Running an OpenCV program with Eclipse - eclipse

I'm trying to run a simple example of OpenCV on Eclipse [which was perfectly buit and installed before (using CMake and MinGw), even libraries and all includes are in place !].
When building, I'm getting no errors or warning, all seems good, but when I try to run, I get a message as if the project had no Binaries, even if all binaries are there. I even specified the path to the ".exe" (run->run conf-> new launch-> browse ...etc.).
You can notice on the images attached that the project is built and the binaries are generated.
Notice: when I run an example of a (Hellow world) on the console ... it displays the messag without errors.
I read a lot on Internet before posting here, but I found nothing that matches to this case.
Thank you so much,
Error Capture
Build Capture


eclipse pydev debug source lookup

So I have anaconda installed and make a separate environment for all my projects. Normally I just use PYDEV to create a new interpreter pointing to the anaconda enviornment and load the project in eclipse and all is good. After doing the last one though 95% of the time I go to debug I keep getting the error
An internal error occurred during: "Debug Source Lookup".
The other 5% it kind of works as I can follow one script or a function before it starts breaking.
I've tried reloading the project, interpreter and conda enviornment to no luck. All my past projects which use to work are also now giving the same error.
The funny thing is when I'm in the debug perspective though it does seem to be working (I can see the Variables and use the interactive console to test stuff), but anytime I try to step into, over ect I get the error (even though it does seem to be working). So for the image above I can go through the code fine until it tries to jump to the other file which throws the error, but if I step into it I can manually open that file and walk through the function (just each step throws the error) and still interact with the code which is in the position through the console.
Any ideas how to fix?
Well, it may be something specific to this use-case (for instance, if the code for some object is evaluated and the source code is not really available for the debugger this is actually expected).
Can you provide the full stacktrace from the error log? (see: for details on how to get it)

Can't Compile Tesseract API example for WIndows using Tesseract archive

I'm looking at using Tesseract to do some work with PDF files, and so I want to use the library rather than an external executable.
I started by downloading the full Tesseract source and looking at building that. Sadly the standard sources don't have any means to build on a non-Linux platform, in my case Windows. There are methods for doing so, and I looked at those.
Firstly the VS2008 build doesn't. I'm aware that it need Leptonica, but I figured I'd tackle that afterwards and just tried to build the existing code. Fails with "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'allheaders.h': No such file or directory". Nothing to do with Leptonica at this stage, it simply doesn't work.
Even if I were able to get past that, I'd have to build Leptonica, and that requires using GNU tools and therefore an installation of Cygwin, so I gave up. I Have a MingW instatllation, (I've never managed to get Cygwin to work in a usable fashion) but I'm not keen enough to mess with such a complicated and fragile build.
So I decided I'd just use the pre-built binaries which some kind soul creates. Downloaded that from Now I need to look into using the code, so the next obvious step is the Tesseract API example, which states it requires "", no problem, because I already have that now.
No real clue as to where the API example wants the files to be placed, but a little messing about gets them in appropriate locations. Press build and "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'allheaders.h': No such file or directory", just like trying to build Tesseract from source.....
And indeed there is no such file.
So, where is this file ?
I also struggled some time ago to make it works under windows and then I found this git repository :
It includes all needed extern library (because Tesseract need Leptonica, but Leptonica also need extern library to handle the different image format) and is also working great with vs 2013.
OK so now I see that allheaders.h is part of Leptonica. Still leaves me wondering why the Tesseract pre-built library requires that I have Leptonica available, I would have expected that to be built-in, I guess it isn't.

