eclipse plugins not visible - eclipse

I have recently installed gwt-plugin to my eclipse. But plugins are are not visible, even if I try to install it again, eclipse is not allowing me to install, saying its already installed.I even I ran eclipse as administrator(I am using it in windows 7) and also with clean option, nothing worked out.
And one more thing, After GWT installation, it gave two options - 'Restart' and 'Apply changes'.I have chosen 'Restart'. (Does it matter?)
Any help is appreciated..

Maybe you installed gwt-plugin correctly, but you are missing one of its dependencies? Take a look at this thread. One of the answers discusses using the OSGI console to locate missing dependencies.


Eclipse plugin does not work on some computer

I've made an eclipse plugin but for some reason it does not seem to work on some computer. By not work I mean that eclipse says that the plugin is installed but none of the menu contributions show up.
Since the computer is not mine what would be the best way to figure out why does it not work?
Is there any app that could give me a log of some kind?
Installed means the plugin has been found, but there are some dependencies unsolved that prevents it from launching. You want it to be resolved or active
Look at Dude, where's my bundle for more information on plugins and their different states. Install the Eclipse plugin development functionality to get plugin registry view, then you can diagnose your plugin. Or follow my advice here and use the osgi console to diagnose it.
The error or workspace log could also give some information regarding why the plugin wont start.

Eclipse/RAP/GEF Indigo to Eclipse/RAP/GEF Kepler

I am not an Eclipse/RAP developer, but over a year ago I was tasked with getting a particular application to run. The development environment was Eclipse/RAP using Java. The application was already almost done -- I just needed to make a few changes to get it to work the way we wanted it to work. I made the changes, stuck it into the Jboss app, and it worked. I saved away my source code.
Since then they upgraded my PC, so I no longer have access to my old development environment. We need to move the RAP application to another server, and for some reason it has quit working. Either I don't understand why it ever worked or I don't understand why it doesn't work -- it's all a bit baffling.
So now I'm trying to get this thing working again.
The basic problem I haven't been able to resolve is dependencies. Eclipse reports that the following three bundles can't be found:
All three should be in the GEF package.
I have tried installing Eclipse Indigo. When I do that, Eclipse can't find GEF to install it, even though it's given the same URL as I give to Kepler. I've installed Eclipse Kepler. I can install GEF, but while Eclipse reports a valid install, and reports that it is installed, I'm still seeing the same missing dependencies.
Any ideas? It's baffled an Eclipse developer here, but then we don't really use RAP except for this one application.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
This is a dependency-related issue, and has nothing to do with RAP. Nevertheless, be careful that the notion of GEF has changed a bit. GEF4 includes: GEF, Zest, Draw2D. Rather than installing the whole thing, I suggest you download your dependencies (i.e. go to GIT and pull the GEF4 project), and then include those projects (or build them as JARs) and include them to be available at runtime, and of course as dependencies.

Pydev missing after upgrading Eclipse on FreeBSD

I recently updated my ports on my FreeBSD 9.0 release machine and I think eclipse was upgraded due to a port upstream forced Eclipse to be rebuilt. Now Pydev is gone. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling Eclipse, then installing Pydev using inside Eclipse. It appears to install ok but I can't create a Pydev project or use the Pydev view. I tried removing my ~/.eclipse folder to force the creation of a new one, and reinstalling Eclipse and Pydev to no avail. What am I doing wrong? I'm running Eclipse Indigo version 3.7.1 build id: R3_7_1
This question was most similar to mine, but the solution didn't work for me. I also tried pointing my install site as: per another question on StackOverflow, to no avail.
After some more testing I finally got the newest FreeBSD port to work. I had to launch and install the plugins as root. It didn't work another time I ran it but, this great troubleshooting document helped out. I methodically went through each step one by one, and the logs indicated there was an error on my /usr/local/lib file it was trying to unzip. My user doesn't have write access to that directory but root does. I don't know why it didn't work the last time I ran it as root, perhaps I didn't install the plug-in as root. It works now, so I'm happy. Thanks Fabio, for your input.
I'm not sure how FreeBSD packages things, so, maybe an easy way out would be getting Eclipse from and installing PyDev on that fresh install (or if you're also doing web stuff, I'd suggest grabbing Aptana Studio 3, which comes with PyDev preinstalled, so, you don't have to worry about configuring it).
See: for details

