Translation not working with Preview-Stories in Open Graph Timeline-View - facebook

We are working on an app that has the locales german and english. Our app creates open graph actions like "[User] offered [Object] on [App]".
I have translated all our strings in facebooks translation app, my facebook account is set to german and our app runs with the default locale german.
When we post to the graph, the unique og:url for the action/object links to a site with the following html:
<meta content='de_DE' property='og:locale'>
<meta content='de_DE' property='og:locale:alternate'>
<meta content='en_US' property='og:locale:alternate'>
Our app is able to serve the content in different languages when called with the locale-param, e.g. "?locale=en-US" or "?locale=de-DE".
I have seen correctly translated text in the ticker, that seems to work. Also, the preview popups that come up from the ticker messages are correctly translated.
Now the Problem: the aggregation preview in the Timeline does always show the english action types. But when i click into the aggregation and i only see the App's "All time" aggregation, there the translation is correct.
[Picture 1] so thats my problem, that "searched" should be a "sucht", that "offered" should be "bietet an".
[Picture 2] here you can see a line from my activity log, that should be in german, too. The second line is from the translation tool and looks like that it should be the correct translation for the log-line, right?
What am i doing wrong here?

As far as I understood it, the translation strings need to be approved somehow by the community through the translation app.

as i can see from the first screenshot, the translation in the second one is wrong. It should be something like
searched {flat1}
The aggregation do not have {name} and {Flatorious} in it.
P.S.: Hugo, if you are the dev or admin of the App, you do not need to approve the translations. Only if someone third party is translating.


Facebook 'Translate Open Graph Stories' not working

I have created a couple custom open graph stories and I'm trying to translate them from English to French, but every time I try to save my translated string I get an error message in a Facebook popup saying 'Translation submission failed'.
I don't know if this problem is a Facebook bug or if there is a problem with my app configuration, but here is what I can tell you to help finding the problem.
I am using the new facebook developer interface as you can see in the linked pictures.
My app primary language is English (US) and I'm trying to translate to French (Canada).
I'm an administrator of this app, but not the creator. My co worker who created the app is able to translate strings without this error message.
He tried to add me as an 'Language managers' in the translation dashboard with my user id, but it's still not working.
I really need to get stories translated for the launch of the website. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Here is a linked picture of what happens
(click for picture)
Thank you
Please double check that your application's primary language is set to English (US) (Under app details) In my case, it was set to Turkish and when I was trying to translate English open graph texts to Turkish, it was giving the similar error but in Turkish.
This change fixed my problem.

Do Facebook Like Buttons require an App ID?

When going to the set up pages for all the Social Plugins, they now provide example code using an APP ID.
Is an APP ID now required for the Like Button and other plugins? What happens if an APP ID is not included when using the plugins?
I've checked the Facebook developer blog and read about the Like Button Migration. I haven't been able to find a straight answer for this either there or in the FB Like Reference.
This is an old dated information, the official facebook's behaviors are changed.
Simply, the answer is No, just look at the following official Facebook resource.
Notice: To do it without need to the app id, you have to visit the above page when you are signed out from Facebook. Look at the following screen shot.
As semsem said, the simple answer is "no it is not required"... there are ways to get around having an appId associated with the "like" button. Here's my experience working with this. I'm not a Facebook or Open Graph expert, so YMMV.
Why we avoided using the appId on the button:
We're providing an service where we have one website (the engine, as it were) that provides a service distributing online courses to students (customers). Instructors (also customers) who what to use our service to disseminate courses to students can brand the site how they wish, and map their domain to their section of our website that serves those course(s).
As a simplified example: we serve from, but we want students to access the content through Any courses would be sub-directories off the base URL.
Associating the "like" button with our Facebook App disallows any cross domain shenanigans. While there are valid reasons for doing so, it doesn't work for where we're at in our company and product evolution. So we needed to find a workaround.
We wanted to allow folks to "like" a course, have the "story" point to the appropriate places on the net, as well as get some customization (e.g. "NAME likes an online course on FBAppName"). We basically achieved this. We lost some functionality which we deemed acceptable at this point in our evolution.
The short of it
I used the iframe version of the Facebook "like" button as dictated by the appropriate Facebook developer's page (for the link see semesm's answer for the link, I got no rep). I took their code snippet and manually removed the appId query string in the iframe's src.
In the "liked" page itself (which was the same page that had the "like" button) I used the Open Graph meta tags including specifying the appId. (These tags were specified: fb:app_id, og:type, og:url, og:site_name, og:title, og:description, og:image.)
The og:type was our custom type of the form 'namespace:app_custom_object_name'.
A failed approach
My first attempt was to use what I understand as the preferred method, the "HTML5" tab in the "Get Code" section of the developer's "like-button" page. I tried their method stripping the appId from the appropriate places. This method proved ineffectual.
If the domain doesn't match that in the Facebook App, there will be no "like" button.
If the domain does match, the "like" button will appear. However, it takes 3 clicks to actually "like" something. The first click changes the "thumbs-up Like" icon to a normal anchor with one word that didn't make obvious sense (I forgot what the word was). The second click will brings up the login/authorization window for using our app. The third actually bring up the modern fancy "like" box where you can type in a comment. I didn't find a way around this behavior.
Note that when I specified the appId in this approach on the appropriate domain, it worked as one would expect (though inconsistent with our desired behavior).
I did not try the other two options in the "Get Code" section of the "like-button" page.
Informed speculation and rumor
In my research around this, my overall impression is that requiring an appId is the way of the future for Facebook. Who knows if the old way will be depreciated, probably never, though I didn't find anything in the docs talking about this "legacy" behavior. This makes sense to me with their newer offerings and the advanced tracking that becomes available with this method.
I've seen suggestions that the "likes" used in this manner are akin to second-class citizens... treated as inferior in some respects. In my own experimentation I found the behavior of the fully specified appId (in the "like" button itself) to be different and more accessible and predictable (in terms of Open Graph queries and visibility on my limited Facebook tests) than the partially specified appId. (Again, I've found no solid documentation on this, and did not endeavor to full grok the differences.)
May this info help someone else along. Good luck!
So, I just tried the sємsєм method, as comments say: Facebook want you to login to get the code, and if you have an app, you have to choose one.
But if you don't, it gives you a code without any app reference.
So when you get a code – no matter any app you choose –, you just need to remove the appId parameter in the .js URL (&appId=##############), and you got (for the latest HTML5 code, 6th line):
js.src = "//";
The code for the div element does not change.
I simply use the URL code inside an iframe tag without an appID and it seams to work,
here is an example:
<iframe src="<%=request.original_url%>&width&layout=button_count&action=like&show_faces=false&share=false&height=35&appId=" frameBorder="0" width="150" height="25">
According to Facebook's Social Plugins FAQ
Web: If you are using Social Plugins on the web, you do not need to create a Facebook app for integrating a Social Plugin.
iOS/Android: If you are using Social Plugins within a iOS or Android app, you need to create a Facebook app and tie it to your app identifier.
It seems that the official answer is that they are only required for iOS/Android.

