How to disable localization for facebook like button - facebook

Facebook like button looks like "Мне нравится" on my russuin windows. How to disable this behavior? I want to see the same button on all browser and platfroms.

the language is set in the code (in this case 'en_US'):
<script src=""></script>
here's a list of all language codes:
facebook locales
yours is probably ru_RU so replace that with the code for your preferred language

Facebook locales follow ISO language and country codes respectively, concatenated by an underscore.

If the user is currently logged into Facebook, it will display in their localized language. If not, I believe it defaults to the language you specify in the script file include.


How to pass keycloak login page language with URL

is it possible to pass language with a login URL?
I know now Keycloak supports multiple languages and after enabling this feature I can use it. Currently, I can only change that language after going to the login page. I want to show the login page with the given language. Is there any way to pass language with the login page URL using a query parameter or header value?
After loading the login page I checked it URL and end of that URL have a query parameter like kc_locale=en. I try to use this query parameter but it not work.
In version 7.0.0+ below format works:
For version 13.0.0+ use element ui_locales=cs.
I`m using v12, on the create url function you can pass the locale as option.
keyCloakClient.createLoginUrl({locale: 'it'});
This adds an &ui_locales=it appendix to the url and loads the Keycloak app in the specific language.
See KeycloakLoginOptions.
You should try something beforehand:
- dont set any default language in your kc-client-config nore in the user prefs
- change your browser language to french and try to login. Is the login page in french?
- change your brwoser language to english any try to login. Is the login page in english?
We have a multi-language app here (Angular/Spring) and found that the language is determined by browser settings.

Page redirects automatically to front page

I have a page in two languages, Norwegian and English. The English page, when applying &L=1, only redirects to front page. I have no idea what's wrong.
I tried enable Development settings, but no error. Also I disabled all content elements on page but no change. I disabled RealURL, no change.
TYPO3 6.2.29
maybe you build wrong links in your language switcher.
disable realurl and have a look what links are generated. you probably miss the uid of the current page in the parameter.
how do you generate the language switcher link? language menu?
enhance your question with your configuration.

Translation not working with Preview-Stories in Open Graph Timeline-View

We are working on an app that has the locales german and english. Our app creates open graph actions like "[User] offered [Object] on [App]".
I have translated all our strings in facebooks translation app, my facebook account is set to german and our app runs with the default locale german.
When we post to the graph, the unique og:url for the action/object links to a site with the following html:
<meta content='de_DE' property='og:locale'>
<meta content='de_DE' property='og:locale:alternate'>
<meta content='en_US' property='og:locale:alternate'>
Our app is able to serve the content in different languages when called with the locale-param, e.g. "?locale=en-US" or "?locale=de-DE".
I have seen correctly translated text in the ticker, that seems to work. Also, the preview popups that come up from the ticker messages are correctly translated.
Now the Problem: the aggregation preview in the Timeline does always show the english action types. But when i click into the aggregation and i only see the App's "All time" aggregation, there the translation is correct.
[Picture 1] so thats my problem, that "searched" should be a "sucht", that "offered" should be "bietet an".
[Picture 2] here you can see a line from my activity log, that should be in german, too. The second line is from the translation tool and looks like that it should be the correct translation for the log-line, right?
What am i doing wrong here?
As far as I understood it, the translation strings need to be approved somehow by the community through the translation app.
as i can see from the first screenshot, the translation in the second one is wrong. It should be something like
searched {flat1}
The aggregation do not have {name} and {Flatorious} in it.
P.S.: Hugo, if you are the dev or admin of the App, you do not need to approve the translations. Only if someone third party is translating.

fb like button shows allways as locale en_US

I am using the XFBML Facebook like button on my german website.
The locales were changed to de_DE to display "Gefällt mir" and it worked for some days.
But now it is ignoring the locales and everybody sees "Like".
I can not figure out why it has changed.
The used code is the same as before.
The used web server is located in germany.
My facebook account is set to german language.
What else could have an effect?
I have found my mistake...
My CMS also uses the possibility to login using a FB account.
For that it loads the javascript sdk again in the footer of the page.
This version was set to en_US!
which version of the javascript sdk u are loading in your page that contains the like button?
make sure you are loading the de_DE version

Translating the name of a Facebook iFrame Tab App

Does anyone know if Facebook automatically translates the iFrame Tab Application name that appears in the left hand menu on a Facebook Page?
I've added the name in English and the application language is set to English (US), but if someone in a different country visits the page then will the English name get translated automatically?
Facebook won't automatically translate your content. You can set the translations on the Facebook Translation Manager by going there and selecting your app from the drop down on the right. Then click admin panel on the left and navigate to the language you want to translate.
Simply: NO
Facebook doesn't translate anything for you
Also if you change that Page Tab Name manually, all the previous tabs stay using the old name, as an extra information