fb like button shows allways as locale en_US - facebook

I am using the XFBML Facebook like button on my german website.
The locales were changed to de_DE to display "Gefällt mir" and it worked for some days.
But now it is ignoring the locales and everybody sees "Like".
I can not figure out why it has changed.
The used code is the same as before.
The used web server is located in germany.
My facebook account is set to german language.
What else could have an effect?

I have found my mistake...
My CMS also uses the possibility to login using a FB account.
For that it loads the javascript sdk again in the footer of the page.
This version was set to en_US!

which version of the javascript sdk u are loading in your page that contains the like button?
make sure you are loading the de_DE version


Facebook Plugin not showing on my desktop or mobile, but appears fine on another desktop

I've been using the Facebook Plugin for years, on dozens of websites, but all of a sudden, I can only see the page's facebook header, the actual feed appears only as a spinning icon. This is on my desktop and mobile device, feed is at the bottom of the page. https://saltydogfestival.com
However, my co-worker in the desk across from me tried it on his desktop and laptop and the feed loads just fine.
I'm not a page admin for this particular feed.
I have this plugin for other facebook pages, for which I AM an Admin, and those don't show up for me, either. I've tried using Chrome and Edge.
I'm knocking my head against the wall with this.... or maybe it's something so simple that I'm not seeing it... Suggestions??? Please save what's left of my sanity!
I think this issue has affected many sites including mine. I used a third party plugin recently that's said to no affect page speed. It's called "Buttonizer - Smart Floating Action Button" you can add a FB messenger button also and add call to action and any they button as well. I have disabled the Facebook chat one for now. If you can update me if it's now work for you that would be great as I'm in the same boat. Email mtgusto#outlook.com
Edited - bug seems resolved
This is what worked for me:
Go to Facebook Developers - Page Plugin and configure the 'widget' with desired params.
As you change the parameters the preview should update & show. If it doesn't, try signing out.
Click "Get Code" beneath the preview. I used the JavaScript SDK method.
Copy & paste the first piece of code after the < body > tag.
Copy & paste the second piece of code where the box should appear.
Previous answer - leaving here for posterity / reference
It seems to be an issue with Facebook that occurs when the visitor is signed in to Facebook. Try viewing the page in a private window or reload after you have signed out of Facebook to see if it loads when you are not signed in.
There's more information on a Facebook Developers bug report, which was just marked as closed 8/26, although it still appears to be happening: https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/584988619248795/
This other community thread has a work-around - look for Dave's comment: https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/1018223139108570/

Facebook messenger checkbox plugin is hidden (already checked other answers)

I have the same problem like asked here: Facebook messenger checkbox plugin is hidden
I tried the implementation of the Facebook Checkbox Plugin according to Facebooks documentation but it won't show on my VM in my Company.
The Facebook SDK Implementation works fine, I tried the "Share" and "Like"-Button, which show up correct.
I have a Facbook Page which has public access and a Messenger APP in DEV-mode. The "Send-API" from Facebook works correct too: I am able to send message to myself as administrator from my Webpage on my development VM.
Following Steps are done: use a random user_ref on every request, set my page on the whitelist, use "https", visit my page FB-loggedIN and FB-loggedOut
But the result ends in Markup and Log-Infos like this screen:
See FF DeveloperTools Markup Screenshot for current state
According to this I visited a page given as origin where the Plugin should work (see first link in my question) - but there the plugins' HTML is the same like mine.
So is there a general problem on Facebooks' site or is there quite more necessary, to get this plugin running? Could it be a problem with self-signed certificate on my VM?
At the moment I don't want to notify or login any user. All I want is that the checkbox is shown.
Pherhaps anyone has an idea or the same experiences :)
Additional Info: the console shows following message
fb:messenger_checkbox failed to resize in 45s
after some fiddling we found out that a registered webhook is required (even if you dont consume the events) to make the messenger checkbox plugin render properly.

TinyMCE Links incorrect on save

I have a Plone 4.3.3 site. My logged in URL is different than the non-logged in URL. For example, the anonymous URL would be http://mysite.somewhere.com. When logged in, the URL is https://loggedin.mysite.somewhere.com.
When I create a link on a page and click save, if I view the page anonymously, the link is incorrect, displaying as the https version. However, if I go back and just open the page and click save, the link will be fixed and when view anonymously, it is fine.
These are internal links within the site and the site is not set to use UID's.
Any thoughts?
there is a bug report for this issue and it should have been fixed recently according to the comments there
afaics 1.3.7 already contains this changes, so try to pin that version in your buildout

Facebook FLogin button not working

I used to have the FLogin button for enabling users to login using Facebook.
Lately , I updated my website to become HTML 5 compliant and made some other changes.
The FLogin is not working since then.
I also updated the FLogin code using the latest code provided by Facebook.
Still the login process is not working.
Can anyone share with me the exact code for FLogin for HTML 5?
My websites are
Loud Letters - www.loudletters.com
Loud Review - www.loudreview.com
The FLogin related code is included in the end.
You’re trying to append a script element for the FB JS-SDK to the element #fb-root, but that doesn’t exists yet, because it comes only later in your HTML code. (Btw., why did you mess with the code for asynchronously loading the SDK in that way, instead of using the code like it’s shown in the docs?)
You should make some use of your browsers error console when developing javascript.

Facebook "Like" button encoding

I've put like button on joomla site with cyrillic text:
When I push like button facebook's scraper incorrectly encodes the page.
Also I've created static test html page equal to this URL (http://womanew.kz/test.html), and it scrapes well.
All two pages have equal content, but the problem page is generated from Joomla PHP script.
Also I've noticed that scraper reencodes not full document (it keeps head block unchanged), please see its "See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL" debuging page on facebook.
What can I do to struggle this problem?
When I did this I use this manual and didn't have such problem. This is for Joomla website:
1.Go to the Facebook developer page here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box
2.Enter the page number (found in your Facebook page URL) of your Facebook page.
3.If you don't have one, go to Facebook Create Page wizard and create a Brand >> Website page for your site.
4.Enter the height (typically 400 pixels) that you want for the Like widget
5.Click the Get Code button to generate the Facebook Code.
6.Open the Joomla Administrator on your site
7.Navigate to the Module Manager
8.Click the New button
9.Select Custom HTML
10.Paste the code into the HTML box (make sure the editor is turned off).
11.Give the module a name
12.Click the Hide Title radio button
13.Select the Module Position where you want the widget to appear
14.Click Save
Also, take a look at http://www.abolkog.com/portal/tutorials-how-to/100-how-to-add-a-facebook-like-box-to-your-joomla-site
Hope, it will help you!
I've found a bug in the site. One of joomla's modules was truncating UTF-8 strings in byte boundaries and this was created one-byte bug character in the page, after this character scraper starts using incorrect encoding.