How do I set a Custom Welcome Message on a course without self-enrollment? - moodle

I have a course with self-enrollment and have successfully set a Custom Welcome Message on it.
I have another course with PayPal enrollment (and manual enrollment). I do not see the same configuration page to set a Custom Welcome Message on this one. Can someone tell me how to do this please?
I'm using MoodleCloud, which is at Moodle v3.2.

I checked the PayPal enrollment in Moodle v3.0 and it simply does not have a Custom Welcome Message functionality implemented. The Custom Welcome Message function has been implemented only in the self-enrollment plugin.
Details: the self-enrollment plugin has a function called email_welcome_message() (Send welcome email to specified user), which in turn will be called when a user enrols him/herself.
However, in the settings page of the PayPal plugin:
Home->Site administration->Plugins->Enrolments->PayPal
you could check the checkbox "Notify students" in order to get students notified via an email when they've been enrolled via PayPal. I did not test this, though.


Why are my PayPal Checkout buttons not opening a link to the PayPal Sandbox?

I am trying for the first time to implement a PayPal Checkout solution (aka PayPal Commerce Platform for Business) in an ASP.NET Web Application, using Web Forms. I've set up a new REST API for the Sandbox and followed PayPal's Set up server-side SDK guidance to install the SDK in my .NET project. PayPal's button demo now lets me log into the Sandbox with a newly created Sandbox user name and make a test payment, which is confirmed as being successful. So far, so good.
My next step was to create a PayPalButton.aspx page containing exactly the same code as used on Paypal's button demo page. All my updated code was then uploaded to my live site. That's when I hit a problem, as the PayPal buttons don't work on my live site (the PayPal log in window just briefly flashes and then disappears). Being a total newbie to the Paypal Checkout process, it's highly likely that I have made some very basic error.
The only thing I can think of is that my problem might have something to do with the section in Set up server-side SDK that refers to modifying HTTP request headers? I didn't understand what that section was asking me to do.
What routes/paths did you implement the create order and capture order functions at? What data do they return? Update your question with this information. For the create order route, is the data a valid JSON object with a PayPal order ID in the id key?
Have you set the paths in your "PayPalButton.aspx" HTML/JS code to call the aforementioned routes? Your question does not include any specific information about what is going on, i.e. your button code and the result (Response body) of the fetch calls from the browser's developer tools 'Network' tab.
This morning, I managed to resolve the problem with my PayPalButton.aspx page just briefly flashing the PayPal login page. As previously mentioned, it contains a script copied from PayPal's button demo. I then realised that it was different from the sample script provided on the Integrate Checkout page.
I created a new PayPalButton2.aspx page containing this alternative script and, unlike PayPalButton.aspx, it worked fine. In both cases, I had substituted my own Sandbox ClientID.

WooCommerce Email Inquiry and Cart Options plugin can not be activated

I got the latest version of this beautiful plugin call: WooCommerce Email Inquiry and Cart Options Pro, but It needs to be activated after installation also It needs to be bound with one domain name, this is not good.
Dear friend could you pls help me to solve these two problem? This is the plugin download address.
Error pagek:
I'm not familiar with this plugin but you should reaching out to the developers of the plugin here:
Keys are typically used to validate a purchase.

I would like to create a script for collecting multiple subscription requests and generating an e-mail notification

We have an existing website that is built on DNN. I would like to add a script to an existing page that collects a user's request for to subscribe to various e-mails we publish and then to generate an e-mail that idenfies those requested newsletter subscription titles. Any ideas?
Data springs has some good subscription tools available, check out their suite of modules.
If you want to just collect names and email addresses with a request, the DNN Form and List module will work just fine.
If you just want a "subscribe to our newsletter" type of link on your page, you could couple that with a modal popup that shows the form when the link is clicked(Here is an excellent tutorial: that will show you how to do it.)

Virtuemart 2 Order confirmation before payment

I'm using VM 2.0.6 and Joomla 2.5 and the Multisafepay payment gateway.
Whenever a user puts a product in his cart, and clicks on checkout, the user is send to another page completely (Multisafepay's website, so not VM anymore) where he can select his desired payment option - same thing as paypal for example. But, at that time, Virtuemart is already sending an e-mail to the user confirming his order. That e-mail is saying: Thank you for your order blabla, the status of your order is blank..
So, VM is already sending an e-mail before the user payed.
Does anybode relate to this or knows an answer?
VM 2.0.6 is working like this :
when the order is placed that means any one of the shipping and payment method is selected.
and cart have valid data it will create the order and send an email to the user that mentioned
an order has been placed.
You can change
the sending mail section if you need.
One function name with notifyemail (iam not sure the name but it start with notify) in the path:
you can check all your required things like shipping /payment methods are selected before calling this function.
the function should be initiate from cart.php controller in front end.
You can change the point where an invoice copy is sent to the customer in the Store Configuration. Look for Configuration > check out > Default Order Status to send an invoice and make sure you have the Confirmed status chosen.

Integrating Facebook Credits results in "The application you are using is not responding."

I've been trying to integrate Facebook Credit purchases into my app, but any call to the pay dialog results in the error message "The application you are using is not responding." To eliminate any application specific problems, I've downloaded the Credits API Example and am just trying to get that to work -- it results in the same error message.
I've been trying for a couple of days to pinpoint this error message, but with no luck. Here's what I know so far:
Clicking the "Pay with Facebook" button results in error code 1383008, but there's no error_message being displayed.
I'm running Apache 2.2 on Windows 7. As far as I can tell, Apache is configured to allow requests from any source.
The canvas page is configured to point at http://localhost:8080/facebook.../ while the callback page is configured to point at http://localhost:8080/facebook.../callback.php. However, I have verified that the callback page is not being accessed.
I'm not sure how to verify whether or not Facebook is receiving my data correctly or if it's passing anything back. Any help in this regard would also be appreciated!
Credits attempts to make a callback to a web accessible url (or IP). If Facebook's spider cannot fetch the information from the callback script, then it will continue to return errors, since Facebook expects you to send information like the cost, name, image, custom parameters in order to process the payment.
Have a look at the creating a callback section of the docs:
Adding to Fancis' answer, what you can do is setup a hole in your firewall and connect it to a dynamic dns service such as Then you will be able to test your credits code.