How do I disable notification emails in Magento? - email

How do I disable a particular notification email, for example the welcome email when a user creates an account?

We can disable all email communication in Magento by
Login to Magento backend
Go to the System->Configuration menu.
On the left hand menu under the Advanced tab (at the bottom) select the System menu item.
Select ‘Mail Sending Settings’ from the selection on the right hand side.
Set Disable email communications to
‘Yes’, then no email will send
through Magento.

There is no buit-in ability to disable particular email notifications in Magento. I suggest you to look at the Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template::sendTransactional method. You can overload this class and add check against allowed/disallowed email notifications (based on template name).
Update: you can use extension for disabling specific email notifications in Magento 1.
Also, there is Disable Emails extension for Magento 2.

You can enable/disable all the transaction emails as you want with the exception of the create account email.
I do not suggest that you disable the new account email. This is because it has their login details including password. It is not sent with guest checkout, maybe you need to make your store 'guest checkout only' if that is what you want.

This is a feature in the configuration settings as of Magento ver. (maybe earlier)
System >> Configuration >> Sales Emails >> Enable/disable individual emails.

Magento 2.3:
Stores > Configuration > Advanced (at the bottom of the left vertical menu) > System
Then Mail sending settings > Disable Email Communications: Yes
Also, make sure you clear the cache from System > Cache management
There's another method, using the command line:
php bin/magento config:set system/smtp/disable 1
php bin/magento cache:flush
1 = Disable email sending
0 = Enable email sending

Inspired by #Mage_user 's question I created extension that allows to disable any email notification in Magento. So, #Bizboss you can use it to disable new order email.

In Magento 2.4.2, you can easily navigate to stores > settings > configuration. Then under Sales > Sales emails, you should be able to disable the notifications that you require.


Redirect to register if Guest checkout is disabled Magento 2

From admin (sales/checkout) I set up the option Allow Guest Checkout to no.
When (after I added a product in cart) I click on place order now, the message: Guest checkout is disabled Magento 2 is displayed.
I want to redirect to register page.
Can you please help me?
Thank you.
Steps to achieve this:
Go to Magento Admin -> Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration and set Require Emails Confirmation to yes (you will see a pop-up with login/register form).

Docusign Email Notifications

In my docusign account as shown below, I have only the option of where I only want to final, completed document sent to the sender as confirmation. However, I am still receiving all the emails like viewing and such and do not want those email. I just want the completed one. Is there a way to set this up in the API (xml) or in the Docusign account somewhere?
enter image description here
You are showing the admin setting.
Instead, go to to find your personal preferences (which you can also find from the top menu of web app, select "preferences"
and it should look like this:

How can I send Magento invoices automatically?

I want to know how I let Magento send an order confirmation/invoice automatically after a customer placed an order. I know how I send an email manually but I want that customers get an email automatically after placing an order.
Thanks in advance
Magento 1.9+ relies completely on cron jobs to send emails.
Set up cron tasks in the Magento admin under System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Cron

How do I set a Custom Welcome Message on a course without self-enrollment?

I have a course with self-enrollment and have successfully set a Custom Welcome Message on it.
I have another course with PayPal enrollment (and manual enrollment). I do not see the same configuration page to set a Custom Welcome Message on this one. Can someone tell me how to do this please?
I'm using MoodleCloud, which is at Moodle v3.2.
I checked the PayPal enrollment in Moodle v3.0 and it simply does not have a Custom Welcome Message functionality implemented. The Custom Welcome Message function has been implemented only in the self-enrollment plugin.
Details: the self-enrollment plugin has a function called email_welcome_message() (Send welcome email to specified user), which in turn will be called when a user enrols him/herself.
However, in the settings page of the PayPal plugin:
Home->Site administration->Plugins->Enrolments->PayPal
you could check the checkbox "Notify students" in order to get students notified via an email when they've been enrolled via PayPal. I did not test this, though.

Virtuemart 2 Order confirmation before payment

I'm using VM 2.0.6 and Joomla 2.5 and the Multisafepay payment gateway.
Whenever a user puts a product in his cart, and clicks on checkout, the user is send to another page completely (Multisafepay's website, so not VM anymore) where he can select his desired payment option - same thing as paypal for example. But, at that time, Virtuemart is already sending an e-mail to the user confirming his order. That e-mail is saying: Thank you for your order blabla, the status of your order is blank..
So, VM is already sending an e-mail before the user payed.
Does anybode relate to this or knows an answer?
VM 2.0.6 is working like this :
when the order is placed that means any one of the shipping and payment method is selected.
and cart have valid data it will create the order and send an email to the user that mentioned
an order has been placed.
You can change
the sending mail section if you need.
One function name with notifyemail (iam not sure the name but it start with notify) in the path:
you can check all your required things like shipping /payment methods are selected before calling this function.
the function should be initiate from cart.php controller in front end.
You can change the point where an invoice copy is sent to the customer in the Store Configuration. Look for Configuration > check out > Default Order Status to send an invoice and make sure you have the Confirmed status chosen.