Building CDT projects from commandline - eclipse

I'm having trouble running a CDT build from the command line when super user. I can run the following command as a regular user, but when I am super user eclipse tells me an error has occured and crashes.
eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild
I am well aware that this command is missing parameters, but even running this as a regular user won't crash eclipse, it simply complains about missing parameters. My question is, why is it having a problem running as super user.
The log file it generates is not much help and just tells me
!MESSAGE Application error
This is on a CentOS 5 machine.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

You're being a little sparse with details. What does "crashed" mean? Exactly what happens? Are you getting a dialog? If so, what does it say?
A wild guess is that Eclipse needs a display, and the DISPLAY variable is not set. I suspect that even the headless CDT builder needs a display.


Netbeans IDE trouble

I have just installed Netbeans on a Windows 8 computer and it seems to work (mostly) correct. When I try to run a C program I have created in the IDE (to debug), it compiles without error but during the run phase returns the message ... "Cannot find /tmp, please create". I thought this might be a permissions problem but couldn't see anything out of joint there. Any advice? Anyone run into this problem?

An error has occured. Please see log file - eclipse

When I start up Eclipse, it gives me an error saying:
An error has occurred. See the log file
on Linux Debian
Can you tell me what I should do?
Well whenever I've run into similar problems, it usually meant that a plug in had become out of synch with my eclipse file directory.
Unfortunately I can't give you much more than a generic "make sure your workspace is safe and re-download eclipse" with the information you've given.

Why does eclipse close by itself while running?

It's been happening lately for some unknown reason.I have the latest version of Eclipse ADT (25 Sept 2014) and it just shuts off while I'm working. Any ideas?
Start Eclipse from a terminal to see the standard output. Chances are that the Java VM runs into a problem because of SWT which can crash the VM. Note: If you're using Windows, you may have to use java.exe instead of javaw.exe to get output.
Also look into the Error Log. Eclipse has a view for that or look into the file .../workspace/.metadata/.log The file might contain an error message.
If you find an error in either the console or the error log, let us know and we might be able to help.
The issue could also be because of the JVM that was chosen for the project.

Makegood in Eclipse says "The main script is not found"

I googled this unexpected error message and there not a single result.
I am using Eclipse Helios (3.6) with Makegood plugin to run PHPUnit test.
PHPUnit is working just fine.
I can also use Makegood to one test class.
But when I run all test, Makegood refuse to do it and display
'Launching <currentfilename>' has encountered a problem.
The main script is not found.
Looks like there are some internal issue with Makegood. I just don t know how to get started debugging this. Is this a eclipse or makegood error message? What does it mean ? Is there any log or debug mode I could use to understand what s happen ?
Recently, I've encountered this problem when executing the Run All Test command. Then the project has no PHP script under the specified test folders. Since the Xdebug implementation of PDT requires a PHP file, test cannot be run in such state.
To prevent this, MakeGood checks whether the project has at least a PHP file under the specified test folders, and skips a test run if the project has no PHP scripts. But even so this error is raised by any reason...
I created a issue to fix this problem.
Thank you for using MakeGood.

Hot Code Replace Failed (eclipse)

"Hot Code Replace Failed - add method not implemented".
I get this error message every time I change something in my test class (and save it).
Can't figure out what it means. Can somebody help?
Possibly, you have a test which is still running (in debug mode). Try finishing all tests (you can see them in the debug view: window->show view->debug) and try again...
See this thread:
This means you changed a class while it was debugging an application and it could not update the class for the application while it was running.
The error suggests you may be running an older JVM, i.e. pre-1.4.2 but this error can occur with any JVM if the change is incompatible with the previous version of the class.
Check carefully what JRE you are using in your debug session.
Also check you are deploying classes compiled with the debug attribute set. (see this thread)
Finally, as indicated here:
did you switch "Project->Build Automatically" off?
Hot code replacement works (only?) if automatic build is switched on...
I was running into this issues too. I found a build hiding in the backgound that was giving me fits. Check to make sure you have all tests/builds closed or completed. Nonetheless, you can still run the new code.
Whenever this error message appears it also gives options to terminate or restart. Select Terminate and it will terminate any running debug case which you are unable to locate.
if you have multiple projects involved, and multiple jre's installed, make sure all dependent projects are using the same javac/jre
Make sure your application server JRE and Eclipse JRE version should be same or else it will throw unsupported class version and hot code debug will not work.
I went to the same Problem,But my Debugging session ended hours ago.But still ECLIPSE error kept coming.
So I just simply restart the ECLIPSE IDE, then the problem just solved.