Can't install a Grails plugin

I'm trying to install the ws-client plugin for grails. When I run grails install-plugin ws-client, however, it gets to
Resolving plugin ws-client. Please wait...
and then it just appears to complete with no further information. I've tried deleting the plugin in the file (it is appearing there) but it doesn't help.
I know the plugin wasn't successfully installed either because I get an error when trying to import the ws-client.
Unable to resolve class
Does anyone know why it's not properly installing?
Update: When I run grails list-plugins -installed ws-client DOES show up, so perhaps it is being installed? But if so, why would the import statement be throwing the resolve error?
Update: It was definitely a problem with the installation. I don't know what the problem was, but I have managed to work around it. Posting an answer with the process.
Well I can't post an answer to myself because I need 100 Rep to answer myself in under 8 hours, and I of course only have 99... :)
The answer wound up being to right click "plugins" under the project in STS' Project Explorer window and manually locating the ws-client plugin and marking for installation. I'll post this as an actual answer in 5 hours.
So for some reason using the
grails install-plugin ws-client
command wasn't working correctly. I ran it from both the command line and STS's built in terminal. Both gave me the problem of it not completing installation, but not giving an error either.
Anyway, I finally managed to get the plugin installed by right clicking on "plugins" under my project in the STS Project Explorer window. From there you can open "Grails Plugin Manager" and search for ws-client. I selected it for installation and it wound up installing without a hitch.
Still don't know why I couldn't do it from regular command line, but this method worked and got it installed, so hopefully it helps someone else out in the future!
Another way that did work for me (I'm using STS) is to run grails install-plugin ws-client by accessing grails command-line through Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G (Cmd+Alt+Shift+G on Mac)
Also it helps to just "Refresh" the project after installing the plugin and rebuilding it (if you're Automatic Built is turned off)

GWT plugin update problem - How to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6 - help

I tried to delete the Eclipse Helios 3.6 with GWT plugins manually as I usually did with other eclipse IDEs but now I faced a strange problem.
A warning window opens which says...
"Cannot delete resources file. Access denied"
So it makes unable to proceed the deleting pressing OK :(
So how to delete Eclipse Helios 3.6?
Any useful comments are appreciated
Unlocker can help see what program has a particular file locked, like joeslice's link, and it can also force that program to relinquish the file handle (which of course could cause bad things to happen in said program so make sure you know what you're doing).
try to start your computer in safe mode:
when you turn on your computer, push F8(5 times to be sure that it'll work) and after choose safe mode.
You'll be able to delete your files
Process Explorer can help see what's got a particular file locked.
I want to share my problem and my final solution...
The problem was because the Eclipse Helios 3.6 internal GWT plugin update error (so the UI Designer doesn't work).
I was trying to update gwt plugins and that made gwt never compile...
So I had to delete it and reinstall.
The reinstallation was OK but since then I tried to download gwt plugin for many times and had the same UI editor error... I think there is a bug in included gwt plugin GWT UI core and window builder.
If someone faces the same problem please read next...
To install GWT for Eclipse Helios 3.6 you should
A) Install GWT UI Designer first from
B) Only then Install GWT SDK and gwt plugin (to skip the bugged plugin part to be installed)
otherwise if you start from this link, it will install a bugged GWT window builder and core (the newest one) and won't allow you to install the correct one because "the newest is already installed" so you'll have to delete and reinstall etc... That's a real headache %) So to avoid that follow point A then B.
I hope that will save ones day :)
Good luck