InAppPurchase implementation - iphone

How can I test in-app purchase before release?
I have an application which is not in the app store i haven't provide the details for submission of my application in itunesconnect and I want to implement In-app purchase for the same application is it possible?

Yes it is possible. But for that you need to login to your iTunes Connect account and submit details of ur app and then create In-App Purchases from there only. You can test it before uploading it to the app store.
Please do some R&D on your own on google and then come here with the code if u have some problem.


App Rejected By App Store due to Subscription in app

This is the text from AppStore for Rejection.
We noticed that your app offers a subscription with a mechanism other than the in-app purchase API.
Actually app is not having any third party for payment or no any In app purchase but if i searched for InAppPurchase OR Subscription word in project then i can found methods inside the FBSDKLoginKit and FBSDKCoreKit.
In App Purchase is OFF in Capabilities.
In App Purchase is ON in Certificates. (Which is by default ON)
But They are saying we are offering subscription other than In app purchase which is actually not there.
Does any one have solution of this type of issue?
Please help guys!
Thanks in advance!
You need to resubmit to Apple for review and mention that App does not have any Subscription/In App purchase, and that you are using Facebook SDK that has subscription support but you are not using that feature in your app.
I'm not sure if this will successfully make your application pass the review process but it may help

Purchase app from another app using In-App Purchase

I am trying to implement In-App Purchase in iPhone SDK, but I am trying to buy an app from another app.
Is it possible to implement it? From first app, I open one feature which is locked by In-App Purchase. It has to install the feature as another app in the device. So that the owner can get the money of the app using In-App Purchase.
You cannot purchase an app from an app using In-App purchase for that go through below point:
Apps that unlock or enable additional features or functionality with
mechanisms other than the App Store will be rejected
And for more details please check. If any issue please revert me.

iPhone App Binary rejected in-App Purchase

I have submitted an iphone app with in-app purchase But my Binary is rejected and i have got the following message from apple
From Apple.
Missing IAPs
We are unable to complete the review of your app since one or more of your In App Purchases have not been submitted for review.
Please be sure to take action and submit your In App Purchases AND upload a new binary in iTunes Connect. Learn more about submitting In App Purchases for review in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.
Once you've submitted your In App Purchases and uploaded a new binary, we can proceed with your review.
Please tell me how to solve this problem
You need to submit the In App Purchase which will be available in>manage application-> your application
here you can find as shown in the picture
Now go to Manage in-App Purchases and click create New. Give your product Id and type of IAP after creating it shows waiting for review then submit your binary again
In your iTunes Connect account, go to your application page and click on "Manage in-app purchases", then add the in-app purchase and submit it for review.

iphone - Is it necessary to create new app in itunes connect for in-app purchases

I'm already having a free application in app store (itunes connect)
Now I want to add in-app purchase for that.
So, I created a new product in in-app purchase and trying to test it. Its saying the product id is invalid.
But I created new app in app store with product id's and when I'm testing, its working fine.
Is it necessary to create new app to distribute my old app with in-app purchases. Can't I add in-app purchase for already existing application?
Yes, you can add in-app purchases to existing apps that previously did not support them.
Is your device jailbroken? If so, you need to revert the jailbreak for IAP to work.

Why doesn't in-app purchase show my application's name when testing in the sandbox?

I have completed in app purchase for my application. Its working fine.
The only problem i have , when i test in app purchase in sandbox enviornment, It shows a message do you want to buy an "un known app" for 1.79. why doesnt it shows the name of the app.
Plus when i am going to upload the final binary to app store. what i need to do to swrich in app purchase from sandbox enviornment to real in app purchase or it will switch automaticall?
Thanks guys
Probably your configuration on iTunes connect for this in app purchase is wrong, maybe you forgot to enter the name.
Go to iTunes connect, Manage you in app purchases, select the desired app, and make sure that you have all the fields correctly filled.
When you release on the app store, you don't have to do anything, the sandbox environment is just used when you are developing, when the app is uploaded to the app store, this behavior changes and you can't use your sandbox account anymore
Hope that helps.
When I added in-app purchase support to my application, I had already released a version so there was an entry in iTunes Connect. But I've read that you need to add a new application in iTunes Connect, but check the option to upload a binary later. Then you can enable In-App Purchase on it and configure items.
And your sandbox does not go away after the application is submitted. The In-App Purchase system determines whether to use a sandbox based on the account that is currently logged in to the store on the device. I think as long as you don't have a credit card (or any payment information?) associated with the account, and the account is designated as a In-App Purchase Test User in iTunes Connect, it will use the sandbox. You can log out and use a different account through the "Store" item in Settings.