Can I let the user buy from App store within my iOS app without going to App Store application at all? - iphone

A button has a title "Buy Now", its action talks to App store and tell them that this user wants to pay for an app without launching the App store app at all. Is this possible?

To buy what? If you want the user to buy an in-app purchase that's linked to your app, then yes (and take a look at Apple's in-app purchase programming guide for information on this).
If you mean to get the user to buy a different app from within your app, then you can use the SKStoreProductViewController (documentation here).


iphone app with in app purchases and non app store

I have a question regarding the apple licence over in-app purchases
I have the following scenario: I have a site that is a store of avatars (just like a mii or a xbox live avatar) where my users can buy items, just like hats or tshirts … all kinds of virtual goods for an avatar.
I want to make a game for iphone were you can load this avatar.
In this app, you login using you user account (I mean the user I have registered in my site), then your avatar is loaded and thats all.
As far as I know, I am not allowed to buy things if they are not bought using the apple in-app purchase system.
but certainly my users will be buying lots and lots of other things for their avatars in my site.
So the question is, will my app be allowed to be in the apple store?
I have read enough and I think that if I doesn't mention anywhere in the iphone app, that an external store exist, my app will be allowed or not?
If they can buy content outside of the application that will be used inside of the application, that's usually fine so long as the application doesn't provide a link for them to buy from outside of the App Store. If somebody can tap a button in your application and be taken to your website where you can buy things for use in the application, Apple will probably reject it.

How to change the app icon or install new app on device on behave of in-App purchase upgrade?

I'm looking for a way to let the user have the ability to upgrade their App from a free App to a pro/plus/HD App. I have some experience with in-App purchases but for this client I need to adjust the appicon (because the user can upgrade their App).
On stackoverflow it turned out that changing the Appicon is impossible because it's within the App it's sandbox environment (link).
I saw some cool app which had the option to let a new App be installed on the user it's iPhone with a new App icon. This all by means of an in-App purchase.
Can anyone explain me or refer to some steps which are necessary to accomplish my needs?
Is it perhaps possible to create an App just as you add a link from safari to your homescreen and afterwords let this function as a hyperlink for my app? (using shared secret)
You cannot change the app icon, as you know. Also, you cannot install an app on the user's device that does not come from the App Store. The best you could do is utilize an in app purchase, and when the purchase completes, point them to the link of the app on the store. Your app will not be accepted however, and the pro app will be on the App Store for free. The best you can do is either take "free" out of the icon altogether or have two different apps.

inApp purchasing for iphone before app has been submitted

I am trying to add in-app purchasing to my iphone app, but it is a brand new app, and not in the app store. I would like to add buttons so when the user clicks on them, they are directed to the app store to purchase that feature. How is this accomplished without app having a link on the app store?
In App Purchases themselves are not on the App Store. They are in your app but locked. So in the end you don't need any link to the store.
In app purchasing does not work through the App Store, but rather through your own UI. You can find the docs below on how to build your own "Store Front".
Full docs
"Store Front"

Purchase/view content from iPhone app OR website

I'm developing a website and a companion iPhone app where users can purchase video content. I'd like to let users buy content from the iPhone app or the website, and then view their purchased content through either medium. My understanding is that the app will be rejected from the App Store unless it uses the StoreKit framework for in-app purchases, so I can't implement my own purchase backend. As far as I can tell, though, there's no such thing as a web version of the StoreKit framework.
Is there any way to make/verify "in-app purchases" from outside an app, e.g. through a website?
There must be, because the DC Comics/Comics/Marvel Comics apps from Comixology all do. You can purchase content either from the in-app store, or via the website. And then you can read the content both in the device or online.
Alas, I don't know how they did it. I guess that the web shop replicates the in-app purchases when you buy something: i.e., the device calls home after an in-app purchase and adds that purchase to your online account as well. And, when you buy something online, you can download it from within the app, bypassing the apple store. You can even download content in one app that was purchased in the other (they are mostly the same app with different branding)

Flurry appcircle :how does it work under the hood?

Appcircle is a cross selling solution: it lets a publisher to seel an application within its own Iphone application. When such a purchase is done the publisher earns a commission. To do so appcircle should be able to associate the click on the buy button to a successful selling transaction on the app-market. I wonder how this is done and if it is possible at all.
I don't know for sure, and I'm only going by what I know of the iOS platform rather than any internal knowledge of AppCircle.
I imagine that it works by UDID. Something like this:
User downloads app with AppCircle integrated
AppCircle informs flurry server of the iOS device UDID and makes a note that it own's this app
User clicks a link to buy an app via AppCircle banner - the link will likely be a redirect which first informs the flurry server that the banner was clicked and that this user may purchase a particular app
User purchases and downloads advertised app from app store
Advertised app (also has AppCircle integrated) informs flurry server of UDID
The link is made that this user now has both apps associated with the UDID and the note that was made when the AppCircle banner was pressed
Assumption is made that the user purchased the app via AppCircle.
Of course, this could be entirely wrong. The first problem is what if a user clicks the AppCircle banner, but doesn't make a purchase, and then some time later purchases the app directly? The assumption could still be made that the user bought and downloaded the app because they saw it on AppCircle, but the inverse is true that they could have just purchased it independently, yet the developers still get the cross-selling revenue...
Other people's views will be interesting to read.