How to remove CodeMix virus - eclipse

I accidentally installed CodeMix malware when installing Anguar IDE plugin to my Eclipse4.6. Now everytime I open a JS file it shows CodeMix registration window and I am unable to open JS files if I don't provide my email account. I tried 3 times of unstalling CodeMix and then restarting Eclipse, but failed 3 times. Every time Eclipse says successfully uninstalled. However The virus/malware CodeMix is still there asking for my email account. It is a Windows10.
Question 1: How can I completely remove CodeMix?
Question 2: Is it a crime to develop something like CodeMix in US?

The best way to uninstall software installed from the Eclipse Marketplace is by using the Marketplace client itself. Simply go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace... entry, and then the Installed tab where you can click Uninstall.
Uninstalling software in Eclipse can be difficult if you try to do it from the Help > Installation Details approach as you either need to roll back all changes you've made by using a Revert to a previous point of the installation or find all plugins that you installed from the marketplace. If you miss some plugins when doing the manual approach, Eclipse won't fully remove it.
In this case, CodeMix is not actually "reinstalling" itself as your question reads like. It was just never removed by Eclipse itself.

The installation of mistakenly installed plug-ins can be undone as follows:
In Help > About Eclipse IDE hit the Installation Details button
In the Installation Details dialog, in the tab Installation History select the installation point before the mistaken installation and hit the Revert button
Please note that this does not delete files created by the plug-in itself. As far as I know, this plug-in creates a subdirectory in the user's home directory occupying a lot of disk space.
To the second question: As far as I know, not the development but the distribution can be illegal in the US, for example when spying without the user's consent or when licenses (including open source licenses) are violated.

There are about 6~7 CodeMix plugins including Angular, CodeMix Essentials and 3 more. I had to search by 'mix' and then remove everything in the search results. It is gone now.

As a work around I just went and removed everything it was trying to be the preferred editor for (CodeMix/Editors/Preferred Editors). It seems to have made it less of a problem.

I don't know if this applies to you, but in my installation Groovy Development Tools was interfering with adding and removing plugins. After removing that, I have been able to add and remove other things without difficulty.
I am using Eclipse 2020-12.

I installed CodeMix when I was looking for an editor for Go files. They definitely have an aggressive model when it comes to trying to monetize Eclipse plugins. I think it is a shame that they went so overboard on the marketing, because the product itself shows a lot of work, and I would have been willing to pay for something less intrusive.
That said, they now have a pretty good uninstaller built into the product. Just go to (in the Eclipse menu) Help > CodeMix > Uninstall CodeMix. This seems to have cleared it all out for me.


Eclipse stuck at plugin installation (marketplace)

I am using an Eclipse IDE for Java Developers version 2019-12 (4.14.0). As there were no JSP support, I went to Eclipse site and drag and drop the install button to my eclipse. It started the installation but even after hours it stuck around 80%.
I restarted the Eclipse and even my machine but as an when I click on the Marketplace, the dialog shown in the image comes up and stuck there. The cancel button also doesn't work.
Please help..
For JSPs, you actually want, but if you keep running into this issue, it sounds more like a problem with your network.
To rule out any issue with it being on the client, you can add into your Available Software Sites preference page, Check for Updates from the Help menu, and then try the directions at If everything else fails, the downloadable package at is an option (for the next week, after which 2021-03 will have been Released).

Deleting every eclipse plugin in Galileo

My eclipse runs horribly slow because I have thousands of plugins installed on it. I spoke with another friend who uses eclipse but he has none. I feel like none of these are necessary and I didn't even install so many. I have thousands of plugins and I tried reinstaling eclipse but I need to find a way to remove every single eclipse plugin.
Attempting to delete a plugin manually takes up to 5 minutes per plugin, so it could take me months or years before actually deleting all of these by hand.
Is there a feature in eclipse to delete all the plugins? Also I'm using WINDOWS XP
First, you need to understand that virtually everything in Eclipse is a plugin. Eclipse has a very small core runtime (Equinox) that loads all features from plugins. You can't just "delete every plugin" as doing so would leave you with nothing.
Also, just because a plugin is installed does not mean that it is always loaded or taking up resources. Eclipse uses a "lazy loading" architecture that will only load a plugin when some feature that it provides is actually invoked. Some plugins are probably written poorly in such a way that they are loaded too aggressively, but that would be the rare exception. So, in general, having lots of plugins is not a problem for performance.
If you do have a plugin that you want to remove, you can not just delete it from the plugins folder - as you've seen that will screw up your Eclipse installation. Don't do that.
One way to manage the features that you have installed, including installing ones that are able to be uninstalled, is to open the About dialog, then click the Installation Details button. There you'll be presented with a list of features that have been installed; you can select a feature and if it's possible to uninstall it the Uninstall... button will be enabled.
Often it's one bad third-party plugin/feature (not something from that causes an Eclipse installation to have problems; try to find what it might be by process of elimination (uninstall all third-party plugins that you might have installed since your Eclipse was fresh).
Finally, as a last resort, it is trivial to remove Eclipse completely (just delete it from your file system) and re-install it fresh.
Having said all that, performance problems are usually due to an underpowered machine. What kind of processort do you have? How much RAM does your system have available after Windows boots up? Have you specified memory settings in eclipse.ini?

