GWT plugin update problem - How to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6 - help - eclipse

I tried to delete the Eclipse Helios 3.6 with GWT plugins manually as I usually did with other eclipse IDEs but now I faced a strange problem.
A warning window opens which says...
"Cannot delete resources file. Access denied"
So it makes unable to proceed the deleting pressing OK :(
So how to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6?
Any useful comments are appreciated

Unlocker can help see what program has a particular file locked, like joeslice's link, and it can also force that program to relinquish the file handle (which of course could cause bad things to happen in said program so make sure you know what you're doing).

try to start your computer in safe mode:
when you turn on your computer, push F8(5 times to be sure that it'll work) and after choose safe mode.
You'll be able to delete your files

Process Explorer can help see what's got a particular file locked.

I want to share my problem and my final solution...
The problem was because the Eclipse Helios 3.6 internal GWT plugin update error (so the UI Designer doesn't work).
I was trying to update gwt plugins and that made gwt never compile...
So I had to delete it and reinstall.
The reinstallation was OK but since then I tried to download gwt plugin for many times and had the same UI editor error... I think there is a bug in included gwt plugin GWT UI core and window builder.
If someone faces the same problem please read next...
To install GWT for Eclipse Helios 3.6 you should
A) Install GWT UI Designer first from
B) Only then Install GWT SDK and gwt plugin (to skip the bugged plugin part to be installed)
otherwise if you start from this link, it will install a bugged GWT window builder and core (the newest one) and won't allow you to install the correct one because "the newest is already installed" so you'll have to delete and reinstall etc... That's a real headache %) So to avoid that follow point A then B.
I hope that will save ones day :)
Good luck


How to remove CodeMix virus

I accidentally installed CodeMix malware when installing Anguar IDE plugin to my Eclipse4.6. Now everytime I open a JS file it shows CodeMix registration window and I am unable to open JS files if I don't provide my email account. I tried 3 times of unstalling CodeMix and then restarting Eclipse, but failed 3 times. Every time Eclipse says successfully uninstalled. However The virus/malware CodeMix is still there asking for my email account. It is a Windows10.
Question 1: How can I completely remove CodeMix?
Question 2: Is it a crime to develop something like CodeMix in US?
The best way to uninstall software installed from the Eclipse Marketplace is by using the Marketplace client itself. Simply go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace... entry, and then the Installed tab where you can click Uninstall.
Uninstalling software in Eclipse can be difficult if you try to do it from the Help > Installation Details approach as you either need to roll back all changes you've made by using a Revert to a previous point of the installation or find all plugins that you installed from the marketplace. If you miss some plugins when doing the manual approach, Eclipse won't fully remove it.
In this case, CodeMix is not actually "reinstalling" itself as your question reads like. It was just never removed by Eclipse itself.
The installation of mistakenly installed plug-ins can be undone as follows:
In Help > About Eclipse IDE hit the Installation Details button
In the Installation Details dialog, in the tab Installation History select the installation point before the mistaken installation and hit the Revert button
Please note that this does not delete files created by the plug-in itself. As far as I know, this plug-in creates a subdirectory in the user's home directory occupying a lot of disk space.
To the second question: As far as I know, not the development but the distribution can be illegal in the US, for example when spying without the user's consent or when licenses (including open source licenses) are violated.
There are about 6~7 CodeMix plugins including Angular, CodeMix Essentials and 3 more. I had to search by 'mix' and then remove everything in the search results. It is gone now.
As a work around I just went and removed everything it was trying to be the preferred editor for (CodeMix/Editors/Preferred Editors). It seems to have made it less of a problem.
I don't know if this applies to you, but in my installation Groovy Development Tools was interfering with adding and removing plugins. After removing that, I have been able to add and remove other things without difficulty.
I am using Eclipse 2020-12.
I installed CodeMix when I was looking for an editor for Go files. They definitely have an aggressive model when it comes to trying to monetize Eclipse plugins. I think it is a shame that they went so overboard on the marketing, because the product itself shows a lot of work, and I would have been willing to pay for something less intrusive.
That said, they now have a pretty good uninstaller built into the product. Just go to (in the Eclipse menu) Help > CodeMix > Uninstall CodeMix. This seems to have cleared it all out for me.

Eclipse is not starting on macOs

I have an issue with Eclipse,
Eclipse macOS High Sierra version 10.13.6
I keep getting JVM terminated exit code=1
I have tried too many times but the response is same after launching it.
I have downloaded it from Stanford's SEE section and still unable to launch. The error message is here.
I downloaded your course material, and it does indeed contain a really old version of Eclipse - as greg-449 pointed out, there's no way this is going to work on macOS High Sierra. Really surprised instructions from 2007 haven't been updated, but that's another matter.
It would seem that your course just requires Java, so you can use the automated Installer that you find on this page: and then choose the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers in the wizard. Or you can download that package directly here, and install it.
Looking at your course material, it does appear that they have a custom plugin that makes regular Eclipse actions easier to execute, by adding a number of buttons to the Eclipse toolbar, you won't find these in a vanilla install. If you can find that plugin, you could try to install it into this version of Eclipse too, it might still work. If not, you can perform those steps manually - this video will help, as he shows you how to import and run these projects without those plugins, it's not hard!
It's not possible to say if the plugin adds functionality beyond what is normally possible in general Eclipse distributions, but I doubt it does. Good luck!

Eclipse Plugins disappeared

After a ubuntu update all my eclipse plugin have disappeared, inclcuding ADT Plugin, Database Plugin, and PHP Plugin. If I install "new" software, eclipse gives my the error "Duplicated Location". Great
Any ideas how to fix this?
Did the Eclipse version get updated? Either way, from my experience the best option is to do a fresh install of Eclipse to make sure there's no cruft sitting around from previous installations (better to eliminate the possibility now then have some bug down the road that may be attributed to a code issue).

errors on eclipse startup (WebDev + JBoss Tools + Tomcat)

i'm running into following errors everytime i start eclipse. If i move my project to a new workspace, everything works fine for the duration of one session - as soon as i open eclipse for the next time, the same thing is popping up again.
I tried various suggestions i found in other posts (closing/reopening project, validation, cleaning,etc.) without success. Here is my stacktrace from the last session (its too long to post it directly in here:))
The main symptom is that Tomcat doesnt start - it is stuck at 7%.
Thank you guys in advance, your help is highly appreciated!! If you need anything else, just leave me a comment and i i'll post it!
Your Eclipse environment is seriously messed up. Perhaps you installed plugins the wrong way or you used the wrong Eclipse or plugin version.
Trash everything. Delete the Eclipse program folder altogether. You can keep your workspace folder, but you should delete its .metadata folder. Now download a fresh copy of Eclipse for Java EE (note, with the EE!), extract it and then integrate Tomcat again the usual way by the Servers view. Note that you don't need any additional plugins for this step.
JBoss Tools should be installed via Help > Install New Software. You should specify the JBoss Tools update site matching the exact Eclipse version. Currently it's Indigo SR2, so you should specify as URL.

eclipse plugins not visible

I have recently installed gwt-plugin to my eclipse. But plugins are are not visible, even if I try to install it again, eclipse is not allowing me to install, saying its already installed.I even I ran eclipse as administrator(I am using it in windows 7) and also with clean option, nothing worked out.
And one more thing, After GWT installation, it gave two options - 'Restart' and 'Apply changes'.I have chosen 'Restart'. (Does it matter?)
Any help is appreciated..
Maybe you installed gwt-plugin correctly, but you are missing one of its dependencies? Take a look at this thread. One of the answers discusses using the OSGI console to locate missing dependencies.