Best algorithm for motion detection? [closed] - matlab

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I wonder what is the best algorithm for motion detection of human subjects. Keeping in mind that the motion is detected for moving objects with tolerance of leaving out minor changes to the environment. Matlab/OpenCV sources would be great!

A long time back i saw this page, where you can see the code of the thesis and the thesis of "A real-world system for human motion detection and tracking" maybe this can help you.
Thesis David Moore
This could to be a good point to begin.

Check out:


Unity 3d how can I attach weapon to my character [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a unity3d beginner and I have a problem about attaching a gun to my T-Pose character. Please answer how can I attach the gun to my t-pose character and use the gun in-game with seeing my character's hands.
If you're using code, or an engine like UFPS, then you'd attach it with a gameobject.
If you want it to be part of the model/animation, you have to either acquire a model that has that already, or model it yourself.
I'd recommend that you search Google for it though, since it's more likely to have better answers for you.

detection and counting objects in images using matlab [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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my project is to count White fly in an image using matlab, I'm new to image processing so I don't know where to start from , I searched for papers about the topic but I could't find anything useful , my question is to help me start from a point and if you can suggest some papers can help me , thanks .
There is a lot of research in this area, but not specific to Matlab. Try using google scholar to search for papers with "computer vision counting" or similar keywords.
Richard Szeliski also has a very good, free to download textbook on Computer Vision which could be helpful: Topics like Feature Detection, Segmentation and Recognition might be useful, depending on your exact problem.
When you have an idea of what you want to do, have a look at Matlab's Computer Vision toolbox:

Can anyone suggest a method to detect the eyelids? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have tried manual detection using LS polynomial fitting here. But that cannot be used in my project as mine has to be a fully automated system.
Take a look at the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform, or SIFT. This video explains it well. You "train" a detector with one or more images of eyelids, and the detector locates similar regions in the input images. It's the de facto general purpose feature detector - although more specialized tools like face detectors are faster.
The "Scale-Invariant" part means that it can detect the same object at different sizes and rotations.

Documentation about iOS autocorrect [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im writing a paper about spell correction i iOS and i wonder if there's any available documentation from apple about how iOS handles user input in form of validation and generate a possible word that it thinks the user is going to type?
In short terms: I wonder where I can find the documentation behind the auto correct in iOS and how it works.
Here is a note about two Apple patents involving autocorrect.
They involve using timing and geometry, parts of speech, and contextual lookup.

How can I learn more about solving real life problems using multilayer perceptron? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm learning about multilayer perceptrons, and looking to tackle some real-world problems in Matlab. Perhaps something like medical diagnosis, or speech recognition... But I'm not really sure where to start here. How should I tackle this?
Geoff Hinton is the man when it comes to multilayer perceptrons. His Science paper from 2006 used a special class of MLP called an "autoencoder" that was successful in digit recognition, facial recognition, and document classification (all of which have real world applications):
Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks
Fortunately, they also published the
Matlab code.