How to install AdHoc IPA file to iPhone without backing up apps of iPhone? - iphone

I want to install an AdHoc IPA file to an iPhone, but I don't want to back up the apps of iPhone into iTunes, because the iPhone is not mine, and there are too many apps in it. Is that possible?

You could also use Xcode (at least Xcode 4, haven't tried it with earlier versions):
Open the Organizer and select 'Applications' under your device in the Devices tab. Now use the Add button to add your ipa to the device.

This web app may be what you need:

Take a look at Hockey, from the project description:
Hockey is a iOS Ad-Hoc updater framework. It can be used for all apps that target the Apple AppStore and improves the beta testing process dramatically. All beta testers. It consists of two components, a server and a client framework.
The server component is required for all scenarios. But it also can work standalone without the client library. It provides a web interface which beta testers can use to install the latest AdHoc provisioning profile and also the latest beta version via Safari right from the device. One server installation is able to handle multiple applications via different bundle identifiers

This procedure was published this morning, so I am not sure if it works as advertised. Basically it talks you through setting up Adhoc distribution OTA in something like ten easy steps.


Install an iPhone app for testing without the App Store

I am a new iPhone developer and I have an app that I want to install on a tester's phone. This is to test before it gets submitted to the app store. I won't have access to the physical phone. I want to send them a package to install. First, is this possible? If so, what is the best way to go about it? Thanks.
Try using the Test Flight service.
The following services is used to Test the Beta Testing in Mobile Applications.
TestFlight - beta distribution of iOS apps (Not used jailbroken devices).
knappsack - It allows air installation of your apps
hockeyapp - It work All Platforms Except Blackberry
appblade - supports all three of the platforms you are looking for.
You can also generate an IPA file (Build and Archive / share) and send it to your tester. He will be able to install it to his device using Itunes.
If his device is not jailbroken then you will need to add his UDID to the mobile provisioning you are using to sign the application.
If you need more detail about anything, I will expand this answer.
Good luck!

Enterprise distribution apps on iOS, possible to drag and drop the ipa into iTunes?

Just curious, if I compile an app configured for enterprise distribution can I simply drag and drop the IPA built into iTunes then install it on an iDevice?
Yes, you can also set it up for wireless distribution. This is assumping you know how to build and code sign it with the correct provisioning profile. See this question for info on how to distribute it wirelessly.
iOS 4: wireless app distribution for in-house applications
Definitely possible. That used to be the regular way, until OTA came along in iOS 4.0. The app can be mailed to the user, or can be downloaded by her from intranet portal, which is then copied to iTunes and synced like an app store app.

How to install an iOS app programmatically?

I am working on pushing an application on to device.
I was able to download the ipa file (also related profile) programmatically.
The next thing that i have to do is to install this downloaded application file programmatically.
I have done a lot of search and found that sandboxing and other iOS limitations wont allow me to install this app.
I need to know is there a way to install iOS apps programmatically (code or scripts) on the device.
Android provides a mechanism to install apps programmatically using Intents.
Want to know if there is anything analogoues or similar to what Android provides in iOS
You can't, at least not from the device. (Caveat: I mean a non-jailbroken device.)
What you can do is make an IPA available on a website and download it to a device. This is how enterprise deployment works, and you can use the same trick for ad hoc builds.
There's a project on GitHub that automates this: BetaBuilder.
This probably isn't what you're looking for, but it's the closest that you can currently get as far as I'm aware.
You can install it programmatically from a Mac with this tool:
I've used it successfully.

Flash CS5.5 Iphone App OTA distribution and or sync without removing apps

I've been having some fun with Flash developing IOS apps. I currently have two devices provisioned but each device is synced with a different iTunes account. My work iPad and personal iPhone.
I'm currently using my work iPad as the testing device. Adding the .ipa to iTunes and syncing. It works great.
I would like to be able to add the .ipa file to my iPhone too, but iTunes will erase all my apps in order to sync and I don't want that.
Is there anyway to get around this?
Can I go about this using the over the air wireless distribution method? Flash has publish settings for adhoc deployment does this deal with OTA? Also don't you need a .plist file and to get OTA to work?
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
It is possible to distribute flash created IPAs using adhoc OTA distribution. Apple has information on creating the necessary manifest plist here. You do not need an enterprise developer account for this to work but you will need access to a web server to host the files and talk to the apple servers (this can be hosted locally). Once everything is set up you can visit the web server from your iPhone and download the app. We distribute internal testing builds using this system and it functions very nicely.

do iphone app beta testers need a developer's license?

I'd like to distribute my app to a beta tester (ad hoc distribution). Do they need to have the apple developer's license? Do they need a Mac? Or is it enough for them to just have iTunes?
also, is the ad hoc distribution process different for Xcode 4? I know the process for submitting it to the app store is different.
Taking your questions in order:
Beta testers don't need a developer licence.
Nor do they need a Mac.
They don't even need iTunes. (You can deploy via a link they open in Safari on the device itself.)
The process is somewhat different for Xcode 4. (It's quite a bit easier that said.) Whilst I don't like to link to off-site resources, there's a very good blog article that details ad-hoc provisioning using Xcode 4 at:
ad hoc distributin works via itunes. only the perso who makes the app needs a developer account. you will need to provision the app you make to all the devices you want it to install on. via itunes this involves the insane process of clicking on a long serial number which does not look at all clickable to reveal an even longer uuid.
not sure about xcode 4 compared to anything else. only ever used one version of xcode.
No, beta testers don't need to be registered developers.
To make beta testing of iOS apps really simple, please have a look at Hockey Framework:
Beta testers receive their test app over the air and the Hockey Framework even informs them automatically, when a new beta update is available OTA.
Additional reading:
No, they don't need a developer licence. Actually, if your user has iOS 4 or higher, they don't even need iTunes. You can use something like iOS Beta Builder. They do, however, need to tell you the UDID of their device. You can get that in iTunes or there are apps in the App Store that find it.
No, beta testers don't need to be approved iOS developers. You will still need to whitelist the UDID of the testers though.
I'd suggest you use Diawi to share your ad-hoc builds with beta testers wirelessly without iTunes, I've tried several solutions and I found it to be the simplest of the pack.
Also try to distribute your Adhoc builds. You can keep track of the installs and even crash logs.
P.S I don't work at testflight, but find it a lot helpful for beta testing.