NetBeans 8.0.2, PHPUnit skeleton genertor 2.0.1 - phpunit tests were not generated for the following files - netbeans

I'm trying to get a PHPUnit test generated via the NetBeans IDE. WHen I initiate the creation of a test, the output window shows:
"C:\xampp\php\pear\PHPUnit\phpunit-skelgen.bat" "--ansi" "generate-test" "PrintuiInterface" "C:\xampp\htdocs\unified\components\com_printui\interface\printui_interface.php" "PrintuiInterfaceTest" "C:\unittests\components\com_printui\interface\printui_interfaceTest.php"
phpunit-skelgen 2.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.
It seems successful but I also get a popup that states "Tests were not generated for the following files: printui_interface.php Review the log in Output window"
I've tried moving the 'unittests' directory to several different places, thinking it may be a permissions issue. I seem to get the same results no matter where I put the 'unittests' directory.
There are no errors in the PHP error log.
Any thoughts on how I can determine what is wrong would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards.


IntelliJ no longer makes configuration for Run

I was running tests just fine a few days ago. But, from some point onward, the Run button is greyed out and IntelliJ no longer makes configuration for Run. There seems to be no way to run the test. How can I address this problem?
Run button being greyed out
While I was searching online, I found this advice on adding proper Project compiler output and Output path and Test output path via Project Structure (as shown in screenshot below). But this did not fix my problem. Any tips on addressing this issue?
Project Structure - Output path and Test output path
By the way, when I tried to add Run configuration, it was giving me this message saying "Test Class is not specified". As shown in the image below, it didn't enable me to add the Test Class.
attempt to create a Run configuration failed
Also, I manually marked both src - main - scala as Sources Root and src - test - scala as Test Sources Root, but still didn't work. Then, I deleted .idea directory and re-imported the entire project. But then, I saw this message "[info] shutting down sbt server".
now shutting down sbt server
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Play Framework code coverage in Intellij IDEA 14

I've created a simple Play 2.x application in Intellij IDEA 14.1.4 and decided to run tests with code coverage. Here's what I get to choose:
I've tried both options and when I actually run tests with code coverage, I get the following error:
With the first option:
With the second one:
The code of the test was generated by IDEA and I don't think it matters.
As I've found out, the problem might be with my user name, since it contains Russian symbols. The usual test run works perfectly and it only fails when I try to run with code coverage, which proves the username theory.
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin\java" -ea "-javaagent:C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4\plugins\coverage\lib\coverage-agent.jar=C:\Users\пс\AppData\Local\Temp\coverage0args"
However, I was unable to find the solution since I simply don't know what to look for.

Makegood in Eclipse says "The main script is not found"

I googled this unexpected error message and there not a single result.
I am using Eclipse Helios (3.6) with Makegood plugin to run PHPUnit test.
PHPUnit is working just fine.
I can also use Makegood to one test class.
But when I run all test, Makegood refuse to do it and display
'Launching <currentfilename>' has encountered a problem.
The main script is not found.
Looks like there are some internal issue with Makegood. I just don t know how to get started debugging this. Is this a eclipse or makegood error message? What does it mean ? Is there any log or debug mode I could use to understand what s happen ?
Recently, I've encountered this problem when executing the Run All Test command. Then the project has no PHP script under the specified test folders. Since the Xdebug implementation of PDT requires a PHP file, test cannot be run in such state.
To prevent this, MakeGood checks whether the project has at least a PHP file under the specified test folders, and skips a test run if the project has no PHP scripts. But even so this error is raised by any reason...
I created a issue to fix this problem.
Thank you for using MakeGood.

Displaying results of an NUnit run, CruiseControl.Net 1.5.7256.1

We recently upgraded CruiseControl.Net 1.4.2 to 1.5.7256.1. To our dismay the nice nunit results page that had previously been there had disappeared. All we get now is a build log with the verbose output from command line of our build.
After some research we discovered you can log into "Dashboard Administrator" from the main ccnet dashboard page and install the NUnit package. However, this did not change the output of our builds to include a NUnit result page.
Is there something extra we need to do here to have our output displayed? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't goto stack overflow until I've exhaustively searched on Google. I'm surprised no one else is confused or complaining about this.
FYI, we are merging our nunit XML output in the project configuration.
I'm not used to the Dashboard Administrator stuff, but you can edit the dashboard.config manually. Opposite to earlier versions CCNET version 1.5 comes with a naked configuration file.
Alternatively you may simply replace the configuration file with your 1.4 dashboard.config.
Possible duplicate of Cruise Control .net: Using packages and showing NUnit results
Don't merge manually if you use the nunit task
Edit the dashboard.config and the ccservice.exe.config files to add the nunit xsl files. Restart IIs.
Check that the Iis user has been granted access to the dashboard dir.

Problems with zend-tool reporting that providers are not valid

I have recently setup XAMPP 1.7.3 and ZendFramework 1.10.4 on a new computer and many of the commands that I normally use now fail.
Here are the steps I used to setup and test ZF.
First I added the ZF library folder (C:\xampp\php\ZendFramework-1.10.4\library) to the include path in php.ini.
Then I added the ZF bin folder (C:\xampp\php\ZendFramework-1.10.4\bin) to my Path system variable.
To test that everything is configured correctly I ran the command "zf show version" from the command line. The result is "Zend Framework Version: 1.9.6".
Immediately something appears to be wrong. The file that is downloaded is "" and the reported version is 1.9.6. I have re-downloaded the latest version (1.10.4) and removed old copy. Still the incorrect version number problem persisted.
Having done some research there is a bug in the ZF knowledgebase that version 1.10.3 reports a wrong version number. So that may explain the version number problem.
Moving forward I tried to run some zf-tool commands and certain commands reports that the action or provider is not valid.
C:\xampp\htdocs>zf create project test
Creating project at C:/xampp/htdocs/test
C:\xampp\htdocs>cd test
C:\xampp\htdocs\test>zf create controller Test
Creating a controller at C:\xampp\htdocs\test/application/controllers/TestController.php
Updating project profile 'C:\xampp\htdocs\test/.zfproject.xml'
C:\xampp\htdocs\test>zf create action test Test
Creating an action named test inside controller at C:\xampp\htdocs\test/application/controllers/TestController.php
Updating project profile 'C:\xampp\htdocs\test/.zfproject.xml'
C:\xampp\htdocs\test>zf enable layout
An Error Has Occurred
Action 'enable' is not a valid action.
C:\xampp\htdocs\test>zf create form Test
An Error Has Occurred
Provider 'form' is not a valid provider.
Can any one provide insight into these errors and how to correct them?
I had a similar issue, it turned out that I needed to manually update the zf.bat and zf.php files that came included with xampp after updating to the latest zend framework.
I got them from the zend svn here:
the simple way if you are using xampp, just go to the path "xampp\php\PEAR" an replace the older Zend directory with all included files by a new one zend 1.10... dir and your porblems are lost :)
i think your problem is, that Zend Tool is shipped with xampp since some versions.
Try to find zf.bat in your Xampp directory and remove it ;)
ZF friends have written the worst kind of docs. For XAMPP user, it is more difficult. I have learning ZF and posting error getting on the path. I am also using XAMPP.
Your error list is very big. I hope I can help you.
Solution for error "An Error Has Occurred
Action 'enable' is not a valid action." is XAMPP's Zend Tool installation. Delete that.
Check here for more details about the solution and other possible errors: