Docusign Email Notifications - email

In my docusign account as shown below, I have only the option of where I only want to final, completed document sent to the sender as confirmation. However, I am still receiving all the emails like viewing and such and do not want those email. I just want the completed one. Is there a way to set this up in the API (xml) or in the Docusign account somewhere?
enter image description here

You are showing the admin setting.
Instead, go to to find your personal preferences (which you can also find from the top menu of web app, select "preferences"
and it should look like this:


Create automation test in cypress that will register user with different emails and accept registration message on user email

Until now I was using MailSlurp for this task but it has limits when using the basic plan.
Is there any other way that would solve the problem?
Test Case Steps:
Register user with random email
Go to the created email address and click the activation link sent by the app
I found the solution.
I used a small library called gmail-tester, and it does its job perfectly.
I've had a problem with configuring it but in the end, it's working.
I can check now has user received an email, and assert the content of the emails.
You can use faker to generate a random word and then just add that word to the end of your email with a + it would look something like this
Then you can just navigate to your own email address and click the link from there. The only issue you are going to have is that you wont be able to do this all is the same test case as cypress does not support cross browser testing.
Also Im not sure if the activation link redirects you or not, but if it does you wont be able to navigate to that link either.
Here is an awesome article showing how you can use MailTrap to do this:

PayPal: Cannot create sandbox account, and REST API account

I tried to build the Paypal Express Checkout. Last week all runs smoothly, I can create REST API app and the sandbox account as well.
But today, All the details is removed.
And there is this warning
We’re sorry, but something went wrong while getting your credentials.
Please try again.
When I tried to create a new app/new sandbox account it says
We're sorry, something went wrong during account creation. Please try
After some googling and trying some of the solutions like "password is too weak", I realise that all the solutions are from years ago and all the screenshot is the old PayPal interface.
I would assume that this is related to the new PayPal.
PS: I am from Australia and have read the "Non-US developers should read our FAQ"
Anyone know how should I create REST API App?
This is not the correct way to create the API, but this resolves my problem instantly.
I had the same problem. The "Sandbox developer account" dropdown box had no entries although I had set up accounts before - so I couldn't create an app. After some trial and error hacking I finally found a way to inject a valid option in the html select and successfully created the app in the end.
Here's how:
Log in to your profile and go to Sandbox - Accounts.
Just use Firebug in Firefox or Developer Tools in Chrome to examine the source: Check the source of your BUSINESS account and you will find a code line like this:
<a class="profile" target="/developer/accounts/detail/22971020450123198612">Profile</a>
Note the id (e.g. 22971020450123198612), the country code (e.g. GB) and the email address.
Now go to Dashboard - My Apps & Credentials and press "Create app"
Open Firebug/Dev. Tools and examine the "Sandbox developer account" dropdown box. Right-Click the empty select in the dom and choose "Edit as HTML". Enter an option tag with your formerly noted values, just like this:
<option value="2297102045097598612,"> (US)</option>
Check that the option now appears in the dropdown box.
Enter a name in the "App name" field and press "Create app".
That's it. Hope I could help.

How to disable email notifications in bluemix devops services track & plan

Working with the 'Track & Plan' feature of the IBM Bluemix DevOps Services generates a lot of email notifications to my co-workers and me. For example, notifications are sent out for each work item creation, modification or assignment. As the number of such mails is overwhelming, I would like to deactivate them.
If I had full access to the underlying RTC instance I would go about this as outlined in the RTC Knowledge Center - Configuring notifications in the web client.
So far I haven't been able to find a comparable configuration page in the version hosted on DevOps Services. Also, the Bluemix DevOps Services Documentation (e.g. Track and plan) didn't yield any hints in that direction.
Is there a way to disable these notifications either completely or at least partly? If so, how?
You can disable email notifications by following the instructions here:
Find your name on a full page workitem and click on it (could be in created by, subscribed, mentioned in a comment, ...)
You'll land in a page that has your profile and some license information...ignore that. Take the URL from the browser window and paste it into a text editor or some text buffer somewhere. e.g.⁢emId=_yyeAwKGKEeSa6LqyswPPCA
Go back to the Track&Plan view click on "Track & Plan" drop down and select the "Project Dashboard". You should now have a URL that looks like:
Take the action portion from URL in 2 and replace the action portion of the url in 3 giving you something like:⁢emId=_yyeAwKGKEeSa6LqyswPPCA
Navigate to the "Mail configuration"

