How can I send Magento invoices automatically? - email

I want to know how I let Magento send an order confirmation/invoice automatically after a customer placed an order. I know how I send an email manually but I want that customers get an email automatically after placing an order.
Thanks in advance

Magento 1.9+ relies completely on cron jobs to send emails.
Set up cron tasks in the Magento admin under System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Cron


Moodle send email for inactivity

How can I create an API to send an email to the user when they don't connect on moodle after 15 days?
I searched a plugin but I didn't find anything, I also searched how create an API with laravel or symfony to be able to send the emails but i didn't find anything,
You could use the ad-hoc database query plugin to get the student engagement data from the logs, and then set the report so that it automatically runs each day and emails someone/a system the results. Then that person/system could create the required emails.

Platform / extranet suggestions for capturing data from external sales agents

I'm looking for suggestions for a tool/platform that can help in capturing form and file attachment data from external sales agents. I currently use Google Forms and a plugin to enable sending email notifications to specific contacts, but the hope is to create something more advanced where people providing the data can login to submit data and make updates to the records. The platform should also enable approval workflows with email notifications to ensure the incoming data meets requirements.
Here is a description of the desired process:
Agent logs in to the platform
Agent submits data (and optional file attachments) into the system using a form
Upon submission, the system triggers a review task and sends an email notification to a reviewer
If the reviewer deems the information invalid/incomplete, they will
reject it, with comment, and the system will
automatically send the information back to the agent while copying
their manager. Record status will be updated automatically.
If the reviewer deems the information invalid, they will approve it, with or without
comment, and the system will automatically send the information back to the agent while copying
their manager and project administrator. Record status will be updated automatically.
Additional requirements:
Contacts for email notifications will vary by agent and they should be determined by identification items on the user/agent profile
Agents need to be able to update records but a new review task will be triggered once an update is submitted
The system should have functionality for searching the record fields
An agent should see their own data and data submitted by others in the same agency, but not the data submitted by agents outside their agency
I should be able to see the full list of submissions and version history of the records
Approximate scale: 100-150 agencies, 1000-1500 agents
So far, I've thought of using a list within SharePoint Online combined with Microsoft Flow, but I'm not sure it would enable all the desired functionality. I'd be interested in your thoughts about that setup as well as others that you think could work and/or have found successful. Even if your solution does not tick all the boxes, I'd be interested to know about it.
Thanks a lot for your help!

Sales confirmation emails not sent after SUPEE 10266

I'm on a CE, already patched with previous patches available. It has a custom theme, based on rwd theme.
As I install SUPEE 10266, the sales confirmation emails are not sent anymore. All the emails don't seem to be affected by this issue, as the registration confirmation is sent to a new customer who registers through "create a new account" or during checkout process.
... Just a Noob error!
As I'm trying to install SUPEE 10266 in a test environment, I just had forgotten to set up cron jobs correctly in it!

Send order confirmation emails in custom module of Magento

I have created a custom module in Magento which performs the whole process starting from selecting a product, registering the customer and checking out with that product. The code for the entire process is done through code in indexcontroller of this module. Everything is done alright but the email is not sent on new order placed. I thought Magento would automatically send emails on new order creation even if the process is done programmatically. But it doesn't. Can anyone tell me how can I hook into the default sales order emails and send mails when the order is placed through custom module?
I have been able to sent mail to the new customer getting creating from this line of code just after saving the customer:
Does anyone know if there is some code like this to send new order email as well? Any help is much appreciated.
Try this. You need to use the methods through the object of your order:

How do I disable notification emails in Magento?

How do I disable a particular notification email, for example the welcome email when a user creates an account?
We can disable all email communication in Magento by
Login to Magento backend
Go to the System->Configuration menu.
On the left hand menu under the Advanced tab (at the bottom) select the System menu item.
Select ‘Mail Sending Settings’ from the selection on the right hand side.
Set Disable email communications to
‘Yes’, then no email will send
through Magento.
There is no buit-in ability to disable particular email notifications in Magento. I suggest you to look at the Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template::sendTransactional method. You can overload this class and add check against allowed/disallowed email notifications (based on template name).
Update: you can use extension for disabling specific email notifications in Magento 1.
Also, there is Disable Emails extension for Magento 2.
You can enable/disable all the transaction emails as you want with the exception of the create account email.
I do not suggest that you disable the new account email. This is because it has their login details including password. It is not sent with guest checkout, maybe you need to make your store 'guest checkout only' if that is what you want.
This is a feature in the configuration settings as of Magento ver. (maybe earlier)
System >> Configuration >> Sales Emails >> Enable/disable individual emails.
Magento 2.3:
Stores > Configuration > Advanced (at the bottom of the left vertical menu) > System
Then Mail sending settings > Disable Email Communications: Yes
Also, make sure you clear the cache from System > Cache management
There's another method, using the command line:
php bin/magento config:set system/smtp/disable 1
php bin/magento cache:flush
1 = Disable email sending
0 = Enable email sending
Inspired by #Mage_user 's question I created extension that allows to disable any email notification in Magento. So, #Bizboss you can use it to disable new order email.
In Magento 2.4.2, you can easily navigate to stores > settings > configuration. Then under Sales > Sales emails, you should be able to disable the notifications that you require.