Documentation about iOS autocorrect [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im writing a paper about spell correction i iOS and i wonder if there's any available documentation from apple about how iOS handles user input in form of validation and generate a possible word that it thinks the user is going to type?
In short terms: I wonder where I can find the documentation behind the auto correct in iOS and how it works.

Here is a note about two Apple patents involving autocorrect.
They involve using timing and geometry, parts of speech, and contextual lookup.


What is Swift µframework? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is Swift µframework or µframework in general? Apparently Google gives only examples of those frameworks, but doesn't provide any clear explanation of what it is.
In this context, "µframework" is short for "microframework", which really just means a very small framework which adds a specific small piece of functionality.
The canonical example of this is Result, which adds just a single type to the Swift system.
Contrast with frameworks like Alamofire or RxSwift, which add a whole suite of functionality around a particular area.

iOS in-app sign up or subscribing by phone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to have a phone number displayed, and tappable on my app in which the user could call to subscribe to my service.
I'm aware that the App Store guidelines mention going to an external browser, but it doesn't mention anything about "phone-in" subscriptions.
Does anyone know if what I'm proposing is allowed?
In my experience Apple isn't very flexible in their guidelines. They make the final decision, and loopholes aren't something they're going to be lenient on. I would lean towards them disallowing what you're attempting. I wouldn't make that a core component of your app.

Do i have to pay to google if i am using their Map- API in my app? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am building an iphone/iPad app where i need to use google maps API, so do i have to pay google for using it. I know we can use it for free but is there any legal attachments with this.
I know this is not a programming question but i just can't think of any other place to ask this question.
See here. This is very likely the wrong place to ask that though.

promissing "coming soon" features in my iphone app? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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it's allowed to promise future features or content, such as levels, labeled as "comming soon" in my iphone app ?
Yes, this is technically allowed but I would caution you about doing this.
If you promise something, you need make good on that promise as customers will hold you to it.
It's always good to follow the rule: "under-promise and over-deliver".
Hint that there's new features coming, but don't get into too many specifics.
In the app, I've used a link to my website that shows a "Sneak Peak" of what's coming, I've found it works well. That way, you can update the website at any time, adding and removing things as necessary before launch of the new features.
Just my two cents.

Does Apple allow html/js apps in appstore? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is it considered kosher by Apple to create an app consisting of nothing but a WebView and the appropriate html/js/css files to support it?
I have an app that could be written entirely within a webview and it would be much easier to get from start to finish that way instead of learning the parts of the iOS SDK necessary to do it.
Yes, it is acceptable, but I would recommend looking at PhoneGap, which is based on a similar concept, but provides JavaScript access to native functionality.