PowerShell raw FTP - powershell

I am looking to use FTP to write a mainframe jobstream. To do that, I can connect to the mainframe via FTP and run these commands:
PUT myjob.jcl
So, how would I do this in PowerShell? I have read plenty on standard FTP transfers, but I haven't seen anything about customizing the calls for prep.
Thanks for reading.
Here is the solution I came up with, per the answer here and this article:
#echo off
echo user %1> ftpcmd.dat
echo %2>> ftpcmd.dat
echo QUOTE TYPE E>> ftpcmd.dat
echo QUOTE SITE FILETYPE=JES>> ftpcmd.dat
echo put %3>> ftpcmd.dat
echo quit>> ftpcmd.dat
ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat %4
del ftpcmd.dat
C:\>fileup user123 pa$$word myfile.txt ftp.server.com

Could you use the -s switch for FTP and specify a file that contains your commands to run?
-s:filename Specifies a text file containing FTP commands; the
commands will automatically run after FTP starts.
Then you can call this in PowerShell as
ftp -s:<myscript> <host>

If you're comfortable with .NET and want to do it programatically, there is a similar question/answer here:
Upload files with FTP using PowerShell
It pretty much goes comes down to using a System.Net.FtpWebRequest for the job. At first glance it seems fairly straight forward.


PowerShell: Open file via .bat script

imagine I have a files with certain extensions (for example '.abc').
The default program I set for files with this special extension is a batch script with powershell commands in it, so when I doubleclick the file, it runs the script. It works.
Now my question is, can I somehow get the file path of the .'abc' file I opened? Is there a command for this?
Thank you.
Inside of your batch file it should be possible to access the ".abc" file via parameter %1.
Per default Windows sends the filename of the file you doubleclick to the receiving program (or batch script) as parameter one.
Try this inside of your batch file (near the top) and pick what suits your needs:
echo param1: %1
echo param1 unquoted: %~1
echo drive: %~d1
echo drive and path: %~dp1
echo filename and extension only: %~nx1
set myparam=%~1
echo myParam: %myparam%
See the help documentation of for for the "%~..." syntax by executing for /? in a cmd.exe command window. (Or read here: What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?)

How to upload a lot of files at once using FileZilla (possibly using a file containing the list of files to publish)?

Is there a way, using FileZilla, to publish many files at once (currently I have to choose them one by one every time, because they can be in different directories and I can't publish the whole directory)?
The ideal solution I am looking for is to use a single .txt file where I can paste the list of paths I want to publish and then somehow tell FileZilla to use it and publish each file to the remote server.
FileZilla lets you export the list of the files you have published with File -> Export in XML format. I am looking for something like this but I need to do the opposite operation.
If someone has some insights on it, please share them with me. Thanks!
P.S.: currently, I also use NetBeans IDE and publish files with it by clicking with the right button of the mouse and selecting Upload. If there's a way to do the same with NetBeans, that would be great (I write PHP code).
Thanks for the attention.
FileZilla does not allow any kind of automation.
See How do I send a file with FileZilla from the command line?
But you can use any other command-line FTP client.
For example WinSCP FTP client has Uploading a list of files example that exactly covers your task:
You may use following batch file that calls WinSCP script:
#echo off
set SESSION=ftp://user:password#example.com/
set REMOTE_PATH=/home/user/
echo open %SESSION% >> script.tmp
rem Generate "put" command for each line in list file
for /F %%i in (list.txt) do echo put "%%i" "%REMOTE_PATH%" >> script.tmp
echo exit >> script.tmp
winscp.com /script=script.tmp
del script.tmp
rem Propagating WinSCP exit code
exit /b %RESULT%

Deploy SQL File from VSS to SQL Server using Batch File

I want to know if there is any way for me to deploy a stored procedure (sql file) that is checked-in at VSS? I have a couple of procedures that I want to deploy to SQL Server. I'm trying to create a batch file to deploy them from VSS to SQL Server.
I want to achieve this since we would like to remove direct access to SQL Server. So that everything step we do on the procedures could be monitored.
I have also read that it's possible in Powershell. If anyone can point me to a good way to do it, that would be appreciated so much! I'm new to the VSS, Batch Files, and Powershells. So I'm a little bit confused where to start. Thanks!
This is what I have so far. But it doesn't work.
#echo off
set path=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
set ssdir=\\MySampel_VSS\VSS\SampleDB
set Recursive = Yes
set /p SName=Server Name :
set /p UName=User Name :
set /p Pwd=Password :
set /p DbName=Database Name :
set /p choice=ARE YOU SURE TO EXECUTE SCRIPTS in %DbName% (y/n) ?
if '%choice%'=='y' goto begin
goto end
if exist C:\Scripts\error.txt del C:\Scripts\error.txt
#echo on
sqlcmd -S %SName% -U %UName% -P %Pwd% -d %DbName% -I -i $/Database/SampleDB/Procedures/MySample.sql >> error.txt 2>&1
#notepad error.txt
You need to use Visual Source Safe command line in a batch file to deploy a project that is checked in. Take a look at the Checkout and Deploy commands in particular.

