In App Purchase - iphone

I am new in iPhone development.
if i want to buy only an image within the application through Apple - In App purchase Payment mode. So what would be the method for this?
NOTE: Dont Want to buy the whole Application.
Thanks in advance.

Refer this blog of In App Purchase
Also refer the apple documentation
You keep the image locked and ask the user to make an in app purchase for it to unlock.


Purchase app from another app using In-App Purchase

I am trying to implement In-App Purchase in iPhone SDK, but I am trying to buy an app from another app.
Is it possible to implement it? From first app, I open one feature which is locked by In-App Purchase. It has to install the feature as another app in the device. So that the owner can get the money of the app using In-App Purchase.
You cannot purchase an app from an app using In-App purchase for that go through below point:
Apps that unlock or enable additional features or functionality with
mechanisms other than the App Store will be rejected
And for more details please check. If any issue please revert me.

InAppPurchase implementation

How can I test in-app purchase before release?
I have an application which is not in the app store i haven't provide the details for submission of my application in itunesconnect and I want to implement In-app purchase for the same application is it possible?
Yes it is possible. But for that you need to login to your iTunes Connect account and submit details of ur app and then create In-App Purchases from there only. You can test it before uploading it to the app store.
Please do some R&D on your own on google and then come here with the code if u have some problem.

Can I let the user buy from App store within my iOS app without going to App Store application at all?

A button has a title "Buy Now", its action talks to App store and tell them that this user wants to pay for an app without launching the App store app at all. Is this possible?
To buy what? If you want the user to buy an in-app purchase that's linked to your app, then yes (and take a look at Apple's in-app purchase programming guide for information on this).
If you mean to get the user to buy a different app from within your app, then you can use the SKStoreProductViewController (documentation here).

UIWebView to handle payments?

I already do have a payment gateway integrated website and for the iPhone app, I'm wondering is it OK to use a webview to handle payments other than IAP?
"Apple’s guidelines make it clear that buying stuff inside an app must be accomplished using Apple’s in-app purchase system, which uses your Apple ID and linked credit card." - from
If you want to allow a user to purchase something without using Apple IAP, you need to launch your payment website in Safari - like the Kindle app does (see above link).
If you try to make a payment transaction through some other gateway other then IAP in your app it will be rejected. We have an bad experience about this.
i hope surely it will be approved by apple.because Lowes iphone application is with webview payment mode in app store.

inApp purchase in an iPad/iPhone App

I have an App that allows for an inApp purchase. Works great, except if a user purchases it from the App Store (not from within my app), and then goes into my App, it does not know it was purchased. How can I tell if it was purchased already?
My App is live but I have this newly discovered bug so hopefully someone can answer this for me soon!! -:)
Thanks for the help!
You could use the restoreCompletedTransactions of the SKPaymentQueue Class to lookup which items the user already purchased and take further actions to deliver the items/functions to your user.
The documentation is your friend ;-)