Is it possible to add distribution profile to iPhone when building? - iphone

I can't add one to devices in xcode organizer...
When I build the app for release, should I choose simulator or device?

For releasing your application you can not use simulator , you have to specify device or distribution.
you can use simulator for only testing purpose in ur pc.

I didn't understand the question at all. But you need to choose "Device" for distribute your iPhone App, otherwise your App gets rejected before the Review has begun or it's not possible to use it for AdHoc.
For using an AdHoc Distribution Profile you need to register your Device in the iOS Developer Portal, and add it to your AdHoc Distribution Profile. Download it and drop it on the Xcode Icon. Choose the Code Signing Identities, add the Entitlements.plist, Archive your App, drop the IPA on iTunes and install it.
If you need more infos please leave a comment.

There is actually a complete tutorial for the process at iOS developer center. See:

You can not add a profile directly to your device. (Actually, I don't know if you can but its of no use really). You have to SIGN your app using a profile.
You can choose either simulator or device for building for RELEASE. Though simulator build will only work on simulators and are only good for testing on it using RELEASE settings (if any).


Could I submit app to appstore without ios device?

Today I want submit my app to app store, I created apple ID and prepared app for upload. I created Distribution Provisioning Profile and I prepared everything in xcode but when I change
iPhone Simulator 6.1 -> iOS Device (button archive is unavaible)
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: A valid provisioning profile matching the
application's Identifier 'com.etomek.Ukladanka' could not be found
I thought that I need Developer Provisioning Profile? But I don't have any iPhone/iPad
So Could I submit app to appstore without ios device ?
You do not need a device, and can archive when it's set to iOS Device. The best bet is to test on as many devices as you can, and archive when it's plugged in. Although when it says iOS Device, you can archive. The reason it's grayed out is probably an error in your provisioning profile or certificate. You may want to look under Organizer under profiles or under your build settings.
You need a development certificate for testing locally and distribution certificate for submission to the app store. You need to create a request in keychain then submit it using iTunes Connect, and then download the proper provisioning profiles and certs, and install it in XCode Organizer.
Best bet is to purchase a cheap device like an iPod Touch or iPhone, that can test most of your capabilities (iPod doesn't have most capabilities). You can compile for iPad with iPod or iPhone. So you just need an iOS device that can support your version 4.3+ or 5,6,7.
My previous answer was not correct, but this one is. Trausti was actually correct.
From Official Apple Documentation
To create an archive
For iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps, choose a generic device or your device name from the Scheme toolbar menu in the project editor.
You can’t create an archive of a simulator build. If a device is connected to your Mac, the device name appears in the Scheme toolbar menu. When you disconnect the device, the menu item changes to the generic device.
Choose Product > Archive.
The Archives organizer appears and displays the new archive.
So you don't need an iOS Device to create an archive and distribute it on the App Store or for beta/ad-hoc testing.
Yes, you can submit your app to app store without having a device.
The error you have is most likely because of incorrect name of your application.
No you can not. Also if you are wanting to do a clean distribution you will need to get a distribution license so you can do the distribution directly from xcode. Here is a good tutorial.,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store
You will need to have a device in order to submit:
You cannot archive the app if xcode is set to simulator
You do not have to run the app on the device, but you must connect
it in order to archive it. That is why the menu is not
avalaible(grayed out)
PS: Also , you do not want to submit an app wihtout testing it on a real
device, that's just my opinion though.

How to run an iOS Application on a real device

I had developed an iOS Application using PhoneGap Framework. It's working good and well in simulator. Now I would like to test it in real device i.e iPhone 5 with iOS 6.0. I Googled thoroughly. I have two ways: jailbreak the device (not acceptable to me) or bidding the account in Apple portal.
Is there any other way to test my device my application in real device? Is there anybody here to solve my issue?
The official way is to enter the iOS Developer Program (99$), so that you will get the possibility to create certificates and provisioning profiles required. You will also get the chance to distribute your apps through the App Store.
If you are not willing to do it, the other way is jailbreaking your device, which is basically a way to circumvent the need to use certificates for your apps. Your app would then be distributed through an alternative app store like Cydia (i.e, no Apple App Store).
A third option could be getting in touch with an iOS developer friend of yours, and ask him/her to build the app for your device, so you can install it through iTunes.
There are no other options.
You have to register for a developer certificate in Apple.Developer.Then create provisioning profiles and install it. Otherwise you cant install your app in a real device.
You can refer this link for more info

XCode needs to be installed every time to detect iOS devices! Why? Any Solution?

XCode needs to be installed on every start up to detect iOS devices. Otherwise devices didn't get detect. Why is it so? What to do? Any solutions?
You will have to register the UDID of every iOS device used for development, in the provisioning profile provided in apple developer account.
After registering the device, download the provisioning profile and add to your device.
Have you tried creating a new user on the system to see if it has the same issue? Perhaps there is a bad preference file somewhere.

How to install AdHoc IPA file to iPhone without backing up apps of iPhone?

I want to install an AdHoc IPA file to an iPhone, but I don't want to back up the apps of iPhone into iTunes, because the iPhone is not mine, and there are too many apps in it. Is that possible?
You could also use Xcode (at least Xcode 4, haven't tried it with earlier versions):
Open the Organizer and select 'Applications' under your device in the Devices tab. Now use the Add button to add your ipa to the device.
This web app may be what you need:
Take a look at Hockey, from the project description:
Hockey is a iOS Ad-Hoc updater framework. It can be used for all apps that target the Apple AppStore and improves the beta testing process dramatically. All beta testers. It consists of two components, a server and a client framework.
The server component is required for all scenarios. But it also can work standalone without the client library. It provides a web interface which beta testers can use to install the latest AdHoc provisioning profile and also the latest beta version via Safari right from the device. One server installation is able to handle multiple applications via different bundle identifiers
This procedure was published this morning, so I am not sure if it works as advertised. Basically it talks you through setting up Adhoc distribution OTA in something like ten easy steps.

How can I get a debug version of my iPhone app onto my iPhone?

I'm trying to get just ONE copy of my application on my real iPhone to test it. How can I do this without going through the appstore?
First, go to the program portal. From here, you should read through the program portal user guide and you can also launch the assistant to help you through the steps of configuring your project and workstation.
Assuming you have all your certs in order all you have to do is add the said phone to your list of development iPhones on the developer portal. Once you do that you will need to generate the provision file and assign it to the iPhone in the xcode organizer. For more information just reference the iPhone development documentation Apple provides on deploying your games onto development iPhones.