Passing Parameters/Argument to FTP filename from DOS

I am calling a FTP file from DOS, which holds ftp set of commands as follows:
ftp -s:ftpcmd1.txt
Now, the change requirement says, file is to be called multiple times with different file paths.
so, I need to write above statement, each time passing new file path as argument with FTP filename and writing something like "%1" in command inside ftp-file. Please help me with same. How do I do it.
I dont know if we can pass parameter to ftp script (atleast in DOS). But in the above case dynamically written out ftp script file would help. Small bat file which would do that is like below.
echo "user username pwd">ftpcmd1.txt
echo "bin">>ftpcmd1.txt
echo "put %1">>ftpcmd1.txt
echo "bye">>ftpcmd1.txt
ftp -n -i -v servername<ftpcmd1.txt
If you call this bat file with any file name as the first command line argument, it would transfer the file to target servername. Hope this is what you are looking for.

Sed creates un-deleteable files in Windows

I'm trying to run the following command in Windows Server 2003 but sed creates a pile of files that I can't delete from the command line inside the current directory.
for /R %f in (*.*) do "C:\Program Files\gnuwin32\bin\sed.exe" -i "s/bad/good/g" "%f"
Does anyone have any suggestions? Mysteriously enough, I'm able to delete the files using Windows Explorer.
As requested, here are some example filenames:
And, more troubleshooting info...
It occurs from both the command prompt & batch files
If I just need to run sed on a single directory, then I use sed "s/bad/good/g" *.* and everything is OK. Alas, I also need it to tackle all the subdirectories.
I only have Sed installed.
Sed is creating the files
I have replicated your setup and I have the following observations.
I dont think there is a problem in the loop. The simple command "C:\Program Files\gnuwin32\bin\sed.exe" -i "s/bad/good/g" . - creates the same set of temporary files.
The files are indeed created by sed. sed creates these temporary files when the "in place" (-i) option is turned on. In the normal course, sed actually deletes the files (that is what happens in cygwin) using a call to the 'unlink' library. In case of gnuwin32, it looks like the 'unlink' fails. I have not been able to figure out why. I took a guess that maybe the unlink call is dependent on the gnuwin32 'coreutils' library and tried to download and install the coreutils library - no dice.
If you remove the 'read-only' restriction in the parent folder before executing the sed command, you can delete the temporary files from windows command prompt. So that should give you some temporary respite.
I think we now have enough information to raise a bug report. If you agree, I think it may be a good idea to bring it to the notice of the good folks responsible for gnuwin32 and ask them for help.
Meanwhile, the following version cleans up its temporary file:
As this is a known bug in sed with the -i option you can run attrib -R <filename> to remove the read only attribute from file after sed completes.
Alternatively do not use the -i option and redirect the output to a new file and then delete and rename the input and output.
Cygwin hoses the ACLs on files sometimes, you'll probably have to use cacls or chmod to fix it up before you can delete the file.
Here is where a bit of troubleshooting comes into play. Does this happen when you run that command from the command-line and a batch file? What if you run sed on an individual file on the command line - does it create these files for every file, or just certain files/filetypes? Does it only happen for that replacement, or all replacements in general, or just always when you run sed.exe on a file? Is it only sed creating these files, or all Gnuwin32 exe's (eg. awk, cat, etc)? Does the same thing happen on a sed.exe from a new install of Gnuwin32? What error message does it give when you try to delete the files? Can you delete the files from explorer while the command prompt is still open? What if you close the command prompt and reopen it, then try to delete the files?
you can just run sed without for loop
c:\test> sed -i.bak "s/bad/good/g" file*.*
This is a stab in the dark, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the gnuwin32 implementation of sed is duff (i.e., faulty in some way). Can you try to replicate the problem using the AT&T U/Win POSIX support for windows? It is easy to install and includes the Korn shell, sed, and find, so you can use find instead of the FOR /R. (I'm wondering if part of the problem is that the MS FOR and gnuwin32 sed don't play nicely together.)
I realize this is an old thread but It's still an issue. My fix is to add
"DEL sed*" to the end of a batch file after sed. Quick and dirty.
I am using this command to clean up the temporary files created by gnuwin32's sed:
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b ^| findstr /i "^sed[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]$"') DO del %%a
i know this is old. But just want to share with people what I did that cause this.
It was in fact the temp file for an already open file through gvim example .swap file that causing the sed tmp file didnt get remove completely.
So sed trying to read and append into the opened file which the user is currently viewing and having trouble doing it which causes the tmp file error.