Links to access phone features from browser

I know that I have seen something like this in somewhere...But no remember where.
Does somebody know what are the features of a smartphone(iphone, android, blackberry) that I can access from a Web Browser?
In some place I had see a list of links that can access different features of the phones(too many).
I mean, I know some things like:
Link Text
Link Text
Link Text
but, is it there something like:
Link Text ???? OR
Link Text ????
Thank for your answers!!
For iOS, it all works via a system called URL Schemes. Checkout this website which even builds the right link for you in HTML.

How can I create a website summary with Perl?

When you share something on Facebook or Digg, it generates some summary of the page. How would I do this in Perl? What algorithms are there?
For example:
If I go to Facebook and tried to share this question as a link:
How can I create a website summary with Perl?
It retrieves "Facebook/Digg get website summary? - Stack Overflow" as the title (which is just the title of the page) and [... incomplete question?]
CPAN is your friend.
Some promising looking modules:
Assuming you mean sharing a link...
Usually the summary is written by the user submitting the URL. If you have to write a summary automagically this can be achieved by:
Using the first 100 or so characters of the document body (in itself not easy)
Using metadata like the description or keywords (often empty or spammed)
Context-relevant summaries like recreating Google snippets (sorry its PHP but simple)
Tags/keywords from the document using something like the Yahoo Keyword Extractor API or your own keyword density function
Your best bet is to ask the user!
Hope that helps somewhat :)
Basically you want to scrape the URL and find the "most significant paragraph" which might be the first <div> or <p> element after the first <h2> or <h1>, depending on the layout of the page.
You could check and see if there is a meta description on the page, but that leaves you at the mercy of whoever wrote the meta description.

