Eclipse Plugins disappeared - eclipse

After a ubuntu update all my eclipse plugin have disappeared, inclcuding ADT Plugin, Database Plugin, and PHP Plugin. If I install "new" software, eclipse gives my the error "Duplicated Location". Great
Any ideas how to fix this?

Did the Eclipse version get updated? Either way, from my experience the best option is to do a fresh install of Eclipse to make sure there's no cruft sitting around from previous installations (better to eliminate the possibility now then have some bug down the road that may be attributed to a code issue).


Move to eclipse Indigo?

Now that the new version of eclipse is out should I move to immediately? If my plug-ins work in Galileo will it work in the indigo?
There is no way to know without trying or researching what the particular plugin providers state regarding Indigo compatibility. Many plugins will work just fine. Some will not.
I would recommend starting a separate Indigo install along side your working Galileo install. Then install your plugins into the new install one by one. If everything installs and appears to be working, you can safely transition. If it doesn't, you will know which plugins are incompatible. Maybe a newer version exists or is on the way.
I am planning not to switch before SR2 is available. In the past new Eclipse versions had some minor bugs and I don't see the big advantage of Indigo for my daily work.
It is a risk worth taking. First, create a copy of your eclipse installation and upgrade and see if your plugins are working fine.
If those are working it's good to go Indigo.
All the best with Indigo.

Eclipse Plugin Installation

I want to install my pugine in eclipse without opening the eclipse. i have copied my plugin in plugin folder but by using this way i am not able to Uninstall plugin from eclise. When i am trying to uninstall plugin from "Eclipse Installation Detail" the Uninstall button is disable. i dont understand what is the proper way to install plugin without opening the eclipse. if is there any proper way then let me know.
In latest versions of Eclipse (since Eclipse 3.4), a new provisioning mechanism appeared. You should never make any modification yourself in the Eclipse filesystem. You have to use p2 for manipulating your Eclipse installation.
Refer to the following links, for a first step in this install mechanism:
To manipulate things without launching the Eclipse itself:
If you manualy copy the plug-in in your Eclipse folder, then you are responsible for removing it. Since you didn't go through the Eclipse install mechanism, Eclipse is lacking the metadata needed to uninstall it. It basically says: "I see it is there, but I don't know how it got there, so better not remove it."
check this out:

Subclipse plugin doesn't work in Eclipse?

even though there was no error when installing Subclipse in Eclipse. I won't see the SVN perspective at all?
I have tried with "Eclipse Classic 3.5.1" and with "Eclipse for PHP Developers".
After downloading and unzipping the packages I used Eclipse's "Install Software" mechanism to install Subclipse 1.6.x. I followed the steps described here:
But after Eclipse re-starts I don't get any SVN Repository perspective? I have tried to un-install/re-install all the software components many times now. Finally after 3 hours of trying I am giving up. Does anyone have any hint what I am missing?
I had the same problem. I use Windows 7 64 bits OS. I clean read-only flag of eclipse folder in C:\Program Files (x86) and give full access right to all users on my PC. I reinstalled it from update site and it works.
This is a known bug with subclipse:
EDIT For anyone keeping track of this, it looks like Eclipse Helios SR1 may have fixed the issue. I haven't tested it myself yet, but by the sounds of the discussion at it should now be working.
I just had this same issue with Ubuntu. It turned out to be permissions. Once I gave write permissions to everywhere in my eclipse installation and then reinstalled subclipse, its views and so forth appeared, just like magic.
I don't know what you are looking for. But after installing the Subclipse plugin, you should have a new entry in the File | New | Project dialog. Something along the lines of "Checkout project from SVN"
Then when you hit continue, you can enter your SVN repository details, check the branch you are interested in, etc. After checking out a project, you can right click on it and go to the "Team" submenu to get the features provided by Subclipse like check in code, diff, merge, etc.
I ran into the exact same problem too. I installed both Subclipse and GWT/GAE plugins and couldn't find any evidence of them after installation.
I'm on Windows 7 and had installed Eclipse 3.5 SR2 into C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5. I also put my workspace in C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace. When I was checking things I noticed there was a lock icon on the C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace.
I reinstalled Eclipse to C:\dev\eclipse and the workspace to C:\dev\eclipse\workspace. After that the installation of the plugins went without a hitch and I could see the SVN Repository Exploring perspective (no idea why some of the other posters claim this perspective doesn't exist). I suspect it was some sort of permissions problem on the directories.
Another way to check and see if the whole thing was installed correctly is to go to the SVN Repositories view. Go to Window -> Show View -> Other, and then search for SVN. If you see a bunch of SVN views like "Repositories," Subclipse is installed.
I had this problem due to some kind of incompatibility between Subclipse and Android ADT plugins. One answer suggested yoxos which gives you all your eclipse plugins from one central repository.
Had the same problem. I work on Linux, and when I installed eclipse in /usr/local/eclipse, Subclipse did not show up. The solution was to install Eclipse locally, e.g. in /home/user/eclipse. Now Subclipse (and other plugins too) worked!
Edit: guess it could be the same on Windows.
I think this is due to some incompatibilities between the packages of subclipse and the gwt 2.x plugin and android... as this started happen to me after I upgrade to v 2.0 of gwt back in the day.
The same issue repeats both on Mac and Windows... and it seems no fix has been released.
Now the only way I've found to move on with my work is to remove subclipse and install the latest subversive plugin instead.
I know this ain't subclipse but it works very similar and no issues with gwt nor android plugins.
it worked for me and so I hope it works for you in the mean time.

Eclipse Java EE - Galileo - Unable to view plugins

I am new to Eclipse so I am having a hard time troubleshooting this problem. I have a new installation of Eclipse Java EE - Galileo on Windows, and I am unable to see any changes made in the IDE after installing plugins. I have verified that the plugins are installed via installation details, but see no changes made.
For example, after installing the maven integration plugin m2eclipse I go to File->New->Project ... and I have no option for maven. After installing the QuickRex plugin I have no view for it etc.
I have tried re-installing the plugins, re-installing Eclipse, and starting Eclipse with the -clean option, but nothing has resolved the issue.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Ok. This is just a wild guess but could you start over with a fresh install and make sure that you uncheck the option Contact all update sites during install to find required software as shown below:
alt text
I faced a similar problem (on another platform than yours), some updates were "disabling" all my plugins. Not checking this option allowed me to work around this issue.
Follow-up: You'll need to install that Zest stuff manually from the GEF update site:
alt text

Can't install Eclipse plugin

I'm trying to install an Eclipse plugin for Mylyn/Fogbugz, and I get the following error when I try either EclipseBugz or Foglyn:
Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements Match[requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.eclipse.swt
I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1
what other update sites do you have enabled in your Eclipse installation?
I had similar problem when upgrading from older Mylyn, and found out that it helps to disable other updates sites. When installing new plugins, or even updating old ones, Eclipse has a tendency to contact all enabled update sites. I don't know what exactly it is trying to do, but it helped me to disable all sites except one I wanted to use.
Btw, Eclipse 3.5M6 has option to use only selected update site -- it is great help when updating/installing plugins. I cannot wait to see Eclipse 3.5 final released, just for this feature.
Eclipse plungins require Equinox UI for dependency.Please read Equinox installer .I hope can help you. : )