PowerShell: Open file via .bat script - powershell

imagine I have a files with certain extensions (for example '.abc').
The default program I set for files with this special extension is a batch script with powershell commands in it, so when I doubleclick the file, it runs the script. It works.
Now my question is, can I somehow get the file path of the .'abc' file I opened? Is there a command for this?
Thank you.

Inside of your batch file it should be possible to access the ".abc" file via parameter %1.
Per default Windows sends the filename of the file you doubleclick to the receiving program (or batch script) as parameter one.
Try this inside of your batch file (near the top) and pick what suits your needs:
echo param1: %1
echo param1 unquoted: %~1
echo drive: %~d1
echo drive and path: %~dp1
echo filename and extension only: %~nx1
set myparam=%~1
echo myParam: %myparam%
See the help documentation of for for the "%~..." syntax by executing for /? in a cmd.exe command window. (Or read here: What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?)


Is there a tag I could add to a ".bat" file to stop command window being displayed [duplicate]

How can I run a CMD or .bat file in silent mode? I'm looking to prevent the CMD interface from being shown to the user.
Include the phrase:
#echo off
right at the top of your bat script.
I have proposed in StackOverflow question a way to run a batch file in the background (no DOS windows displayed)
That should answer your question.
Here it is:
From your first script, call your second script with the following line:
wscript.exe invis.vbs run.bat %*
Actually, you are calling a vbs script with:
the [path]\name of your script
all the other arguments needed by your script (%*)
Then, invis.vbs will call your script with the Windows Script Host Run() method, which takes:
intWindowStyle : 0 means "invisible windows"
bWaitOnReturn : false means your first script does not need to wait for your second script to finish
See the question for the full invis.vbs script:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """" & sargs, 0, False
means "invisible window" ---|
Update after Tammen's feedback:
If you are in a DOS session and you want to launch another script "in the background", a simple /b (as detailed in the same aforementioned question) can be enough:
You can use start /b second.bat to launch a second batch file asynchronously from your first that shares your first one's window.
I think this is the easiest and shortest solution to running a batch file without opening the DOS window, it can be very distracting when you want to schedule a set of commands to run periodically, so the DOS window keeps popping up, here is your solution.
Use a VBS Script to call the batch file ...
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Batch Files\ mycommands.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
Copy the lines above to an editor and save the file with .VBS extension. Edit the .BAT file name and path accordingly.
Use Advanced BAT to EXE Converter from http://www.battoexeconverter.com
This will allow you to embed any additional binaries with your batch file in to one stand alone completely silent EXE and its freeware
Use Bat To Exe Converter to do this
http://download.cnet.com/Bat-To-Exe-Converter/3000-2069_4-10555897.html (Choose Direct Download Link)
1 - Open Bat to Exe Converter, select your Bat file.
2 - In Option menu select "Invisible Application", then press compile button.
Try SilentCMD. This is a small freeware program that executes a batch file without displaying the command prompt window.
If i want to run command promt in silent mode, then there is a simple vbs command:
Set ws=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ws.Run "TASKKILL.exe /F /IM iexplore.exe"
if i wanted to open an url in cmd silently, then here is a code:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Return = WshShell.Run("iexplore.exe http://otaxi.ge/log/index.php", 0)
'wait 10 seconds
WScript.sleep 10000
Set ws=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ws.Run "TASKKILL.exe /F /IM iexplore.exe"
I'm pretty confident I like this method the best. Copy and paste the code below into a .vbs file. From there you'll call the batch file... so make sure you edit the last line to specify the path and name of the batch file (which should contain the file you'd like to launch or perform the actions you need performed)
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objStartup = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")
Set objConfig = objStartup.SpawnInstance_
objConfig.ShowWindow = HIDDEN_WINDOW
Set objProcess = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
errReturn = objProcess.Create("C:\PathOfFile\name.bat", null, objConfig, intProcessID)
It definitely worked for me. Comments are welcomed :)
Another way of doing it, without 3rd party programs nor converters ("batch to exe" programs actually just put your batch file in the tmp folder and then run it silently so anyone can just fetch it from there an get your code) no vbs files (because nobody knows vbs) just one line at the beginning of the batch file.
#echo off > NUL
The below silent .bat file code prevents the need to have two bat files (using "goto" and ":").
It does it all in the same .bat file. Tested and confirmed working in Windows 10
Make sure you replace "C:\pathToFile\ThisBatFile.bat " with the path to this same .bat file! Keep the space after ".bat".
#echo off
if [%1]==[] (
goto PreSilentCall
) else (
goto SilentCall
REM Insert code here you want to have happen BEFORE this same .bat file is called silently
REM such as setting paths like the below two lines
set WorkingDirWithSlash=%~dp0
set WorkingDirectory=%WorkingDirWithSlash:~0,-1%
REM below code will run this same file silently, but will go to the SilentCall section
cd C:\Windows\System32
if exist C:\Windows\Temp\invis.vbs ( del C:\Windows\Temp\invis.vbs /f /q )
echo CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "C:\pathToFile\ThisBatFile.bat " ^& WScript.Arguments(0), 0, False > C:\Windows\Temp\invis.vbs
wscript.exe C:\Windows\Temp\invis.vbs Initialized
if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo Successfully started SilentCall code. This command prompt can now be exited.
goto Exit
cd %WorkingDirectory%
REM Insert code you want to be done silently.
REM Make sure this section has no errors as you won't be able to tell if there are any,
REM since it will be running silently. You can add a greater than symbol at the end of
REM your commands in this section to output the results to a .txt file for the purpose
REM of debugging this section of code.
If your .bat file needs more than just the "Initialized" argument (which tells the bat file to go to :SilentCall section), add "^& WScript.Arguments(1)," , "^& WScript.Arguments(2)," ,etc. depending on the number of arguments, then edit the line where wscript.exe is called:
"wscript.exe C:\Windows\Temp\invis.vbs Initialized BatFileArgOne BatFileArgTwo"
I'm created RunApp to do such a job and also using it in my production env, hope it's helps.
The config like below:
file: config.arg
And launch runapp.exe instead.

