with a single "Done"/"Back" button.
I've googled my eyes out trying to find example code for this, but no dice. I've seen similar questions posted here as well but no answers are given that could help me out. I'm a novice IOS developer and could really use som help with this (custom control bar with single "Done" button for fullscreen MPMoviePlayerController that shows/hideson tap OR disable scrubbar in an acceptable fashion – in fullscreen mode).
Anyone done this before or know where to find some example code? Thanks!

Developing a swipe and view change iPhone application

I am trying to develop an application whose view closely matches with groupon app. User should be able to swipe on the screen and the entire screen changes with top pointer pointing to different tool bar entity.
Any pointer of how to go about it?
Take a look at UIScrollView Reference and PageControl Reference from Apple Guides
Hope it helps,
Looks like a pagecontrol+scrollerview
The complex part is making the toolbar elements move when you are changing the page at a different speed

IOS new Facebook iPhone App UISplitViewController Layout [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone
another break away .net developer here now trying to get used to the world of IOS.
I like the layout of the new Facebook iPhone app (October 2011), and want to implement something similar in an app I am doing. I know that the UISplitterControl is not available on iPhone but Facebook seem to have pulled a little magic to make it appear so on their new app.
In Facebook's implementation it looks to me that they have used a UINavigationController which slides to the right by x when the NavigationBar icon is tapped thus exposing a view underneath with the menu items.
Would appreciate if someone could help me work this out as the solution would also be a great learning curve.
I've tried setting a UINavigationController as the AppDelegate window root view controller, then using initwithframe to load a custom view which includes the menu items as a subview hidden behind the UINavigationcontroller root view. Then when the UINavgationController menu item button is clicked slide the NavigationController to the right thus exposing the view underneath with menu items.This presents two problems, first that the subview positioning doesn't work and also how can I slide the actual UINavigationController to the right to expose the menu view underneath.
Please help!
Might also want to check out my implementation on Github. It's specifically designed to resemble Facebook's implementation as much as possible (from a technical point of view). Also it leverages iOS 5's new UIViewController-Containment features, which most others don't. Thus it works flawlessly in both landscape and portrait modes. It's universal of course and highly flexible. One class only. The way you use it is similar to any other Apple made controller.
there is a similar post here: SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone.
you can also checkout the code directly at:
I'm having exactly the same question, my guess is that the "SplitView" is actually more likely a modal view that takes up only part of the screen. I haven't had the time to try it just yet but the following post might give some hint on how this can be done:
You might want to check out this project
Here some howto
Similar to the one "MyPad" is using.
Note: This is only for iPad but you might find some usefull stuff in it
I created a component that mimics the behavior of the Facebook slide out menu. It is available on github.
Here is link from stack overflow where people have discussed on same topic.
Also there are several links that can be helpful:
SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone

Lion style non-modal alert example for iOS

Xcode4 introduced the gray-rounded-square style non-modal alerts that momentarily appear as required. For an example, see 'Build Succeeded'. iirc, this style of non-modal alert is also used elsewhere in Lion.
Now, also iirc, I believe I saw some official iPhone sample code showing how they recommend this effect is achieved in iPhone Apps, but I can't find it again. I'd like to use in my App this to achieve a consistent style.
If someone recalls what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate a link. Thanks.
I think you're talking about the bezel notification style? On iOS, I know SSToolkit has support for such a display (under HUD View).
Another way: This uses MBProgressHUD and provides sample code.
I think you can do it using a momentary UIActivityIndicator. Something like this
EDIT: or this
EDIT: The idea is the same, a custom activity indicator. The above answer gives you some more specific links to your problem. But well it is an activity indicator you're looking for.

iPhone, how can I provide a simple tutorial for my app where screens are pushed etc?

I'm looking for a simple way to provide a tutorial for my app.
I want the tutorial to show something on screen and be moved to the next screen as they move through the tutorial.
Any ideas?
Use an NSTimer in your AppDelegate to automatically present views over a period of time, in sync with a voiceover