How to uninstall Tasktop from Eclipse

I'm trying to uninstall Tasktop from my Eclipse IDE, but when I select it the uninstall button keeps being disabled (maybe because of some dependent plugin I can't find)
Has anyone had a similar experience? I could use some pointers on how to get this plugin uninstalled.
I had other problem with the task top plugin. I followed the conventional way to uninstall the plugin. Help -> About Eclipse -> Installed Software. The plugin was removed from the list of installed software, but still existed as a plugin, Even after resets.
As a last option I manually removed all com.tasktop.* jars and directories from the eclipse\plugin directory. That seems to do the work without any side effect damage for now.
Of course you will have to close eclipse prior to the above action.
Where are you going for the uninstall? If you go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Installed Software, you should be able to uninstall any top-level feature there. Is this not your experience?

GWT plugin update problem - How to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6 - help

I tried to delete the Eclipse Helios 3.6 with GWT plugins manually as I usually did with other eclipse IDEs but now I faced a strange problem.
A warning window opens which says...
"Cannot delete resources file. Access denied"
So it makes unable to proceed the deleting pressing OK :(
So how to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6?
Any useful comments are appreciated
Unlocker can help see what program has a particular file locked, like joeslice's link, and it can also force that program to relinquish the file handle (which of course could cause bad things to happen in said program so make sure you know what you're doing).
try to start your computer in safe mode:
when you turn on your computer, push F8(5 times to be sure that it'll work) and after choose safe mode.
You'll be able to delete your files
Process Explorer can help see what's got a particular file locked.
I want to share my problem and my final solution...
The problem was because the Eclipse Helios 3.6 internal GWT plugin update error (so the UI Designer doesn't work).
I was trying to update gwt plugins and that made gwt never compile...
So I had to delete it and reinstall.
The reinstallation was OK but since then I tried to download gwt plugin for many times and had the same UI editor error... I think there is a bug in included gwt plugin GWT UI core and window builder.
If someone faces the same problem please read next...
To install GWT for Eclipse Helios 3.6 you should
A) Install GWT UI Designer first from
B) Only then Install GWT SDK and gwt plugin (to skip the bugged plugin part to be installed)
otherwise if you start from this link, it will install a bugged GWT window builder and core (the newest one) and won't allow you to install the correct one because "the newest is already installed" so you'll have to delete and reinstall etc... That's a real headache %) So to avoid that follow point A then B.
I hope that will save ones day :)
Good luck

How to disable Eclipse compiler

Is it possible to disable or remove the built-in Java compiler from an Eclipse installation?
I would like to use the XML editing and validation features of Eclipse in an environment that forbids installation of compilers. Can the compiler be disabled/removed without breaking the XML editing and validation functions? How?
Comments in this related question suggest that it can't be done, but I don't need the Java development features of Eclipse (and don't expect them to work without the compiler).
Yes, it is certainly possible to create an Eclipse install without the Java compiler (or JDT to be specific). The real question is whether the XML tools have an indirect dependency on JDT that will pull that back in.
Here is what I would try...
Download Eclipse Platform zip. You can get it from this URL:
Look under the Latest Releases heading. You will want to download something stable. The latest release now is 3.6.1...
Now find a heading called "Platform Runtime Binary" and download the zip that's right for your platform. Verify that file name is "eclipse-platform-[version]-[platform].zip". If it isn't you've downloaded the wrong thing.
Unzip it as you usually would an Eclipse distro. You now have a runnable Eclipse install, minus any and all interesting IDE functionality. In particular, there is no JDT.
Now it's time to install XML tools. Go to Help->Install New Software->Add and use this URL for the repository:
Uncheck "contact all update sites during install to find required software".
Type in XML into the filter field. The feature you want is called "Eclipse XML Editors and Tools". Select it and hit finish.
Assuming it installs correctly, you will want to confirm that it didn't silently pull in JDT. Look at your Eclipse install in the plugins directory. See if you have org.eclipse.jdt.core plugin present. That's where the Java compiler lives.
Good luck and if you run into problems, a good place to ask follow-up questions is on the following forum. There a few people hanging out there that are pretty dedicated to the notion of some day creating an "XML IDE" eclipse distribution, so they should be glad to help you out.
I would ideally suggest you to move away from eclipse, coz there are a ton of tools (Quanta Plus IDE, Bluefish etc) that provide you with great XML editing and validation feature.
However, this forum might help you ->
You can un-tick Project > Build Automatically for automatic builds not to happen and even remove the buttons with the Run and Debug functionality in order not to press them accidentally.