iPhone application that submits info to a website and gets results back - iphone

I am new to iPhone development, I wonder where could I find:
1) the best tutorials to start iPhone programming
2) info or code about how to submit info to a website (example search query to google) and get data back (show summary of query results on iphone)

Well Stanford University has a whole EXTREMELY helpful iTunes U series on the iPhone development process. That should help you. Good luck and HAVE FUN.

As a new iPhone developer myself, I've found apple's sdk documentation to be the best for learning. The iPhoneCoreDataRecipes package has been my go to for figuring things out. It's got a little bit of everything in it.
I tried to do web tutorials - there are a ton out there, just search iPhone tutorial on the web or on SO - but I found most of them lacking.
There are a couple of classes that you can you use to retrieve a web request. NSURLConnection will be the best one for making POST requests, and if you're querying restful services initializing an NSString with a URL is the easiest method.


iphone - have a button load a new page

I'm trying to learn iphone app. development. Can someone direct me to a tutorial that explains how to add a button which loads a webpage.
Thanks so much
p.s. you won't get far if you can not find a simple information like that using google.
Most likely you'll have a lot of questions - try to look into Apple sample applications.

High profile MonoTouch apps?

A client do not want to consider MonoTouch for a new project.
MonoTouch.info has a long list of apps, but I have not found any on the caliber that can convince a client too choose a technology. The client has seen the list, and actually use the bland screenshots as an argument against MonoTouch.
Where can I find examples of applications useful as motivation. High profile apps created using MonoTouch, the apps you call home about. The apps that made it to the top 25 lists in their category.?
I responded on Twitter but thought I'd reply properly here;
The first app I will mention is iCircuit - http://icircuitapp.com/ - this application is featured on the Apple website here - http://www.apple.com/ipad/business/apps/index.html#workflow-icircuit - and is a pretty good seller.
Diggify is a Digg application which hit the top #8 sold application in Canada apparently - http://www.intomobile.com/apps/diggify/359756952/
An application that I built myself (it's a little old now admittedly) but I do think that it looks rather nice - http://bit.ly/gfxmasappstore :)
London Bike App is another nice looking application - http://www.londonbikeapp.com/
Update: Wow, this is an old question, there's a whole bunch of great apps using MonoTouch at http://xamarin.com/apps
Hope this helps,
I know of a couple apps that were built using Monotouch and sold very well but due to the uncertainly surrounding the terms when MT first came out and later the 3.3.1 mess the devs didn't make a big fuss out of it. I suspect they aren't the only ones not publicizing what technology they used to make their app.
If your client is using a handful of screenshots on a website as the reason to rule out using Monotouch then you might want to rethink your pitch. Whether or not an app has been developed in native Objective-C or C# via Monotouch makes no difference on the overall design or appearance because both rely on the CocoaTouch framework for UI. Being able to deliver an app that meets your client's idea of what makes a great app has nothing to do with the language you use and has everything to do with your ability to translate the essence of their ideas into a solid design and UX. Sell that, not the framework.
I found this article to be helpful when I'm trying to explain to others why I use Monotouch over native objective-c.
"Why we chose MonoTouch to write the Diggify iPhone app"

I need help on how to start developing an iPhone application

I have been programming in Microsoft Dot net for the past 4 years. Now, I want to develop an iPhone application. I have no idea where to start. I do not know anything about MAC OSX or any other Apple "words":). Searches on the google about books and online articles fetch a lot of results which is confusing. It would be great if anybody can share their beginner's experience. Thank You.
I've learn all about iPhone programming with this great book: Beginning iPhone 3 Development.
I found it surprisingly easy to pick up. The Apple dev center includes a lot of sample code, and because it's the programming language du jour, there's a lot of forum links and StackOverflow questions about it, as well as plenty of people looking to answer new questions.
It's pretty satisfying to do too, if you've never done mobile development before.
Get yourself a machine and download XCode, the supplied Apple IDE. It's a bit lamer than Eclipse right now, but the new version which is on the verge of release looks much better. Grab yourself access to the developer center (which is worth the investment) and build a simple App or two. Get to know Interface Builder first, because you may not have worked with things like this before.
There are some idiosyncracies in the syntax and whatnot, but you get used to it pretty fast. And then come here and ask more questions. :)
I just ran through this tutorial to get familiar with XCode and Interface Builder.
Then joining a local group about it should be helpful - I'm a member of the Iphone London Users Group and chats with other developers is the most useful tool I have to find out how to do things.

Getting started developing for iPhone

Hey all, quick question. My end goal is to start developing apps for the iPhone but my current skillset is pretty limited. I'm wondering how far back I should go back and where I should start as far as becoming familiar with coding before the iPhone SDK course on Lynda.com isn't something that makes my eyes glaze over.
My experience: I taught myself html from the html for dummies book maybe 10 years ago, I've taken a dreamweaver class and built a few sites with it, and I've customized a self hosted Wordpress blog by playing with the php code.
Any tips on where I should start if I want to head down the road toward developing for the iPhone? Thanks!
If the iphone is what you want to do then I would recommend starting with the iPhone SDK and some samples. Deving native apps iPhone is pretty different than HTML - it is mostly Objective C where you have to worry about memory allocation/cleanup and pointers, but the quickest way to find if you like it or not is to download the free SDK and try it out.
If you find you don't like it, the browser capabilities on both iPhone and iPad are pretty advanced and I have seen some very good browser based apps built using web technologies.
I put together this list of resources for learning iOS Development:
Hope that helps!

How can I find tutorials for building an application that gets updates from an online website?

I want to build an application that gets updates from online websites like Twitter or Facebook. Currently, I haven't even got a clue on how to do this.
Also, in certain applications, like Doodle Jump, I have seen updates that pop up. Some other applications have a news section that gets updated often. How is it done? Any tutorial or working code will be very helpful.
There is a good tutorial I used to do this with ASP.NET.
I'm going to guess that you are interested in building an iPhone app. I don't know if you have any experience working with objective-c or the iPhone SDK, but here is a nice tutorial that touches on some of the concepts you will need.