Eclipse #ifdef error using JNI, Android NDK and Vuforia

With Vuforia's ImageTargets sample application, I tried using OpenGL ES 1.1 by setting USE_OPENGL_ES_1_1 to true in jni/ and uncommenting and changing the corresponding line in AndroidManifest.xml (). After converting the project so that it has a C++ perspective and associating ndk-build and the proper include directories, I could successfully run the application on my Android device.
However, the problem is that once I open up jni/ImageTargets.cpp, I get several errors from Eclipse, all from places where OpenGL ES 2.0 code would execute, the first one being:
Description Resource Path Location Type Symbol 'vertexHandle' could
not be resolved ImageTargets.cpp /ImageTargets/jni line 402 Semantic
Sure enough, vertexHandle is defined at the top of the ImageTargets.cpp, inside the "#ifdef USE_OPENGL_ES_2_0" block. Because USE_OPENGL_ES_2_0 is not defined (per, the code should be able to compile successfully, and sure enough, ndk-build does not report any problems. So it seems that only Eclipse reports the problems and when I run the project, Eclipse says, "Your project contains error(s), please fix them before running your application." And thus, I cannot run my application anymore. In a sense, it's kind of strange that this never occurred until I opened ImageTargets.cpp and Eclipse "discovered" the errors.
The best work-around I've found so far is to just delete or comment out those lines (that should not be causing problems because USE_OPENGL_ES_2_0 is not supposed to be defined)... Is there a better way to deal with this problem? Did I miss a setting in Eclipse that should solve this?
I've found a solution: go to the project properties -> C/C++ Build -> Discovery Options -> Check "Automate discovery of paths and symbols"

PyDev: "Unresolved import nltk" When running, pydev imports it

I want to get rid of this error message and I want to have the benefits of auto completion and suggestions. PyDev obviously does find nltk, because when running it from inside the IDE it works. Not only from console.
Surely someone needs to know why I got this "unresolved import" error message but on the other way when clicking on "run" it works perfectly well.
#TheGT seems to be on the correct path, though I found the instructions a little confusing. My solution:
Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries
Add source folder (button)
Obviously, your path, version, etc... could be different.
Here's what seems odd.
There's a button to add zip/jar/egg and that doesn't want to work correctly with the The nltk egg behaves like a directory in the chooser (i.e. continues to drill down rather than return).
On the other hand, the source folder button does allow you to choose a folder... so I chose the egg and that seems to work.
It seems like the nltk egg is not configured correctly for OSX. And, depending on how it is accessed, it can behave like a folder or a final destination.
NOTE: Adding the nltk egg into the external libraries path of your project makes the error go away. But adding the egg into preferences>PyDev>Interpreter does not appear to resolve the problem (on it's own).
I faced the exact same error when I was trying to use nltk in my project. I did 2 things to resolve the unresolved error to go away.
I added the setupctools**.egg file (the file that is used to install nltk in mac/*nix systems) as an external library
[Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries]
I am using Eclipse Indigo, and Python 2.6.1 on my mac btw.
I restarted the eclipse
Bam! - the error goes away.
Although, the error is not there anymore, I would like to know why Eclipse was behaving this way. The strange thing to note was that when I tried to run the program, the program did run successfully, even though eclipse marked "import nltk" as unresolved import.

How to package a PySide/Phonon app under Mac OSX?

I have a PySide/Phonon app (developed for and working flawlessly on Windows) that I need to "port" to Mac OSX - where I have no development experience whatsoever.
The app works as expected if I just run the Python file - the problems arise when I try to package it (which I need to do) with py2app.
If I leave the resulting .app as is, Phonon doesn't work, because it fails to load the required phonon_backend ; if I add the plugin path to qt.conf, as various sources suggest, Phonon seems to load (that is, I don't get the corresponding error message anymore), but I start getting the "so-and-so library is loaded twice, one will be used, which one is undefined" error, and the app crashes right away.
Finally, if I try to use the macdeploy_qt tool, I receive a message to the effect of "no external framework" and the results are functionally equivalent to what I get without using the tool, except there are a few more plugins in the relevant directory.
Any ideas/pointers/tutorials/etc? I'm using PySide1.1.1 for Qt4.7, by the way, and python binaries (otherwise py2app can't even start to build a standalone app, it seems).
I suggest you do it like in this tutorial.
Then you just have to add the following line somewhere at the top of your main module:
QApplication.setLibraryPaths([os.path.join(os.environ['_MEIPASS2'], 'qt4_plugins'), os.environ['_MEIPASS2'] ])
For PyInstaller >1.5 the following code should be used instead:
QApplication.setLibraryPaths([os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'qt4_plugins'), sys._MEIPASS])