Facebook Post Link Image

When someone posts a link on facebook, a script usually scans that link for any images, and displays a quick thumbnail next to the post. For certain URLs though (including mine), FB doesn't seem to pick up anything, despite their being a number of images on that page.
I read up that FB prefers the "image_src" rel tag for the image the user wishes to specify, but this does not generate that thumbnail either for my site.
My url goes directly to the DNS, and is not forwarded, so I don't imagine that could be the problem either.
Does anyone have an idea as to why FB can't generate any thumbnails from my site?
The easiest way is just a link tag:
<link rel="image_src" href="" />
But there are some other things you can add to your site to make it more Social media friendly:
Open Graph Tags
Open Graph tags are tags that you add to the <head> of your website to describe the entity your page represents, whether it is a band, restaurant, blog, or something else.
An Open Graph tag looks like this:
<meta property="og:tag name" content="tag value"/>
If you use Open Graph tags, the following six are required:
og:title - The title of the entity.
og:type - The type of entity. You must select a type from the list of Open Graph types.
og:image - The URL to an image that represents the entity. Images must be at least 50 pixels by 50 pixels. Square images work best, but you are allowed to use images up to three times as wide as they are tall.
og:url - The canonical, permanent URL of the page representing the entity. When you use Open Graph tags, the Like button posts a link to the og:url instead of the URL in the Like button code.
og:site_name - A human-readable name for your site, e.g., "IMDb".
fb:admins or fb:app_id - A comma-separated list of either the Facebook IDs of page administrators or a Facebook Platform application ID. At a minimum, include only your own Facebook ID.
More information on Open Graph tags and details on Administering your page can be found on the Open Graph protocol documentation.
I know this question is old, but I recently dealt with the exact same problem and went round and round on it for a couple weeks. Multiple searches on Google turned up a lot of useful information, but most of it was focused on Open Graph tags, which I wasn't interested in using. Turns out my site had multiple issues, but here are some of the basics.
As EightyEight said, make sure your HTML is valid - and the same goes for your javascript and server-side code (PHP, ASP, etc.). I had a small PHP error in a piece of code that was executing as a separate call to the server from the main page. Due to a number of bizarre coincidences, that code was generating a 500 error - but ONLY for IE6 and strict parsing engines like the W3C validator and the Facebook page crawler. The problem didn't appear in modern browsers (Chrome 4, FF 3.5, IE 8, etc) so I didn't see it right away, but older/stricter clients were showing the 500 every time and that was the main reason FB wasn't crawling our page (when everything else seemed to be correct).
Regarding Randy's response, he's correct that Facebook will keep an old cached copy of your page long after you've updated it. FB claims it's only held for 24 hours, but I experienced much longer times than that. FORTUNATELY, FB has released their "URL Linter" tool that will show you a preview of how your page will appear when being shared on FB, and it will force FB to instantly update its cache of your page. This was a lifesaving tool. You can find it at
Regarding the URL Linter tool, be aware that each variation of a URL is cached separately on Facebook, so "" is not the same as "". Also, unique capitalization is stored as well, so "" is not the same as "". (This led to a lot of confusion between my client and myself when it appeared to me that the cache had been updated just fine and the client claimed they weren't seeing the updates. Turns out I was looking at and had used Linter to update the cache, but they were looking at which I hadn't submitted to Linter. As a result, I ended up submitting quite a few variations of the URL to Linter just to cover the bases.)
WyrdNEXUS's advice to use the image_src link tag is spot-on. This allows you to be sure that FB is scraping the best possible image for your page. There are some varying guidelines out there about what specs the image file should have, but I've successfully used a 128px square image and have seen a 130x97 image make it through as well. Here is Facebook's official documentation from
Images must be at least 50 pixels by 50 pixels. Square images work best, but you are allowed to use images up to three times as wide as they are tall.
Obviously, FB will resize a large image for you, but you'll almost always get better results if you resize it yourself beforehand.
Regarding Mike Cooper's link to the eHow article, avoid using step #1 in that article. It was valid advice when the article was written and when Mike posted the link, but it's now better to use the URL Linter tool for previewing how your page will appear when being shared. By using Linter, you won't cause FB to cache a (potentially) bad copy of the page before you get a chance to tweak it.
Use the facebook lintter available here.
This will check your link and re fetch any images. this also clears any old cache.
Or try this -
To change Title, Description and Image, we need to add some meta tags under head tag.
STEP 1 :
Add meta tags under head tag
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Prepaid Phone Cards, low rates for International calls with Lucky Prepay" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Cheap prepaid Phone Cards. Low rates for international calls anywhere in the world." />
Click on below link
Add your URL in text box (e.g where you mentioned the tags. Click on DEBUG button.
Its done.
You can verify here
In above url, u = your website link
ENJOY !!!!
try this:
Is the site's HTML valid? Run it through w3c validation service.
Actually, if you've already tried linking that page on Facebook BEFORE adding the "image_src" link, Facebook will keep using the old cached copy and not even see your changes. Try modifying the URL by removing or adding the 'www', or duplicate your page to test it.
I've noticed that Facebook does not take thumbnails from websites if they start with https, is that maybe your case?
had the same problem and figured out that my head closing tag was in the wrong place
Old question but recently I seemed to be running into same issue with thumbnail images from my link not showing in status updates on Facebook. I post for many clients and this is relatively new.
FB doesn't seem to like long URLs anymore — if you use a URL shortener such as or, the thumbnail from your link/post will appear in your FB update.
Try using something like this:
<link rel="image_src" href="" /link>`
Seems to work just fine on Firefox as long as you use a full path to your image.
Trouble is it get vertically offset downward for some reason. Image is 200 x 200 as recommended somewhere I read.
If you used any plugin for seo then Check 1st your seo plugin settings.Then find out Noindex setting if Enable Media for Noindex then disable it.