Unity 3d how can I attach weapon to my character [closed] - unity3d

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a unity3d beginner and I have a problem about attaching a gun to my T-Pose character. Please answer how can I attach the gun to my t-pose character and use the gun in-game with seeing my character's hands.

If you're using code, or an engine like UFPS, then you'd attach it with a gameobject.
If you want it to be part of the model/animation, you have to either acquire a model that has that already, or model it yourself.
I'd recommend that you search Google for it though, since it's more likely to have better answers for you.


neural network that gets a game turn and game state as input [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have seen this video: https://youtu.be/v9M2Ho9I9Qo?t=49
It’s about creating AI for “GO”
at 0:50 he talks about feeding a neural network a game state of go and a possible move of a player.
My question: what are the best way to feed the game state and the move. I know I can just feed the neural net all the game states after each possible move. But in the video, he said he feeds the move with the board state before the move.
how should it be done?
I think you need to understand policy-based methods. In policy-based methods we are trying to learn directly the policy function that maps state to action.(policy gradients and actor-critic method)

How to display a 3D model in flutter? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to display a 3D model in my application (whose file format is .obj) on my page. The user can rotate this model, like iOS's SceneKit, but I don't have any idea for this. Can anyone help me with how to handle 3D objects in flutter?
Can I build 3D (OpenGL) apps with Flutter?
Today we don’t support for 3D via OpenGL ES or similar. We have
long-term plans to expose an optimized 3D API, but right now we’re
focused on 2D.
you can check out this repo, but the performance is not really good. I think you can consider using texture to implement.

Unity 3d and blender horror game developing [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I`m trying to develope a horror game in blender and unity3d. The whole game will be in a house. I just wanna ask, where I should build that house in Unity or Blender? And where I have to texture it? Btw: I will maybe want to move some walls. Thank you.
I am a programmer not a modeler so I am no expert in this subject, but I would personally use one or the other depending on the style of my game assets. If my game assets were very simple and kind of cubic like in Minecraft or Unturned, then I would use Unity to create my assets. Otherwise if I wanted my assets to be more complex and detailed I would use blender.

Can anyone suggest a method to detect the eyelids? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have tried manual detection using LS polynomial fitting here. But that cannot be used in my project as mine has to be a fully automated system.
Take a look at the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform, or SIFT. This video explains it well. You "train" a detector with one or more images of eyelids, and the detector locates similar regions in the input images. It's the de facto general purpose feature detector - although more specialized tools like face detectors are faster.
The "Scale-Invariant" part means that it can detect the same object at different sizes and rotations.

Detecting taps on any surface by iPhone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing an app in which I need to put my iPhone on any surface and detect the taps on that surface. Please provide me any link or idea regarding that.
See sample code out there for using the accelerometer to detect movement.
Then test varying amounts of detected movement and determine what you think is "tap".
As a suggestion - you could use the accelerometer in the phone to detect vibrations. I'm not sure if it will be accurate enough for you, and you will need to do some processing of the results to filter for the correct type of vibration.
This isn't simple, so if you were hoping for some code or library to do this I don't think you'll find what you need.
If you do manage to do it, you could open source your implementation and help the next person who comes along.