How to upload a lot of files at once using FileZilla (possibly using a file containing the list of files to publish)? - netbeans

Is there a way, using FileZilla, to publish many files at once (currently I have to choose them one by one every time, because they can be in different directories and I can't publish the whole directory)?
The ideal solution I am looking for is to use a single .txt file where I can paste the list of paths I want to publish and then somehow tell FileZilla to use it and publish each file to the remote server.
FileZilla lets you export the list of the files you have published with File -> Export in XML format. I am looking for something like this but I need to do the opposite operation.
If someone has some insights on it, please share them with me. Thanks!
P.S.: currently, I also use NetBeans IDE and publish files with it by clicking with the right button of the mouse and selecting Upload. If there's a way to do the same with NetBeans, that would be great (I write PHP code).
Thanks for the attention.

FileZilla does not allow any kind of automation.
See How do I send a file with FileZilla from the command line?
But you can use any other command-line FTP client.
For example WinSCP FTP client has Uploading a list of files example that exactly covers your task:
You may use following batch file that calls WinSCP script:
#echo off
set REMOTE_PATH=/home/user/
echo open %SESSION% >> script.tmp
rem Generate "put" command for each line in list file
for /F %%i in (list.txt) do echo put "%%i" "%REMOTE_PATH%" >> script.tmp
echo exit >> script.tmp /script=script.tmp
del script.tmp
rem Propagating WinSCP exit code
exit /b %RESULT%


Powershell call a script from another scipt as if in a different folder

I use the video transcoding tools made by Don Melton over on GitHub to compress self filmed videos. Now I would like to automate this task by using a PowerShell script to loop over the contents of a folder as input arguments for the tool and have the output put into a seperate folder. My problem is that the tool is written in a way that it has no option to provide an output location, instead it always places the output files in the directory where it is called in. So when I cd into an "output" directory "next to" the one where my input files are, I then can call
other-transcode ../input/file.mp4
and the output file of the same name as the input file will be placed in the output directory.
Now when I want to use the command in a script, how do I tell PowerShell to run the command as if it was typed manually into a shell that was in the output directory at the moment?
For context, this is my end goal, but I think it is easier to split the complicated question into multiple ones.

PowerShell: Open file via .bat script

imagine I have a files with certain extensions (for example '.abc').
The default program I set for files with this special extension is a batch script with powershell commands in it, so when I doubleclick the file, it runs the script. It works.
Now my question is, can I somehow get the file path of the .'abc' file I opened? Is there a command for this?
Thank you.
Inside of your batch file it should be possible to access the ".abc" file via parameter %1.
Per default Windows sends the filename of the file you doubleclick to the receiving program (or batch script) as parameter one.
Try this inside of your batch file (near the top) and pick what suits your needs:
echo param1: %1
echo param1 unquoted: %~1
echo drive: %~d1
echo drive and path: %~dp1
echo filename and extension only: %~nx1
set myparam=%~1
echo myParam: %myparam%
See the help documentation of for for the "%~..." syntax by executing for /? in a cmd.exe command window. (Or read here: What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?)

Powershell Pre-Build script failing from msbuild

I have a Powershell script that executes as a pre-build call for a Xamarin mobile app. The script changes the package name to match the build type e.g. Debug, Release.
To enable different "flavours" of the app to be created, I have written a batch file to replace the config file of the app with one matching the requested build type.
When I build from within Visual Studio, the powershell script runs as I expect and changes what I expected. However when the batch file runs I get an error message appearing:
Here is the content of the batch file, this was my first attempt at writing a batch file to build a code project:
set buildVer=%1
set path=XamarinTestApp\XamarinTestApp
set msBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
echo %buildVer%
IF "%buildVer%"=="Release" (
goto :releaseBuild)
IF "%buildVer%"=="Test" (
goto :testBuild)
IF "%buildVer%"=="Dev" (
goto :devBuild)
set buildType=Release
copy /-y %path%\app.Release.config %path%\app.Config
goto :builder
set buildType=Release
copy /-y %path%\app.Test.config %path%\app.Config
goto :builder
set buildType=Debug
copy /-y %path%\app.Debug.config %path%\app.Config
goto :builder
call %msBuildDir%\msbuild.exe
C:\Projects\%path%\XamarinTestApp.Droid\XamarinTestApp.Droid.csproj /property:Configuration=%buildType% /target:SignAndroidPackage /verbosity:diag
I'm looking for any advice on either the error message I am getting, or some advice on how to get configurable information into my app.
Do not use path as user-variable. It is predefined by the system to locate executables.
Change that name to mypath - almost anything other than path.
from the prompt, use the command
to see a partial list of the names of variables that are set by the system

Zip files with encryption in a remote share, keeping orignal names and location

My team faces the need to encrypt all files in a repository with AES256. For this purpose, we decided we are going to zip all files with such encryption, using the same key for all of them.
The problem we have is that these files sit in a NAS, so from windows boxes they are accessible by \ to them.
The directory structure is something like this:
Original Structure:
and so on...
Essentially, what we need is to have all the original files contained in a zip file, keeping their original names, which would be something like this:
Desired Outcome:
and so on...
To accomplish this, we tried a batch script that calls 7zip, but it only works if it's run from the root directory, which is something we cannot use as the files are not in a server.
Here is the syntax of the batch script we came up with:
FOR /R %%i IN ("*.wmv") DO "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -mx0 -tzip -pPasswordHere "" "%%i"
But, as wrote previously, it only works when run from the root folder, which is something we cannot do as files sit on a network location.
Mapping the drive or making a symbolic link to it doesn't do the trick either.
I've also checked on 7zip to do this, namely, making use of its "-r" operator, but I couldn't find a way to get the desired outcome (namely, recurse through all folders in the remote tree structure -there are a lot of them...- and keep the original file name).
I'm open to any suggestions as any kind of script, trick or guizmo that gets the job done will be more than welcome. =)
Thanks a million in advance!,
I actually found a sollution here, mapping the drive in a different way (it's so simple it just made me feel stupid(er), but it's altogheter beautiful).
Using the batch script below, the remote share can be mapped like so:
You can map a drive using
net use X: \\server\directory
and then you can change to that directory using
pushd X:
(Post from which the answer was taken from: Batch File Iterating through files on a local network server)

Why does a working batch command only partially work when redirected?

I'm writing a batch script that, among other things, opens a macro enabled excel file (.xlsm):
2>nul (
>>%CSF% echo off
) && (start "cmdTitle" /B excel %CSF% /e /automation) || (echo could not open)
%CSF% is the variable referring to a full path to the excel file i.e. "C:\test\testfile.xlsm" (including the quotes for cases where there may be spaces in the directory / filename)
This code checks if the file is locked for editing, then if not it opens the file (start command) otherwise echos could not open.
If I open the file from windows explorer or run just the following in a batch script the file opens fine.
set CSF="C:\Test Folder\Test.xlsm"
start "cmdTitle" /B excel %CSF% /e /automation
However, running the batch file when checking for a locked file always causes excel to say, "Excel found unreadable content in 'filename.xlsm' Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?" which removes the macros from the file.
EDIT: In addition to the file not opening correctly, any excel add-ins that do something upon excel opening, for example, removing and recreating a command bar also fail to load: "Addin.xla cannot be accessed"
What is causing the difference in behavior between running the command alone and in redirection?
Examine the end of the file in a hex viewer and see what, if anything, is appended to the end.
Your code as posted works fine (echoing the excel command too). Some other code is likely to be the problem.