Makegood in Eclipse says "The main script is not found" - eclipse

I googled this unexpected error message and there not a single result.
I am using Eclipse Helios (3.6) with Makegood plugin to run PHPUnit test.
PHPUnit is working just fine.
I can also use Makegood to one test class.
But when I run all test, Makegood refuse to do it and display
'Launching <currentfilename>' has encountered a problem.
The main script is not found.
Looks like there are some internal issue with Makegood. I just don t know how to get started debugging this. Is this a eclipse or makegood error message? What does it mean ? Is there any log or debug mode I could use to understand what s happen ?

Recently, I've encountered this problem when executing the Run All Test command. Then the project has no PHP script under the specified test folders. Since the Xdebug implementation of PDT requires a PHP file, test cannot be run in such state.
To prevent this, MakeGood checks whether the project has at least a PHP file under the specified test folders, and skips a test run if the project has no PHP scripts. But even so this error is raised by any reason...
I created a issue to fix this problem.
Thank you for using MakeGood.


Running an OpenCV program with Eclipse

I'm trying to run a simple example of OpenCV on Eclipse [which was perfectly buit and installed before (using CMake and MinGw), even libraries and all includes are in place !].
When building, I'm getting no errors or warning, all seems good, but when I try to run, I get a message as if the project had no Binaries, even if all binaries are there. I even specified the path to the ".exe" (run->run conf-> new launch-> browse ...etc.).
You can notice on the images attached that the project is built and the binaries are generated.
Notice: when I run an example of a (Hellow world) on the console ... it displays the messag without errors.
I read a lot on Internet before posting here, but I found nothing that matches to this case.
Thank you so much,
Error Capture
Build Capture

NetBeans 8.0.2, PHPUnit skeleton genertor 2.0.1 - phpunit tests were not generated for the following files

I'm trying to get a PHPUnit test generated via the NetBeans IDE. WHen I initiate the creation of a test, the output window shows:
"C:\xampp\php\pear\PHPUnit\phpunit-skelgen.bat" "--ansi" "generate-test" "PrintuiInterface" "C:\xampp\htdocs\unified\components\com_printui\interface\printui_interface.php" "PrintuiInterfaceTest" "C:\unittests\components\com_printui\interface\printui_interfaceTest.php"
phpunit-skelgen 2.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.
It seems successful but I also get a popup that states "Tests were not generated for the following files: printui_interface.php Review the log in Output window"
I've tried moving the 'unittests' directory to several different places, thinking it may be a permissions issue. I seem to get the same results no matter where I put the 'unittests' directory.
There are no errors in the PHP error log.
Any thoughts on how I can determine what is wrong would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards.

Building CDT projects from commandline

I'm having trouble running a CDT build from the command line when super user. I can run the following command as a regular user, but when I am super user eclipse tells me an error has occured and crashes.
eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild
I am well aware that this command is missing parameters, but even running this as a regular user won't crash eclipse, it simply complains about missing parameters. My question is, why is it having a problem running as super user.
The log file it generates is not much help and just tells me
!MESSAGE Application error
This is on a CentOS 5 machine.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You're being a little sparse with details. What does "crashed" mean? Exactly what happens? Are you getting a dialog? If so, what does it say?
A wild guess is that Eclipse needs a display, and the DISPLAY variable is not set. I suspect that even the headless CDT builder needs a display.

Headless build in Eclipse: how to retrieve result value

I'm trying to use Eclipse CDT's headlessbuild feature for integrating Eclipse with TeamCity. I use a command line call to build my projects as descriped in this question. If there is a compilation error, a message box pops up saying "Java was started but returned exit code=1". I'd rather not have this message but get the return code so I can process it further in my script. Is there any way to do this?
You can suppress the popup and redirect output to be included with your script:
Add "--launcher.suppressErrors" to your command line arguments for eclipse
The error needs to be tracked down in the GUI from what I can tell, because the headless mode doesn't support very good error reporting from sub-tasks yet.
From there I used output from the GUI-based build to narrow down why my project failed to build.

TLBIMP.EXE - Error TI0000 - *.dll is not a valid type library

While building our project on the Build Server, the compilation fails with the error message:
TlbImp: error TI0000 : The input file 'C:\*.dll' is not a valid type library.
We tried to manually invoke the TlbImp command thru the VS2005 Command Prompt and the same error message appeared.
To investigate, we tried to create a clean build environment in a Virtual Machine (Vbox), then we run the build there. It went fine.
We also tried to invoke the same TlbImp command thru the VS2005 Command Prompt and it succeeded.
With that, we are assuming that there is nothing wrong with the DLL. Do you have any idea what scenario(s) can cause this problem?
Found the problem, see my answer. ;)
If it is working on one machine and not on the other, then most probably some dependency of this DLL is missing in your machine. Inspect the dll through DependencyWalker and you will get to know that which dependency hasn't been built properly.
After closer inspection, we found out that the environment variables on the official build server is FUBAR.
The official build server was installed with both VS2003 and VS2005. Our project is VS2005. The build script is using components from VS2003 instead of VS2005 because the VS2003 paths (Path, LIB, LIBPATH and INCLUDE) were first declared before the VS2005 paths.
A simple SET command to override the environment variables with the "correct ones" fixed the build!