Office365 weblink #odata response url for drafts not working

I am using the Office365 Rest API's to integrate with our application.
Our application generates emails via templates, and then we need to open it as a draft in outlook so the user can make any adjustments before sending it.
The creation of emails is working just fine, and we get the #odata response.
In this response we are taking the weblink section and using this to open the draft email.
If we just use the section as is, the draft email is displayed in a new window, but there is no option there to send it, just to continue editing or discard. So the user has to select continue editing to be able to send it. This would be more useful of you could Is there an option to go straight to the editor? There is a viewmode parameter, but I couldn't find any information on it and trying anything other than viewmodel=ReadMessageItem just gave me a blank screen.
What we really want to be able to do is open the draft in the full outlook editor. From the documentation, this appears to be possible by adding ispopout=0 to the weblink (as mentioned in the resource reference for message). When we do this, the link does open the main outlook window, but it doesn't open the draft in the message pane, just displays the inbox. Is there something I'm missing here?
WebLink property provides you a URL for Outlook Web App window to read a mail the user has received, or a draft as if it was saved by the user. So, the user does have to click on "Edit" to make any changes or send the message. For your scenario, taking the user directly to the draft in "Edit" mode makes sense to avoid the extra click. We will add this feature to our backlog.
"ispopout=0" isn't yet supported and I don't have a timeline to share right now. This is intended for the user to land in Outlook Web App with the message displayed in Preview pane. More importantly, we require the URL returned in WebLink to be used as is, as it can change. So, if an app makes changes to the URL before using it, it could break in the future if the URL structure changes.

Can't create app for paypal REST API

I've signed in to the developer website but when I go to the apps page to create my app I see the following error message:
Problem creating sandbox facilitator account [Error code: 2001]
When I look on the sandbox accounts page I see there is a facilitator account there (
When I click the "create app" button the "sandbox developer account" dropdown is empty and when I try to create an app I get the following error message:
We’re sorry, but something went wrong while creating the application. Please try again.
So far I've:
created new sandbox users
submitted a query to paypal's tech support (no response)
left it a day and tried again
logged in, logged out...
I had the same problem. The "Sandbox developer account" dropdown box had no entries although I had set up accounts before - so I couldn't create an app.
After some trial and error hacking I finally found a way to inject a valid option in the html select and successfully created the app in the end.
Here's how:
Log in to your profile and go to Sandbox - Accounts.
Just use Firebug in Firefox or Developer Tools in Chrome to examine the source: Check the source of your BUSINESS account and you will find a code line like this:
<a class="profile" target="/developer/accounts/detail/2297102045097598612">Profile</a>
Note the id (e.g. 2297102045097598612), the country code (e.g. US) and the email address.
Now go to Dashboard - My Apps & Credentials and press "Create app"
Open Firebug/Dev. Tools and examine the "Sandbox developer account" dropdown box. Right-Click the empty select in the dom and choose "Edit as HTML". Enter an option tag with your formerly noted values, just like this:
<option value="2297102045097598612,"> (US)</option>
Check that the option now appears in the dropdown box.
Enter a name in the "App name" field and press "Create app".
That's it. Hope I could help.
I got the 'Problem creating sandbox facilitator account' error as well but it was with a different error code of 'TAGETLIST404-20141017053750'. Obviously the suffix is just a timestamp.
The problem seemed to have been caused by the Oauth login popup that initially returned a timeouted session error but appeared to have still logged in anyway as it showed my name in the topright corner. But trying to create new apps returned the sandbox facilitator error.
Clearing cookies and logging in again, not getting the timeout error seemed to fix it and I could create accounts. I know this isn't a great answer but it's something to try.
I waited two days, and the error messages regarding the facilitator account went away. I was then able to make a new business account. This then allowed me to create a REST app without error.
I had the same problem and fixed it by just editing the source a bit.
Right click on the dropdown for your account if it's empty and click on Inspect element in your browser.
Inside the tags for the dropdown, add your email in tags. The email should be of a valid sandbox account that you had created.
For example, if you'd like to add a sandbox account with the email,
add within the select tags.
Seems like it's something easily fixable from Paypal's side but they haven't bothered fixing it yet.
for PayFlow API - allow up to 3 hours for the change to go into effect.after 3 hours it saved data while clicking.
In my case my primary email account was not confirm. after confirm it allow me
Today, I've just encoutered the same error with you. The problem is how Paypal raise the error, which made us very confuse. The error they should raise is: " You have not created any developer account yet, create an account and try again".
And here is how I fix it:
Go to:
Create a BUSINESS sandbox account.
Go back and try create app again to see if it work.