Calling Date Modified in CMD

Basically just attempting to create a very basic program that will display the last modified date of a file on our server. Problem is I have no idea how to write it. This is what I attempted
cd \\Server\Folder
msg dir
I also ran into the problem "CMD Does not support UNC Paths as Current Directories" when I tried to change the CD to our servers directory.
What I would like it to do is display in a dialog box the modified date of a "Text.txt" located on our server \\Server\Folder
Any and all help is appreciated
Next .bat script should work:
set "_folder=\\Server\Folder"
set "_filename=Text.txt"
set "_filedatetime=N/A"
pushd %_folder%
for %%G in (%_filename%) do (
rem echo %%~tG %%~fG
if not "%%~tG"=="" set "_filedatetime=%%~tG"
echo file %_folder%\%_filename% date and time: %_filedatetime%
Note there is no dialog box in pure cmd command line interpreter, try set /P.
SET: Display, set, or remove CMD environment variables
PUSHD, POPD: and UNC Network paths
FOR commands
~ Parameter Extensions

Read Arguments From CMD and Concatenate Strings in Bat File

I have the following code in my bat file which saved as MyLM.bat:
#echo off
matlab -automation -r "addpath('C:\Users\mojtaba\BrainModel');AddPathes;MyLM('MT5Test_LM')" > matlab_output.log
In which i simply add the main path and then necessary paths and then i run my function (Which is MyLM). I am running the following code from my matlab command prompt :
!start "MATLAB test" /Min /B MyLM.bat
and it works fine and i am happy! So i can run different instances of matlab separately using different bat files. What will makes me happier is that i can pass my argument (which is 'MT5Test_LM') from matlab command prompt. So i dont need to save different bat files. What i actually need is to have some code like this :
!start "MATLAB test" /Min /B MyLM.bat 'MT5Test_LM'
then i need some piece of codes in my bat file to read this argument and concatenate some strings.
Is there any suggestion?
Have you tried using the input argument of the batch file (%1)?
See, e.g., this manual on batch file input argument.
You might want your bathc file to look like
matlab -r "myLM( %1 )"

Open file by name only, no extension

How can I open any type of file in a .bat by providing only a name of the file, no extension?
I want to let windows decide the application to use.
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe E:\SomeFolder\
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe E:\SomeFolder\file1
Use START command:
start "Any title" E:\SomeFolder\
start "Any title" E:\SomeFolder\file1
Taken from Start help:
If Command Extensions are enabled, external command invocation
through the command line or the START command changes as follows:
non-executable files may be invoked through their file association just
by typing the name of the file as a command. (e.g. WORD.DOC would
launch the application associated with the .DOC file extension).
See the ASSOC and FTYPE commands for how to create these
associations from within a command script.
When searching for an executable, if there is no match on any extension,
then looks to see if the name matches a directory name. If it does, the
START command launches the Explorer on that path. If done from the
command line, it is the equivalent to doing a CD /D to that path.
Note that previous description imply that the pure filename must also execute the right application, with no START command. To pick up the first file with a given name:
for %%f in (name.*) do set "filename=%%f" & goto continue
... and to execute it:
PS - Note that you want "to let windows decide the application to use", but in your example you explicitly select %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe as the application to use. So?

Passing Parameters/Argument to FTP filename from DOS

I am calling a FTP file from DOS, which holds ftp set of commands as follows:
ftp -s:ftpcmd1.txt
Now, the change requirement says, file is to be called multiple times with different file paths.
so, I need to write above statement, each time passing new file path as argument with FTP filename and writing something like "%1" in command inside ftp-file. Please help me with same. How do I do it.
I dont know if we can pass parameter to ftp script (atleast in DOS). But in the above case dynamically written out ftp script file would help. Small bat file which would do that is like below.
echo "user username pwd">ftpcmd1.txt
echo "bin">>ftpcmd1.txt
echo "put %1">>ftpcmd1.txt
echo "bye">>ftpcmd1.txt
ftp -n -i -v servername<ftpcmd1.txt
If you call this bat file with any file name as the first command line argument, it would transfer the file to target servername. Hope this is what you are looking for.